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Development Management Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 12, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Development Management Sub-Committee of the City of Edinburgh Council convened on Wednesday, 12 June 2024, to discuss various planning applications and related matters. Key decisions and discussions from the meeting are summarized below.

Meadowbank Stadium Development

The committee reviewed an application for approval of matters specified in conditions at Meadowbank Stadium. The proposal includes residential development with commercial spaces. Concerns were raised about the environmental impact, particularly regarding the heat network and ecological considerations. The committee decided to continue the application to allow further information to be provided on these issues.

South Gilmerton Farm Development

The committee discussed an application for planning permission in principle for residential development at South Gilmerton Farm. The proposal includes the demolition of some existing buildings and the retention of others. Due to confusion about the extent of the demolition and the late publication of some documents, the committee decided to continue the application to seek clarity on these points.

140 Causewayside Student Housing

An application for student housing at 140 Causewayside was debated. The proposal includes 174 student bedrooms and associated amenities. Concerns were raised about the impact on the local community and the conservation area. The committee ultimately refused the application, citing issues with student concentration, impact on listed buildings, and non-compliance with various policies.

12 Newtoft Street Bed and Breakfast

The committee reviewed an application for a change of use from offices to a bed and breakfast at 12 Newtoft Street. The proposal includes 14 bedrooms and associated facilities. Concerns about traffic impact and noise were discussed, but the committee approved the application, noting that the impact would be negligible and the site is well-served by public transport.

South Gilmerton Farm Conservation Area Consent

Alongside the planning permission in principle for South Gilmerton Farm, the committee considered an application for conservation area consent to demolish buildings within the conservation area. Due to the same issues of confusion and late publication of documents, this application was also continued.

Other Applications

The meeting addressed various significant planning applications, with some decisions deferred to future meetings to allow for additional information and clarity.