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Licensing Sub Committee - Tuesday, 14th May, 2024 2.30 p.m.
May 14, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
and I am the chair of this licence of committee. This meeting will hold in absent with some possibility of joining online today. This meeting will hold by working live via council website. I will ask everyone to introduce their self-shortly, but before I do that, we would like to briefly confirm this protocol of this addressing meeting. I must address their meeting for myself as a chair. The committee members and officers present may simply raise their hand and indicate which to speak. I will come to you in the order I receive the action. My role here is to provide legal advice to the Councillors. Thank you. Congratulations to members interres page 678, do you member of any declaration of interest? No, it is not here. Okay, rule of procedure page 918, can members please note that rule of the procedure? Thank you, Chair. We have firstly five EN. Today, Chair, we have the applicant being represented by Mr. Reese Rose and Mr. John Rad Kurdie, who is also present. We also have persons who have made representation joining us via online, Mr. Jason Smith and Mr. Jason Thompson. James Thompson, sorry. After the application has been presented, the applicant will be invited to speak and will be given a total of five minutes to make their representation. The object will also be given a total of five minutes to make their representation. I will let each speaker know when they have one minute remaining. Please note that the subcommittee have read the agenda to pack in advance. Thank you. Can I now ask Moshan Ali Licensing Officer to introduce the report, please. Thank you. Thank you, Chair, the report currently in front of view is for a new premises license application for Lucia's unit, 507, Queen's Yard by Post Lane and an E95EN. The application is in front of view because you have representation from the registered owner of Queen's Yard. Going for the report in Appendix 1, you'll see a copy of the application form. This is pages 46 to 61, 3.4 of the report shows you the license work to be on the timings that have been applied for. Appendix 2, page 63 is a site plan. Appendix 3, page 65 is maps of the surrounding area. Appendix 4, pages 67 to 70 are details of other license venues in the immediate vicinity. Appendix 5, pages 72 to 73 gives you home of his guidance in relation to relevant representations. Appendix 6 shows you the representation of Hatton Garden properties limited. This is pages 875 to 81. 7.0 of the report shows you the conditions that have been offered by the applicant. These are available to you. Should you wish to add them as conditions if the application is granted. Appendix 7, these are the conditions that have been already agreed with the police. Pages 83 to 85. 8.1 shows you those agreed conditions. The members are given general advice from the home of his guidance, the kinds of license and policy and other relevant legislations. These are appendices 8 to 15, pages 87 to 109. That is a summary of the report and as members of any further questions, thank you. Do you remember any question in the license of his office? Thank you. Can I now ask the applicant to represent their application, please? After the chair and committee, my name is Reese Rose, I am representing on behalf of Joe and Rashlan Group Limited, and I just want to tell you a little bit about the application and where we have got to with attempting to deal with the representations made. We discussed pre-app with the Met Police, the hours and the timings and the activities that we were looking to apply for, and they said that we put the application in and we invited them to add additional conditions. Post application and before the end of the representation period, the Met Police offered us with officers voluntary additional conditions which we have accepted. We have also spoken with the Fire Brigade and Environmental Protection team who have come back with no representations because they have no concerns regarding the application. After the rep period closed and before the hearing, we have sent the details of all of this communication to the objector. Just to make ourselves clear, Lucy's is a very small food-led restaurant, it's not another music venue going in the Queen Yard or anything that really concerns the Environmental Protection team in terms of public nuisance, there's no scope for it ever becoming a music venue because it's so small, it's on sales only which means there will be no drinking off in the front of the street which addresses one of the concerns raised in the representation. The Fire Brigade, like I said, have not raised any issue with escape or access issues due to the very small capacity of the premises. We put all this through to the objectors and they did not fail but the additional information was sufficient for them to withdraw the rep. In addition to this, the rep talks about some land access issue which are believable outside of the Licensing Act and if it needs to be discussed, it should be done in the correct court of law, not here, and it should be between our landlord and the owner of Queen Yard, not just directly, so basically, we don't think that should be considered as part of the decision-making process for this application but a little bit of legal advice and that would be great. We're here to answer any questions you've got and help out in any way that we can, like I said, it's probably about 30-40 capacity maximum, the whole of the premises and it's just a very small tacos and food-led operation, basically. Thank you for time, let us know if you can do anything else to help you out. We now have the objectors that are online, so we have Jason Smith and James Thompson. Can you confirm who will be speaking? Yeah, James will be speaking. Okay, perfect. Thank you. James, you have up to five minutes starting from now. Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for your time, bananas, to make these representations. As you know, we're here on behalf of haven't gotten proxy limited, just to centre our objections to this licence, 43 white post-lane, and we're representing the area of the rest of Queen Yard. As you've received from the pack, this is a very small unit, but they gain access over that unit through our private land, and our main concern, while we have objected to this, is public safety. Today, they had a pedestrian ride to weigh over that access to their property, but because they are so small, they are going to inevitably spill out onto that private land, which is our emergency access, access for both public aid ambulances, any other emergency reason. We come down that road. So you can just imagine what's going to happen in that bar, is they're going to be having some tacos and whatever else they're going to be eating and drinking and spinning out onto that public access way, uncontrolled and unsupervised, and that, in our mind, is going to make a serious public safety nuisance, and we're very concerned that with all the other activities going on at Queen Yard, there are going to be some clashes, and the customers of that new unit are 43 white post-lane, they're going to clash with everyone else on that side, and they're going to clash with emergency services when they turn up, which is very very concerned, because their unit is so small, they have to go on that little roadway to eat their tacos and drink their drinks. It's just not going to work, and from a public safety perspective, it's going to be a huge hazard. Also, in terms of the litter and everything else, the congestion is going to go on there. I just don't believe it's a good idea, and we do object to that. We also, it's not being very clear by that, how the deliveries are going to work within their science. They are even going to come down that main road, causing more hazards and access points coming down that main room with lots of pedestrians, other people who are attending the bars and clubs in that vicinity. Again, I just don't believe that's a safe way of operating that premises. It just relies on other people's land to use that small bar, which is not practical. Obviously, as the applicant said, that's not for this call today, but that's something we will need to be discussing. You won't be able to use that bar if that does come to fruition. Obviously, for a premises license, it shouldn't be granted, it can lead to public nuisance, and that includes noise, that includes odour, litter and light pollution. The operation of this premises license, we believe, will lead to increased noise and disturbances affecting the rights of nearby residents to enjoy their property peacefully. It's very interesting that this applicant has already submitted an objection to another shadow license to the Queen's Yard Theatre on the other side of the yard, where they have said that the Queen's Yard Theatre have been a very long time, and they are a valued part of the Queen's Yard community. They have said in their objection to that application that they don't want to see more people coming to Queen's Yard late at night, which massively increases the danger of drunkenness and sorting the area with urinating in the streets and littering. That's a quote from their objection, and yet, somehow, they want to then add to that with 30 or 40 more people, as the applicant has just said, to