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Development Management Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 10.00 am

May 15, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting discussed two main topics: a significant development proposal at Ocean Drive in Leith and a smaller mixed-use development at Portobello High Street.

The Ocean Drive development involves two large blocks, one for residential use and the other for student accommodation. The committee debated the impact on daylight, noise, and the suitability of the location for students. Concerns were raised about the amenity for future occupants, particularly students, and the overall design and height of the buildings. Despite these concerns, the application was approved with conditions to improve cycle parking and ensure healthcare contributions.

The Portobello High Street development involves replacing two existing shop units with a five-story building that includes retail space on the ground floor and residential units above. The committee discussed the impact on the conservation area, the provision of a new footpath, and the overall design. The application was approved with conditions to improve cycle parking and informatives to engage with the local school on safe routes and investigate further improvements to the footpath.