Good evening, and welcome to this meeting of the Standards Committee.
Some committee members may be joining remotely.
Just to remind that ROKA attendance does not count for the purpose of Section 85 local
government tax, but in fact we have one more council's present.
I have received apologies from Jeremy Chambers, the monitoring officer, and also Tim Reeves
of political assistance and author of the report as items three in your agenda.
Are there any other apologies?
No other apologies received.
Just a little bit of housekeeping, just to bring you attention.
Thank you.
No, I didn't ask if there are any apologies, but we're going to parry up.
We're going to just raise you back.
Thank you.
Thank you, Councillor.
There are a few housekeeping matters, and I say the meeting is being recorded, and webcast
live on the Council website, please ensure a microphone is set to mute unless you are
If members or officers wish to speak at any point during the meeting, they will indicate
by raising their hand.
We are not expecting a planned evacuation this evening, but should the fire alarm go
off, please leave the building via the nearest safe exit and assemble outside cost of coffee
uncapped for the broad way.
Thank you.
I'd like to be now to turn to the agenda.
The first item are the minutes of the meeting of the 27th of March, 2024, and also of the
25th of May, 2023.
I'm going to move, can those minutes be agreed?
Do I have a seconder?
Thank you, Councillor.
One is in agreement, yes.
Thank you.
So I can confirm the minutes of both meetings have now been agreed.
Second item, as always, is decorations of interest.
Can I ask does any member of the committee need to declare an interest in the item before
us this evening?
No, no.
They have no interest declared.
Thank you.
And we've now come to the main item of tonight's meeting, and that is the proposal towards honorary
all-domantic titles.
I think, frankly, the report is self-explanatory.
The committee is recommended to propose to the Council that the following Councillors,
former Councillors are awarded the title of honorary all-domman, all-to-woman, or older.
And there's the choices that we have.
And those are, as you will see delineated in the report, Jim Mannery, Olga Jimmy, Adid
King, Meaning Nudge, and Stella Jeffrey.
I brief some of their contributions to public life is also set out in the report that you
all have.
If this committee agrees, the proposed nominations will be recommended at Council at the EGM on
the 15th of May this year.
I'd just like to ask, are there any questions relating to the item three, the proposal?
Yes, do you want to?
I just have a question, this is my own curiosity.
How often do we nominate older, older men, older women?
I'm just curious.
I believe this is one of the first times we've ever done it.
So, there's such a precedent here, Councillor Bourn.
So, yes, I mean, certainly at the length of time I'm in the division, we haven't had
They aren't reasonably common use in other councils and other boroughs and other parish
councils, so on, across the country that there have not been any in the division before.
So this is a new proposal, and hence it's coming here, hence it needs to be an EGM for
Thank you for the question.
Any other questions or points of clarification?
Thank you.
Yes, sorry.
I'm going to see you.
It's a very minor point, Chair.
I notice on the recommendation, Para 2.1, Councillor Mallory's surname I think has been
So, presumably if it goes to Council, it needs to be corrected.
Well spotted, thank you.
It's only a minor thing, but...
No, it's important to get it correct, and thank you very much for spotting that, so
we'll make sure the inundation is made.
Thank you.
Any other comments or spotting or picking online?
No, thank you.
So first of all, I just want to ask if the accretia agrees that these proposed nominations
be recommended to Council at the EGM on 15th of May.
We have a proposal, agreed, and I think that is universal.
I'm just checking in online, yes, universal, thank you.
I'd like to therefore confirm that the proposal to award honoree on demonic titles, the first
of which will be to Jim Mallory, and the corrected spelling will be ensured, of a Jimi Adi Farani
mailing nage, and Stella Jeffrey will be recommended to Council at the EGM on 15th of May.
Thank you very much for your attendance, and that actually concludes this evening's meeting.
Thank you.
Thank you, Jim.