do exactly those same things. It just strikes me slightly focusing to do that. I don't need to use the whole five minutes, but it's just in conclusion, we do strongly object for the grounds of public safety, prevention, nuisance and protection of property rights, and we urge you kindly to take account of these things and reject the application. Thank you very much for listening to us. Thank you. Now a member who will be opportunity to ask questions, do members have any questions for the either party? Can I just start with the objectives, please? You mentioned a number of things that you're objecting to. Is there any previous experience you're going through to accept a venue such as this one or are we mentioned, is there a previous history to it, or are we just... No, we don't know the applicant, there's no previous history, we haven't communicated with them about the rights away, so this is the first time we've had any correspondence with them. The building, sorry, it's Jason Smith, the building in question was built without planning permission, the owner then subsequently asked for planning permission, which the local authority objected to, and actually got planning on a technicality at appeal. The landing question was the service yard to the main building, which has now been encroached upon, and that in part is causing a lot of the problems because the property would have historically, the main property would have historically been serviced from its own service yard, which in that no longer house, there's my right colleague James pointing out to you in our submission, that deliveries and then is such will now take place on our land, our private land, and that causes us the mighty concern. Just because of a safe issue, that lane is very narrow, so Laurie's coming up and down and delivering things, it is tough, emergency services coming down, and if you ever go there late tonight, there are five or six pedestrians, shoulder and shoulder, walking up down that accessway at any one time after six, seven o'clock, and particularly a football night when the West Ham games are playing is absolutely jam packed, that accessway is jam packed with people shoulder to shoulder. Thank you, just one more question, you also mentioned about public nuisance as well, so when you say public nuisance, is it because of the timing or this to do is just an overall general public nuisance you're talking about, or you're talking about any such timing with the premises? I think just throwing it to what Queen's Yard is, it just adds to that, it's nothing specific, it's just a general public nuisance spinning out and it's stopping the emergency vehicles coming out, stopping the deliveries coming in and out, and causing those clashes outside their bar which is just at the start of the accessway. Thank you. Thank you Chair, thank you, applicant and also objector for the beautiful presentation. You mentioned about public safety, I can see there is a licensing officer's comments on appendix 12, so there is so many majors taking over there on the public safety, could you clarify what concerning is about ours, is about the premises or is about the road or what about the public safety, is outside of the premises or instead of the premises, this is doing our sort of process. To do the coming outside of the premises, so 30-40 people I think they talked about coming out of those premises and not being controlled or supervised because I don't believe they get that number of people inside their unit. The currency you're appendix 3, which is the plan of the area, the property that's highlighted on that is actually one of our properties, that's unit 14, the subject premises is a much smaller premises to the left-hand side of the highlighted property. As James, my colleague points out and the applicant really admits it's a very small unit which indeed is and it simply can't have that many people in it, we don't believe. The appendix 3 plan shows the proof property, which is not the subject property, it's twice three times the figure, it's nearly 8,000 square feet and I can't remember how big this unit is but it's in the hundreds of feet. So it's 10, 12 times bigger, I think people need to bear in mind the actual size of the subject property. Thank you, just to understand, because the public safety on the road surrounding the area is not responsible for the owners, is there a responsibility for the initial behavior team and other public bodies, so could you clarify what is the distance, you know, the surrounding it, what is the distance between the premises and the roads, so if you could kind of clarify a bit more? I'm never very good with distances but the applicant will correct me if I'm wrong but it's probably 20 metres plus, perhaps 30 metres to the public highway and to get there you indeed cross private, the owned land, the owner of the applicant's building has access rights but that's to pass and reparts, it's not to stop and to cause any form of nuisance and of course, because this building is being built essentially in what was the service yard, there is no longer an opportunity really to park satisfactorily vehicles in said service yard to do the unloading, take the rubbish away, that's all. Councillors interjecting. Thank you, just to Moshy, Oli, it's an A40, you know, you have the licence officers comments there's a few bullet points there, I have the licence application, how do you relate this to, I mean, these points you state there, how do you relate this to this application, there's a place 40 per month, 9.1. So, was that directed at us, sorry, Ms. Herndt? No, it's for the licence officer. Oh, sorry, sorry. I mean, how do you release these tips to this current application, but you know, you have some, the comments there, which is, it says, should only apply this is, that whole premises licence of 22nd year, can you just explain this little bit more, please. So, if this is where the premises has, does it exist in licence, does it exist in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence and do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence , do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence , do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence , do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do you remember any question for licence officer? No. Okay, Mr Monso, you have five minutes, thank you. Thank you. So this application was made after, we've been trading for three years and we're predominantly a small kitchen inside an existing restaurant, so it's under one premises, 141. We were, the 141 has the licence for late by licence, so we were not aware because we've been new in the business. Once the officers came around, we were aware that we can't be trading after 11 o'clock, we changed our whole method of business, we applied by everything that they requested in terms of trading until 11 o'clock, there's been police officers that come and visited, they even saw that we closed accordingly. We made several changes to our business, to satisfy the needs of the council, such as giving additional posters for our customers, additional timing limits, rubbish collection, etc. So as you can see with the representation, we've made many, many adjustments. The objector, unfortunately, is about 300 metres away from our premises, so I don't know, and he lives, as you can see on my statement, the gentleman lives above another burger shop and another pizza shop who operates on a later licence, so we couldn't see what the objection was in terms of nuisance and general waste. We abide by that and we monitor that on a regular basis. For example, I've changed my delivery access from night to morning, I've changed my staffing from 2 to 3, so they can monitor, we've also liaised with the police, as Mr. Washington said, and everything, and we've abide by every rules and regulation that has been provided to us. We are underneath a very big residential premises, none of them have objected, so I'm just going to leave you out of that because I've written everything on my statement for you to read and I've listed many, many points that we've changed to go forward and to move forward with this licence. Thank you. Thank you. Now, member, I would have an opportunity to ask any question. Thank you, applicant, for your presentation. I can see there are so many conditions agreed. Just want to know, one of the warning letter has been served to your business, so it could be something to clarify. What is for? The warning letter for late night refreshments or so we were not aware, so we received that warning letter, that was our first provisional warning letter, so that's when we started making changes, that's when we were notified of that we didn't have a licence, we needed a licence. It was only me, it wasn't much of our difference, it was just a one-hour difference. Regardless of that, we weren't obviously, we were notified we weren't abiding by the rules, so we changed our method based on that warning and that was our first written response that we've had to notify us we didn't have the licence. We thought we can go by the premises of the impressed restaurant which were inside, but unfortunately because we're two different businesses, we have to have our own, that was the issue. We weren't aware of that, but we made changes to be of that. One more question to officers, I believe you have served the notice to business, is there any particular