Licensing Committee - Tuesday, 23rd April, 2024 7.00 pm

April 23, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The council meeting focused on a licensing committee's decision regarding an application by Sip City Lounge for extended operational hours and other license variations. The committee heard representations from the applicant, the police, a community safety officer, and local residents.

Decision: Extension of Operational Hours Sip City Lounge applied to extend their operational hours for alcohol sales, recorded and live music, and late-night refreshments. The applicant argued that previous events under temporary permissions did not result in complaints and that noise control measures were sufficient. Objectors, including local residents and police, raised concerns about noise, public nuisance, and previous mismanagement. The decision's implications hinge on balancing business interests with community peace and safety.

Additional Information The meeting was notable for its detailed discussion on the impact of the venue's operations on local residents, highlighting the community's sensitivity to noise and disturbances. The police and residents provided evidence of past disturbances attributed to the venue, while the applicant emphasized recent improvements and compliance efforts. The debate underscored the ongoing tension between nightlife businesses and residential tranquility in urban settings.