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Licensing and Regulatory Committee - Tuesday, 21st May, 2024 10.00 am

May 21, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting primarily focused on the election of a new chair and vice-chair, followed by discussions on the statement of gambling policy and proposals for casinos. There were also routine items such as apologies for absence, declarations of interest, and the confirmation of previous meeting minutes.

  1. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair:

    • Councillor Thomas was elected as the new chair without opposition.
    • Tony Easton proposed and Councillor Riley seconded the nomination for the vice-chair. There were sound issues during the nominations, but they were resolved.
  2. Statement of Gambling Policy and Proposals for Casinos:

    • Linda O'Gorman, the licensing officer, presented the report on the review of the statement of gambling policy, which needs to be in place by January 31, 2025.
    • The policy will go through a consultation period from June 1 to August 31, 2024, and will be reviewed by the licensing and regulatory committee on September 17, 2024. It will then be presented to the full council on October 24, 2024, for final approval.
    • The council has historically passed resolutions against entertaining casinos, and this stance will be reviewed again.
    • Councillor Alastair Neil inquired about any unique aspects of Monmouthshire's policy compared to other Welsh policies. Linda O'Gorman confirmed that the policy is consistent with others and follows a template from the Gambling Commission.
    • Councillor Christopher Edwards asked about the consultation process and the definition of interested parties. Linda O'Gorman explained that the consultation is widespread and includes various groups, and that close to the premises is assessed on a case-by-case basis.
    • Councillor Tony Eason asked about the presence of casinos in Gwent and the trend for casino-type facilities. Linda O'Gorman clarified that there are no casinos in rural areas and that adult gaming centres are different from casinos.
    • Councillor Armand Watts raised concerns about the impact of gambling on mental health and whether the council is doing enough to support those affected. Linda O'Gorman and David Jones, another officer, explained that they work closely with public health colleagues and have regular training on gambling issues.
  3. Routine Items:

    • Apologies for absence were noted, with Councillor Watts joining the meeting late.
    • No declarations of interest were made.
    • The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed and signed.
  4. Exclusion of Press and Public:

    • The meeting concluded with a confidential item, leading to the exclusion of the press and public. The meeting began with the election of Councillor Thomas as the new chair. The main topic discussed was the review of the statement of gambling policy and proposals for casinos.

Statement of Gambling Policy and Proposals for Casinos

Linda O'Gorman, the licensing officer, presented the report on the review of the statement of gambling policy. The policy needs to be reviewed every three years and must be in place by January 31, 2025. The proposed timeline includes a consultation period from June 1 to August 31, 2024, with the final draft to be reviewed by the Licensing and Regulatory Committee on September 17, 2024. The policy will then be presented to the full council on October 24, 2024, and published by January 31, 2025.

The policy includes a section on casinos, and the council has consistently passed resolutions against entertaining the idea of casinos. This decision must be reaffirmed at the full council to ensure that if a casino license becomes available, the council can decide whether to proceed with an application.

Councillor Alliston asked if there were any unique elements in the Monmouthshire policy compared to other Welsh policies. Linda O'Gorman confirmed that the policy is consistent with others across Wales and follows a template provided by the Gambling Commission.

Councillor Christopher Edwards inquired about any interest or applications for casinos since the last policy adoption. Linda O'Gorman confirmed that Monmouthshire is known as a no casino county and there has been no interest in establishing casinos in the area. Councillor Edwards also asked about the definition of interested parties and close to the premises. Linda explained that there is no specific vicinity test, but any detrimental effects on nearby areas, such as schools, would be considered.

Councillor Tony Eason asked about the presence of casinos in the rest of Gwent and the trend for casino-type facilities. Linda clarified that the nearest casino is in Cardiff and that Monmouthshire does not see a trend for casinos. She also explained the difference between adult gaming centres and casinos.

Councillor Ramin Watts raised concerns about the impact of gambling on mental health and whether council officers had sufficient training to address these issues. Linda O'Gorman and David (another officer) explained that while they are not mental health experts, they do receive training and work closely with public health colleagues. They also mentioned that they would refer any significant issues to the safeguarding team.

Councillor Simon Howarth moved to take the document to its six-week consultation period and then bring it back to the full council for adoption. This motion was seconded by Councillors Tony Eason and Christopher Edwards and was agreed upon by the committee.

The meeting concluded with the decision to move to item seven, which involved the exclusion of the press and public for a confidential issue.