records of evidence or any particular issues raised by the residents, any particular nuisance or any initial behaviour out of the premises? Yes. In terms of the representation is what we have in relation to the history, so from a licence and warning view, the application was looked at in terms of the history, as Apikna said, there was a warning letter sent, after the warning letter was sent, they complied with our request, we then went unchecked and found them to be complying, therefore no representation was made because we found a compliant. There was no previous complaint to the other than the one that you see in the representation. Motionally, as mentioned, all the responsible through this have been consulted about this issue. All this you have, is there any concern, any replies came to you in regards to this application, any of these authorities, something they are allowing? So usually the main responses come from the police, the noise team, in this case the representation was from the police, the applicant had agreed to the conditions, the police have offered, and also the noise team that have offered, which satisfied their concerns, and then they did not make any further representation, and therefore they deemed as, there was agreed conditions with satisfied their concerns. Question two, applicant, could you clarify, the late-no refreshment would be indoor or outdoor. So we are just a ghost kitchen, so we are just a kitchen, so we serve soft drinks and hot food burgers through the alleyway. So our kitchen door and the customer order door is on the alleyway, so they knock the open, we take the order, we give them, but it's all take away, so yeah, if that answers your question. Yes, we have one more question. You mentioned your premises within a big complex or within a big partial area, what sort of other uses inside that premises or within this premises. Okay, so just to give you a history, during COVID we opened, so it was a restaurant, we split the kitchen into two and made a whole kitchen with no other access, our access as fire doors, etc, fire exits. The restaurant operates till 11 o'clock, and they are solely strict with that, and so they have, it's an Indian restaurant, and we have just the kitchen at the back, and it's two separate kitchens, basically. We have our own access, we have our own waste collections, etc, everything, our own customers come through, that way they have their own access. They are on the high street, we are on the alleyway, basically. Also, in terms of other businesses or premises, what sort of uses are there? That's it, it's just awesome. From your business, what's on top? Upstairs is residential, it's Airbnb, which is the same landlord as us, he's given it to someone else, and they made it into Airbnb. But that's our next door, is a estate agent, again they got residents upstairs. Behind us is a company called Polytech, they have, I think about 20 flats, and their access gate is where our main door is. So, our customers are waiting there, but they haven't made no representation in terms of objecting. Thank you. Now, moving to conclude and remark, a quick one minute, if you want to say something. So, it's just basically going through my statement, and just wanted to say that we made all the changes possible, and I don't think we can do any further in terms of customers with even put CCTV's in. Now, this little alleyway, we keep it clean, because we liaise with the residents, like I said, at the end, even our customers. They don't have issues, we keep it clean, prior to us arriving, there used to be urination, alcoholic behaviour, all sorts of disorder. We've literally sorted that out. I've got petitions there from those residents and local businesses that, you know, conclude with us in terms of why we shouldn't. And there's a lot of tourists that come by. So, as a small business, we thrive on to these tourists, because we're so local to town, that's basically it. And like I said, the gentleman lives above two other takeaways, which is 300 metres away. So, I didn't see the point of the subject, the objection. And that's it. Thank you. Thank you for your contribution. Today, the subcommittee will deliver a five per session after this meeting. And some of the members of this will write to you in five working days. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. For this application, we have Sandra Vallejo, as the applicant who's present. And we have no objectives present today. They've given their apologies. So, therefore, members, please note their written objection within the agenda pack. After the application has been presented, the applicant will be invited to speak and will be given a total of five minutes to make their representation. I'll let you know when you have one minute remaining. Please note that the subcommittee have read the agenda pack in advance. Thank you. Mosh, and if you can just introduce the report. Yes, Chair. This application is for a new premises license application, a local cafe, a four-second steamers road. The application is in front of you because you've got representations from local residents. Going through the report, Appendix 1, we'll show you the copy of the application form, which is pages 196 to 218. 3.4 of the report shows you the license activities and timings that we applied for. Appendix 2 shows you the site plan on page 220. Appendix 3 shows you the maps of the area, page 222. Photographs of the venue is pages 224 and 225. Other license venues is in pages 227 to 229. The representations can be found in pages 231 and 233. You've got conditions that have been agreed with in remot protection. These are in pages 235 to 237. Then, finally, members are given advice from the Home Office, Council's License and Policy, and other relevant legislations in between appendices 9 to 15, which is pages 239 to 259. That's the summary of the report. There's members. I have many further questions. Thank you. All right. Do members have any questions about license officer? Can I ask applicants to present their application? You've got a five-minute santa. I have a small calf, nearly two years, and my community is all small people, like ten tables, and I would like to do it as like sometime, afternoon tea, because mom's sometime coming and opening hours I try to keep you now till nine o'clock in the evening. Is that possible? From 11 till nine, but coffee shop is usually open from eight in the morning. There is no -- I don't have no any single problem in there for two years. No, no, any complaints, nothing from customers from outside people from no one. So, I'm not expecting to know bar there, nothing just as small as a wine bar, let's say. Thank you, chair. The sale by retail of alcohol on sales only, just mentioned, and our Monday to Sunday 11 to 10, right? On the next paragraph, you said, just mentioned Friday from 11 to
- Is it correct? So 11 to 4? Or maybe it was mistake. Our premises are open to public on Friday from 11 to 16. Maybe it was a dumb mistake. Okay, so it's a mistake. So, santa, do you want to confirm the hours that you wanted? Yes, 11 to 9. 21. So, you see, is that one of the hours from your side or the side? Just looking at the application, it looks like our application is stating it's 11 to 2,200 hours, which is correct in the application. Hours open to the public is also -- I think there was an error. Yes, it is. But I think I'll try to correct it. Okay. So, are you now saying that the sale of alcohol is from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.? So, you're formally amending your application. Yes. Okay. And your closing time would that still be 11 to 9 p.m. as well or 11 to 10 p.m.? No. The online o'clock. Okay. Thank you. Any other correction? Thank you, Chair. You mentioned on the program 7, I think so many conditions over there. I mentioned you will just monitor all the CCTB cameras. There will be a recording device over there and you will monitor all the activities on a daily basis. According to GDPR, so what measure are you taking place? Is there any particular office that will be there or how you can monitor, how you can implement such policies that there will be a safety, everything will be there? Basically, I have to check for the ID check from 21 years alcohol can be safe. So, it's only -- it's me who is going to work there. Okay. Do you remember any question for license officer? Right there. Can I ask applicant to represent their application? Oh, sorry. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Now moving to collision remark, applicant one minute. If you want to say something, yeah? No. All right. Thank you for your contribution today. Your subcommittee will be delivered after five session after this meeting and some of you will demogreso have a right to read them for five working days. Thank you. Thank you very much. Chair, and we do have item number five, but I would like to ask Chair if we can change the order of business and consider item number six first and then do number five right at the end. So, applicant for the temporary event and notice for the private work unit for a Queens year for degree whiteboard land London E95EM. Thank you, Chair. For this application, we have the applicant present in person and that's Mr. Keenan Bali and we also have Rita Craddock who is representing the environmental protection today. After the application has been presented, the applicant will be invited to speaking, will be given a total of five minutes to make their representation. The object will also be given a total of five minutes to make their objection. I'll let each speak and know when they have one minute remaining. Please note that the subcommittee have read the agenda packing advance. Thank you. Can I ask the motionary license officer to introduce your report please? I'll just give you a brief summary as it's a very short report. The copy of that occasion is in appendix one. It's a temporary events notice. A copy of the map is in appendix two and a copy of the environmental representation, which is an objection to the ten is in appendix three. I mean, that's simply my report there because it's all very brief. Thank you. Do you remember any question to license officer? No, thank you. Can I ask applicant to present your application? Firstly, thank you very much. Firstly, thank you very much. I'm really really for these things. I'm very apologise if I make any technicality mistakes. We just take the displaces like four months ago. We're planning to make some kind of art place. Me and my wife, we've just been done everything inside the buildings together. We don't work any other contract or anyone else. We've been collecting nearly two and a half years for the old art pieces and so many things. We've always been around the Queen's yards and everywhere. We've got lots of friends around and stuff. We always struggle and find some place to sit down and talk and eat the food like breakfast or lunch or taking the kids there. We always struggle for that because most places are just like kind of braveries and bars and stuff. This idea is start from there. Then after we find this place and downstairs is a fully art piece and stuff and quite and we opened a nice kitchen in there cooking like an open buffet salad bars and kind of things and steaks and kids' menus and other activities. We've got lots of friends and they're making the arts and kind of things. We always struggle and find some place to make it show up some things like kind of things. That's why ideas start then and we made it this place. Our solisters and other teams, they made this application because they said if you want to open the music upstairs so you have to put this application and I said okay, to be honest, I have no clue what they've done it and I have no parties, no planning anything, just they've done it this party. I said okay, I'm going to come here to explain myself. We've got no any bookings or if you want to cancel this, you can't do that, no problem. Just like this kind of thing, that's why I came here to explain myself and if I did any mistake, I apologize again. This is all I can say. Now, remember we're off. Oh, yes, sorry. We're going to take this. Sorry, I'll take it in five minutes. Thank you. My name is Rita Craddock and I'm representing the Environmental Protection Team today. We're concerned that the application may have an impact on noise premises, the licensing objective we're concerned about is public nuisance and the cumulative effect of noise, impact on the community with another premises open late in the area. My colleague who submitted the objection feels that the application as it stands fails to meet the licensing objective in relation to public nuisance. There was a concern about noise breakout from the venue, access and egress from patrons and certainly from patrons leaving that are likely to be in high spirits and the hours of operation. We also are concerned about transport and for patrons leaving the venue as the bus services are not operational after 1 AM and some other services such as the DLR and the overground may not be operational after 1 AM. So, yeah, there may be some patrons in the area awaiting transport and potentially causing noise in the area. That's what I need to say. Thank you, Chair. I have a question to the manager. Is there any license? Yes, they currently there is no license in place. But there is an application, I think, that should be on 18th of July, 2024. Chair, can I have a look and come back to you in this? Chair, I just wanted to confirm, Fabrik, have put in an application for the licensing subcommittee and that's due to be considered on the 18th of July. However, that's in the process and it hasn't been heard and I believe there's been objections made to the application so therefore it will be coming to the subcommittee for full consideration. Yes, so it's the application relates to the similar thing and the same applicant. I have received the paperwork, but I believe Mr Ali is having a look. I just want to see. I believe this is a prominent application, which is likely to come to your attention and future. I think that's the current position on that. There is an application between the eight of people. That's the one we're working on the hearing for. There are objections to that one. However, this is obviously a separate application, so we will have to deal with them separately. I just wanted to clarify, a separate application I believe is the same applicant. Now moving to the completely remote objector one minute. You have one minute to make any last comments, do you? I'd like to say first is about the first application I made it and it was, I put it on in February and it was clear on the April. Then after the council is asking me, nicely just change it to another application because of the previous peoples, they get so many conditions for the premises licensing. They said, you have, but if you don't mind to change it, put a new one. I said, okay, I'm going to work with the council. As I said, I'm not like that people or other previous boss or who always neighbors. I can't do it. That's why this is the second application we put it on. It was that we complain this came is on the 4th May, it's normally biggest festival in the Hackney. That time they came. I see the people who take the videos and pictures. None of them is about me. It's a sound very far away. They took some pictures of the rubbish and some sound come from our neighbors. They running the business till 4 AM, like the color factory they call them. They done the terrace and they got DJ at that time there. I'm waiting the hearing dates for that and other than that, as I said, I have no previous activities or anything. Next day of the festival, I clean all the yards. They are calling me Mr. Tidy now because I'm fast for the cleaning and I respect all my neighbors. As I said, for the families and other people, very important for me. We already agree with the licensed officer Mark Perry's about the timings and other things. Environment agency already clarified for the times or how many people they can wait outside or not. We already agree with them, everything. It says I can't just work. Whatever you guys have to say to me, I don't just follow the rules. I don't want to do anything else. Thank you very much. So just to clarify on that, the correction is that there is a license in place. The application that was put in, it was technically a new application. When you have a substantial variation, you can put in a new application. So in this case, technically, it should have been a variation because it's coming as a new application. It's being dealt with as a new application. But they do have existing license in place. I believe they're trying to tidy up older conditions and flow more. If that is issued, then you'll look much cleaner and better. So just to clarify, there is a license in place. Again, that application will be dealt with separately as a variation in another hearing. Thank you. It is objector one minute, yeah? They don't have any further comments. Thank you. Now moving to the concluded remarks. Thank you for your confusion today. The subcommittee will be delivered the private session after this meeting. And Sami, the metro service will write to you if I work in this. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. For this application, we have Mr. Robert Sutherland representing the applicants. And we believe we have Dave Nevitt who's joining us online. And we, in terms of the objectives, we have a retail credit for environmental protection. After the application has been presented, the applicant will be invited to speak and will be given a total of five minutes to make the representation. The objective will also be given five minutes to speak. I will let you speak and I will have one minute remaining. Thank you, Chair. Can I ask a motion, Ali, licensed officer, to introduce your report, please? Thank you, Chair. This application, as I know, is in front of you because you have an objection from the environmental protection, the noise team. Appendix 1 shows you the copy of the application. This is in the supplemental agenda, pages 32 to 40. Appendix 2 shows it in that, which is 42. Appendix 3 shows the objection, which is page 44. In addition, you have a supplemental and then just submitted by the applicant that submitted, I believe, last night. It was very late in the day, which has been circulated to the noise team. They may wish to expand on how much time they have had to digest the information. It was submitted very late, so they may wish to expand on how much time they have had to digest that information. That's simply a temporary man's notice report. Members of any further questions? Thank you. Do you remember any question about the license officer? Can I ask the applicant to return to your applicant, please? Five minutes. Chair, thank you. Can I apologize for the lateness of documents? It's unfortunate that the nature of the temporary vent notice hearings means that sometimes things are done very last minute. Can I also apologize that Mr. Blueitt isn't able to be here? Unfortunately, he had a pre-arranged medical appointment and has had to go to the hospital for that. In relation to the temporary vent notice, Chair, can I first of all indicate that given the comments from environmental health, I would look to amend the application for the temporary vent notice to reduce the hours, so that they end at 23.59, which brings them within the framework. Chair, you're with me. Yes? Okay. So that's what I would look to do. I'm hoping that that will help environmental health, having seen their representation. Chair, I think you were present on a previous occasion when I was present with Mr. Blueitt and presented the application for the premises license. Unfortunately, we were not able to persuade you in relation to that particular application. What we are looking to try and establish through this temporary vent notice, so it's a one-off, it is on the dates which have been applied for, as you can see, and it's for those times that I've now amended, is to establish that we can do and operate within the good practice that we've set out and that we can provide licenseable activities at this particular location without offending the licensing objectives. You'll be aware and there's no, of course, representation from the police that they were satisfied in relation to Crime and Disorder. The issue was in relation to the prevention of nuisance. I have Mr. Nevett, who's online with his experience, he will be attending the event and he will be with his experience, Chair, he's called a diploma in the environmental health and a diploma in acoustics and noise control from the Institute of Acoustics. He will be present to set a limiter to ensure that there's no noisy escape from the premises. He will be present during the event to monitor any noise and to take appropriate action to make sure that there's no nuisance cause to residents who live in the area, but mainly I think it was the residents at the end of the road of Autumn Street. We will look to implement a traffic management plan with the CSAS stewards that we have mentioned in the traffic management plan to ensure that there is no nuisance cause to residents who live at the end of the road. That's the basis of the application. By reducing, we were looking to try and establish it, obviously, for the hours, for the later hours that you will have seen, but it may be that it's more appropriate at this stage to take smaller steps and this is a smaller step to work with the authorities to demonstrate that we can do it. We believe that we can if we are wrong, and I don't often say that, but if we are wrong, then we of course, with regards to the hours, the impact will be less, but we say that we can operate in this manner to these hours that we've put on the temporary event notice. So I'm sure there will be questions. Perhaps before I hand over, I don't know whether Mr. Nevitt has anything he would like to add from my comments or have I covered it all for you, Mr. Nevitt. Mr. Nevitt, I think you're a mute. I think you're still a mute. Can you unmute yourself? Mr. Nevitt, do you want to leave the meeting and resubmit yourself and we can see if that works? Mr. Sutherland, while we wait, could you please confirm the hours again, the reduced hours? So in relation to the start time, that would be the same, but the terminal would be 23.59. That would be for all the licenceful activities, so it would terminate, the temporary event notice would terminate a minute earlier than your framework hours. It's a lot of putting to see the back of my head. Unfortunately, Mr. Nevitt hasn't been able to join, would you like to go to the questions and maybe come back to him once he joins? Do you have any question to opportunity to ask a question? Thank you, Chair. Thank you, applicant. I believe the nature of the event is sailing alcohol, music and food. Correct, sir. Okay, there is no indication of the attendees, how many people will be there? On the notice, I think reference is made to 300, and that would be the maximum number of anyone time. Okay, thank you. Also, I can see the venue held the premises license before, and it was surrendered on 23 December 2019. And then again, the new owner, they made an application on 14 January 2024, and that has been rejected by the licensing authority. Councillor, you're absolutely right, which is what I was referring to when I was addressing you. I recognised Councillor Mia because I think he was present. My apologies, Councillor, because I don't think you were present, and I was perhaps trying to maximise my use of my five minutes by doing some shorthand. In relation to that application, obviously, the hours that were sought were in line with the hours for this temporary event notice. Having taken on board what the committee have said, what we are looking to do, we've managed to build a good working knowledge and relationship with the police, and what we're looking to do is trying to build that same relationship with the environmental health. Hence, we've reduced the hours so that we can demonstrate that we can do what we say that we can do. As I say, it's a worn off, so if we are wrong, then no action would need to be taken because it's a temporary event notice. If I come back for another temporary event notice and we mess up, I have no doubt that Ms. Craddock or her colleagues would haul me over the coals and say, look, you messed up. I'm not saying that we will, but that's the way that we are trying to establish that it works. Mr Nivet, are you able to hear us now? I can hear you, can you hear me? That's great. Thank you. I tried the phone. I think, Mr Nivet, we've just got to the stage where there was anything you felt you needed to add. I don't know whether there is from what I'd address the Committee on, but if you do have anything to add, then please. Good afternoon, Chair and Committee. Just to confirm, Chair, that I've been dealing with the operators at this site, on some of their other sites, and we have been able to assist them with noise control and nuisance prevention. We are aware of some of the issues facing the nature of their operation. I haven't had the opportunity, I've had the opportunity to read the traffic management and dispersal plan, and you've probably seen that it's quite detailed in terms of deployment of stewards and staff and so on. There is a noise management plan, and as part of that, I've been asked to attend sites to identify where the nearest affected residents are to look at all the issues that may face them and to put in place with the help and cooperation of the operators, some noise control measures. I'm happy to say that we'll be on site to do that, and I've had the opportunity to look through all that's been submitted. I do understand from Mr Sutherland in his presentation that proposed this to cut the hours to midnight so that obviously reduces the risk. I'm quite happy to ask any questions if you have any Chair at this stage. Chair, can I just emphasize that it's 23.59, not midnight. Thank you. Thank you. Yes. Hi. We did get an opportunity to review the additional documents. We do feel that even with the additional venue safety management plan that was submitted, and the noise management section, 15.1, we still are concerned about the potential for public nuisance, certainly access and egress means that patrons will file past residential premises, and there is no specification about patrons outside and access and egress, so there's potential for 80 people, I believe, to be outside at one time, and there's nothing mentioned about how that would be controlled, only that there would be security on site, but nothing specific about that. We were just also concerned about people leaving the area because with the previous hours, the transport links, certainly the bus usually finishes around 1am, and how people would get away from the area would probably be walking or taxis. There was nothing mentioned about where people would wait for those taxis, and there's potential for them to be close to residential premises in high spirits when leaving the venue. So I noted today that the framework hours will be taken if the event is granted, and my colleague had said that in the representation that if they are, if the council are minded to grant the tent, that we would support framework hours. However, I would like some more attention to how patrons will leave, where patrons will wait for transport, and what management there will be, and in the outside areas, particularly patrons smoking outside. Thank you. Do members have any questions for the either party? Okay. Now moving to the hand con general mad, I'll get her one minute. We go to one minute. With the objection, we included a map which shows how close residents are to the venue, and they'll have to walk down Autumn Street onto Wiggling to get away from the premises, which brings them past some houses on the corner, on the left corner, the junction of Autumn Street and Wiggling. We're just concerned about transport away from the venue, that everybody will be leaving likely around the same time, where patrons will wait for taxis, the fact that they'll be in high spirits leaving the venue, and the potential impact that will have on local residents. I would like to hear some more about the management of noise and that aspect, and also how the noise from patrons outside smoking will be controlled if there's capacity for up to 80 people. Are they going to control that by a certain amount of any one time? That's all. Thank you. I believe in second, one minute. Chair, thank you. Certainly in relation to working with environmental health in dealing with smokers, we can work with environmental health and we can restrict the numbers by agreement with environmental health. In relation to people who are leaving, we think most will leave by taxi or Uber. It is possible on the app to restrict areas where they can pick up, and that would be applied in this particular instance. The only pick-up area in this particular area would be actually in the forecourt of the premises. We can control all of that. I can explain more detail if there are questions in relation to that. We are looking to work with environmental health and would like the opportunity through this temporary notice to do that with the view to developing practices and making sure that we don't cause any noise nuisance. Thank you. Thank you for your contribution to this. I will deliver a private session after this meeting. She writes to you within five working days. Thank you. Chair members, I have a couple of items to go through. Item five, extension of decision deadlines. I have a few applications that I would like members to please agree. The deadline to 30 1 July. Number one, which is Vittora Wolf Studio, 10-style road, London E3, Slurp 60 to 62 commercial street London E1, Bethnal Green working men's club, 42 to 46 polard road E2, Uber 1, all gate, 2 lumen street London E1, Z home dumplings, 10 blossom street London E1, House of Music Entertainment, 20 commercial street London E1 and 1 char, 142 Bethnal Green road London E2. If members are happy to agree to extend to 31 July. Thank you. Chair members, I think my area, we also forgot to note the minutes of the licensing subcommittee. So if members could please note the minutes which were on 27 February and the 12th of March meeting, if members are happy to have re-ennote those minutes, they can be found on pages 19 to 34. Are you happy to agree with them, Chair members? Thank you. This meeting, a meeting will close now. Thank you for your contribution today. Thank you. [end of transcript] .
and I am the chair of this licence of committee. This meeting will hold in absent with some possibility of joining online today. This meeting will hold by working live via council website. I will ask everyone to introduce their self-shortly, but before I do that, we would like to briefly confirm this protocol of this addressing meeting. I must address their meeting for myself as a chair. The committee members and officers present may simply raise their hand and indicate which to speak. I will come to you in the order I receive the action. My role here is to provide legal advice to the Councillors. Thank you. Congratulations to members interres page 678, do you member of any declaration of interest? No, it is not here. Okay, rule of procedure page 918, can members please note that rule of the procedure? Thank you, Chair. We have firstly five EN. Today, Chair, we have the applicant being represented by Mr. Reese Rose and Mr. John Rad Kurdie, who is also present. We also have persons who have made representation joining us via online, Mr. Jason Smith and Mr. Jason Thompson. James Thompson, sorry. After the application has been presented, the applicant will be invited to speak and will be given a total of five minutes to make their representation. The object will also be given a total of five minutes to make their representation. I will let each speaker know when they have one minute remaining. Please note that the subcommittee have read the agenda to pack in advance. Thank you. Can I now ask Moshan Ali Licensing Officer to introduce the report, please. Thank you. Thank you, Chair, the report currently in front of view is for a new premises license application for Lucia's unit, 507, Queen's Yard by Post Lane and an E95EN. The application is in front of view because you have representation from the registered owner of Queen's Yard. Going for the report in Appendix 1, you'll see a copy of the application form. This is pages 46 to 61, 3.4 of the report shows you the license work to be on the timings that have been applied for. Appendix 2, page 63 is a site plan. Appendix 3, page 65 is maps of the surrounding area. Appendix 4, pages 67 to 70 are details of other license venues in the immediate vicinity. Appendix 5, pages 72 to 73 gives you home of his guidance in relation to relevant representations. Appendix 6 shows you the representation of Hatton Garden properties limited. This is pages 875 to 81. 7.0 of the report shows you the conditions that have been offered by the applicant. These are available to you. Should you wish to add them as conditions if the application is granted. Appendix 7, these are the conditions that have been already agreed with the police. Pages 83 to 85. 8.1 shows you those agreed conditions. The members are given general advice from the home of his guidance, the kinds of license and policy and other relevant legislations. These are appendices 8 to 15, pages 87 to 109. That is a summary of the report and as members of any further questions, thank you. Do you remember any question in the license of his office? Thank you. Can I now ask the applicant to represent their application, please? After the chair and committee, my name is Reese Rose, I am representing on behalf of Joe and Rashlan Group Limited, and I just want to tell you a little bit about the application and where we have got to with attempting to deal with the representations made. We discussed pre-app with the Met Police, the hours and the timings and the activities that we were looking to apply for, and they said that we put the application in and we invited them to add additional conditions. Post application and before the end of the representation period, the Met Police offered us with officers voluntary additional conditions which we have accepted. We have also spoken with the Fire Brigade and Environmental Protection team who have come back with no representations because they have no concerns regarding the application. After the rep period closed and before the hearing, we have sent the details of all of this communication to the objector. Just to make ourselves clear, Lucy's is a very small food-led restaurant, it's not another music venue going in the Queen Yard or anything that really concerns the Environmental Protection team in terms of public nuisance, there's no scope for it ever becoming a music venue because it's so small, it's on sales only which means there will be no drinking off in the front of the street which addresses one of the concerns raised in the representation. The Fire Brigade, like I said, have not raised any issue with escape or access issues due to the very small capacity of the premises. We put all this through to the objectors and they did not fail but the additional information was sufficient for them to withdraw the rep. In addition to this, the rep talks about some land access issue which are believable outside of the Licensing Act and if it needs to be discussed, it should be done in the correct court of law, not here, and it should be between our landlord and the owner of Queen Yard, not just directly, so basically, we don't think that should be considered as part of the decision-making process for this application but a little bit of legal advice and that would be great. We're here to answer any questions you've got and help out in any way that we can, like I said, it's probably about 30-40 capacity maximum, the whole of the premises and it's just a very small tacos and food-led operation, basically. Thank you for time, let us know if you can do anything else to help you out. We now have the objectors that are online, so we have Jason Smith and James Thompson. Can you confirm who will be speaking? Yeah, James will be speaking. Okay, perfect. Thank you. James, you have up to five minutes starting from now. Thank you. Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for your time, bananas, to make these representations. As you know, we're here on behalf of haven't gotten proxy limited, just to centre our objections to this licence, 43 white post-lane, and we're representing the area of the rest of Queen Yard. As you've received from the pack, this is a very small unit, but they gain access over that unit through our private land, and our main concern, while we have objected to this, is public safety. Today, they had a pedestrian ride to weigh over that access to their property, but because they are so small, they are going to inevitably spill out onto that private land, which is our emergency access, access for both public aid ambulances, any other emergency reason. We come down that road. So you can just imagine what's going to happen in that bar, is they're going to be having some tacos and whatever else they're going to be eating and drinking and spinning out onto that public access way, uncontrolled and unsupervised, and that, in our mind, is going to make a serious public safety nuisance, and we're very concerned that with all the other activities going on at Queen Yard, there are going to be some clashes, and the customers of that new unit are 43 white post-lane, they're going to clash with everyone else on that side, and they're going to clash with emergency services when they turn up, which is very very concerned, because their unit is so small, they have to go on that little roadway to eat their tacos and drink their drinks. It's just not going to work, and from a public safety perspective, it's going to be a huge hazard. Also, in terms of the litter and everything else, the congestion is going to go on there. I just don't believe it's a good idea, and we do object to that. We also, it's not being very clear by that, how the deliveries are going to work within their science. They are even going to come down that main road, causing more hazards and access points coming down that main room with lots of pedestrians, other people who are attending the bars and clubs in that vicinity. Again, I just don't believe that's a safe way of operating that premises. It just relies on other people's land to use that small bar, which is not practical. Obviously, as the applicant said, that's not for this call today, but that's something we will need to be discussing. You won't be able to use that bar if that does come to fruition. Obviously, for a premises license, it shouldn't be granted, it can lead to public nuisance, and that includes noise, that includes odour, litter and light pollution. The operation of this premises license, we believe, will lead to increased noise and disturbances affecting the rights of nearby residents to enjoy their property peacefully. It's very interesting that this applicant has already submitted an objection to another shadow license to the Queen's Yard Theatre on the other side of the yard, where they have said that the Queen's Yard Theatre have been a very long time, and they are a valued part of the Queen's Yard community. They have said in their objection to that application that they don't want to see more people coming to Queen's Yard late at night, which massively increases the danger of drunkenness and sorting the area with urinating in the streets and littering. That's a quote from their objection, and yet, somehow, they want to then add to that with 30 or 40 more people, as the applicant has just said, to do exactly those same things. It just strikes me slightly focusing to do that. I don't need to use the whole five minutes, but it's just in conclusion, we do strongly object for the grounds of public safety, prevention, nuisance and protection of property rights, and we urge you kindly to take account of these things and reject the application. Thank you very much for listening to us. Thank you. Now a member who will be opportunity to ask questions, do members have any questions for the either party? Can I just start with the objectives, please? You mentioned a number of things that you're objecting to. Is there any previous experience you're going through to accept a venue such as this one or are we mentioned, is there a previous history to it, or are we just... No, we don't know the applicant, there's no previous history, we haven't communicated with them about the rights away, so this is the first time we've had any correspondence with them. The building, sorry, it's Jason Smith, the building in question was built without planning permission, the owner then subsequently asked for planning permission, which the local authority objected to, and actually got planning on a technicality at appeal. The landing question was the service yard to the main building, which has now been encroached upon, and that in part is causing a lot of the problems because the property would have historically, the main property would have historically been serviced from its own service yard, which in that no longer house, there's my right colleague James pointing out to you in our submission, that deliveries and then is such will now take place on our land, our private land, and that causes us the mighty concern. Just because of a safe issue, that lane is very narrow, so Laurie's coming up and down and delivering things, it is tough, emergency services coming down, and if you ever go there late tonight, there are five or six pedestrians, shoulder and shoulder, walking up down that accessway at any one time after six, seven o'clock, and particularly a football night when the West Ham games are playing is absolutely jam packed, that accessway is jam packed with people shoulder to shoulder. Thank you, just one more question, you also mentioned about public nuisance as well, so when you say public nuisance, is it because of the timing or this to do is just an overall general public nuisance you're talking about, or you're talking about any such timing with the premises? I think just throwing it to what Queen's Yard is, it just adds to that, it's nothing specific, it's just a general public nuisance spinning out and it's stopping the emergency vehicles coming out, stopping the deliveries coming in and out, and causing those clashes outside their bar which is just at the start of the accessway. Thank you. Thank you Chair, thank you, applicant and also objector for the beautiful presentation. You mentioned about public safety, I can see there is a licensing officer's comments on appendix 12, so there is so many majors taking over there on the public safety, could you clarify what concerning is about ours, is about the premises or is about the road or what about the public safety, is outside of the premises or instead of the premises, this is doing our sort of process. To do the coming outside of the premises, so 30-40 people I think they talked about coming out of those premises and not being controlled or supervised because I don't believe they get that number of people inside their unit. The currency you're appendix 3, which is the plan of the area, the property that's highlighted on that is actually one of our properties, that's unit 14, the subject premises is a much smaller premises to the left-hand side of the highlighted property. As James, my colleague points out and the applicant really admits it's a very small unit which indeed is and it simply can't have that many people in it, we don't believe. The appendix 3 plan shows the proof property, which is not the subject property, it's twice three times the figure, it's nearly 8,000 square feet and I can't remember how big this unit is but it's in the hundreds of feet. So it's 10, 12 times bigger, I think people need to bear in mind the actual size of the subject property. Thank you, just to understand, because the public safety on the road surrounding the area is not responsible for the owners, is there a responsibility for the initial behavior team and other public bodies, so could you clarify what is the distance, you know, the surrounding it, what is the distance between the premises and the roads, so if you could kind of clarify a bit more? I'm never very good with distances but the applicant will correct me if I'm wrong but it's probably 20 metres plus, perhaps 30 metres to the public highway and to get there you indeed cross private, the owned land, the owner of the applicant's building has access rights but that's to pass and reparts, it's not to stop and to cause any form of nuisance and of course, because this building is being built essentially in what was the service yard, there is no longer an opportunity really to park satisfactorily vehicles in said service yard to do the unloading, take the rubbish away, that's all. Councillors interjecting. Thank you, just to Moshy, Oli, it's an A40, you know, you have the licence officers comments there's a few bullet points there, I have the licence application, how do you relate this to, I mean, these points you state there, how do you relate this to this application, there's a place 40 per month, 9.1. So, was that directed at us, sorry, Ms. Herndt? No, it's for the licence officer. Oh, sorry, sorry. I mean, how do you release these tips to this current application, but you know, you have some, the comments there, which is, it says, should only apply this is, that whole premises licence of 22nd year, can you just explain this little bit more, please. So, if this is where the premises has, does it exist in licence, does it exist in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence and do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence , do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence , do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence , do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do it in licence, do you remember any question for licence officer? No. Okay, Mr Monso, you have five minutes, thank you. Thank you. So this application was made after, we've been trading for three years and we're predominantly a small kitchen inside an existing restaurant, so it's under one premises, 141. We were, the 141 has the licence for late by licence, so we were not aware because we've been new in the business. Once the officers came around, we were aware that we can't be trading after 11 o'clock, we changed our whole method of business, we applied by everything that they requested in terms of trading until 11 o'clock, there's been police officers that come and visited, they even saw that we closed accordingly. We made several changes to our business, to satisfy the needs of the council, such as giving additional posters for our customers, additional timing limits, rubbish collection, etc. So as you can see with the representation, we've made many, many adjustments. The objector, unfortunately, is about 300 metres away from our premises, so I don't know, and he lives, as you can see on my statement, the gentleman lives above another burger shop and another pizza shop who operates on a later licence, so we couldn't see what the objection was in terms of nuisance and general waste. We abide by that and we monitor that on a regular basis. For example, I've changed my delivery access from night to morning, I've changed my staffing from 2 to 3, so they can monitor, we've also liaised with the police, as Mr. Washington said, and everything, and we've abide by every rules and regulation that has been provided to us. We are underneath a very big residential premises, none of them have objected, so I'm just going to leave you out of that because I've written everything on my statement for you to read and I've listed many, many points that we've changed to go forward and to move forward with this licence. Thank you. Thank you. Now, member, I would have an opportunity to ask any question. Thank you, applicant, for your presentation. I can see there are so many conditions agreed. Just want to know, one of the warning letter has been served to your business, so it could be something to clarify. What is for? The warning letter for late night refreshments or so we were not aware, so we received that warning letter, that was our first provisional warning letter, so that's when we started making changes, that's when we were notified of that we didn't have a licence, we needed a licence. It was only me, it wasn't much of our difference, it was just a one-hour difference. Regardless of that, we weren't obviously, we were notified we weren't abiding by the rules, so we changed our method based on that warning and that was our first written response that we've had to notify us we didn't have the licence. We thought we can go by the premises of the impressed restaurant which were inside, but unfortunately because we're two different businesses, we have to have our own, that was the issue. We weren't aware of that, but we made changes to be of that. One more question to officers, I believe you have served the notice to business, is there any particular records of evidence or any particular issues raised by the residents, any particular nuisance or any initial behaviour out of the premises? Yes. In terms of the representation is what we have in relation to the history, so from a licence and warning view, the application was looked at in terms of the history, as Apikna said, there was a warning letter sent, after the warning letter was sent, they complied with our request, we then went unchecked and found them to be complying, therefore no representation was made because we found a compliant. There was no previous complaint to the other than the one that you see in the representation. Motionally, as mentioned, all the responsible through this have been consulted about this issue. All this you have, is there any concern, any replies came to you in regards to this application, any of these authorities, something they are allowing? So usually the main responses come from the police, the noise team, in this case the representation was from the police, the applicant had agreed to the conditions, the police have offered, and also the noise team that have offered, which satisfied their concerns, and then they did not make any further representation, and therefore they deemed as, there was agreed conditions with satisfied their concerns. Question two, applicant, could you clarify, the late-no refreshment would be indoor or outdoor. So we are just a ghost kitchen, so we are just a kitchen, so we serve soft drinks and hot food burgers through the alleyway. So our kitchen door and the customer order door is on the alleyway, so they knock the open, we take the order, we give them, but it's all take away, so yeah, if that answers your question. Yes, we have one more question. You mentioned your premises within a big complex or within a big partial area, what sort of other uses inside that premises or within this premises. Okay, so just to give you a history, during COVID we opened, so it was a restaurant, we split the kitchen into two and made a whole kitchen with no other access, our access as fire doors, etc, fire exits. The restaurant operates till 11 o'clock, and they are solely strict with that, and so they have, it's an Indian restaurant, and we have just the kitchen at the back, and it's two separate kitchens, basically. We have our own access, we have our own waste collections, etc, everything, our own customers come through, that way they have their own access. They are on the high street, we are on the alleyway, basically. Also, in terms of other businesses or premises, what sort of uses are there? That's it, it's just awesome. From your business, what's on top? Upstairs is residential, it's Airbnb, which is the same landlord as us, he's given it to someone else, and they made it into Airbnb. But that's our next door, is a estate agent, again they got residents upstairs. Behind us is a company called Polytech, they have, I think about 20 flats, and their access gate is where our main door is. So, our customers are waiting there, but they haven't made no representation in terms of objecting. Thank you. Now, moving to conclude and remark, a quick one minute, if you want to say something. So, it's just basically going through my statement, and just wanted to say that we made all the changes possible, and I don't think we can do any further in terms of customers with even put CCTV's in. Now, this little alleyway, we keep it clean, because we liaise with the residents, like I said, at the end, even our customers. They don't have issues, we keep it clean, prior to us arriving, there used to be urination, alcoholic behaviour, all sorts of disorder. We've literally sorted that out. I've got petitions there from those residents and local businesses that, you know, conclude with us in terms of why we shouldn't. And there's a lot of tourists that come by. So, as a small business, we thrive on to these tourists, because we're so local to town, that's basically it. And like I said, the gentleman lives above two other takeaways, which is 300 metres away. So, I didn't see the point of the subject, the objection. And that's it. Thank you. Thank you for your contribution. Today, the subcommittee will deliver a five per session after this meeting. And some of the members of this will write to you in five working days. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. For this application, we have Sandra Vallejo, as the applicant who's present. And we have no objectives present today. They've given their apologies. So, therefore, members, please note their written objection within the agenda pack. After the application has been presented, the applicant will be invited to speak and will be given a total of five minutes to make their representation. I'll let you know when you have one minute remaining. Please note that the subcommittee have read the agenda pack in advance. Thank you. Mosh, and if you can just introduce the report. Yes, Chair. This application is for a new premises license application, a local cafe, a four-second steamers road. The application is in front of you because you've got representations from local residents. Going through the report, Appendix 1, we'll show you the copy of the application form, which is pages 196 to 218. 3.4 of the report shows you the license activities and timings that we applied for. Appendix 2 shows you the site plan on page 220. Appendix 3 shows you the maps of the area, page 222. Photographs of the venue is pages 224 and 225. Other license venues is in pages 227 to 229. The representations can be found in pages 231 and 233. You've got conditions that have been agreed with in remot protection. These are in pages 235 to 237. Then, finally, members are given advice from the Home Office, Council's License and Policy, and other relevant legislations in between appendices 9 to 15, which is pages 239 to 259. That's the summary of the report. There's members. I have many further questions. Thank you. All right. Do members have any questions about license officer? Can I ask applicants to present their application? You've got a five-minute santa. I have a small calf, nearly two years, and my community is all small people, like ten tables, and I would like to do it as like sometime, afternoon tea, because mom's sometime coming and opening hours I try to keep you now till nine o'clock in the evening. Is that possible? From 11 till nine, but coffee shop is usually open from eight in the morning. There is no -- I don't have no any single problem in there for two years. No, no, any complaints, nothing from customers from outside people from no one. So, I'm not expecting to know bar there, nothing just as small as a wine bar, let's say. Thank you, chair. The sale by retail of alcohol on sales only, just mentioned, and our Monday to Sunday 11 to 10, right? On the next paragraph, you said, just mentioned Friday from 11 to
- Is it correct? So 11 to 4? Or maybe it was mistake. Our premises are open to public on Friday from 11 to 16. Maybe it was a dumb mistake. Okay, so it's a mistake. So, santa, do you want to confirm the hours that you wanted? Yes, 11 to 9. 21. So, you see, is that one of the hours from your side or the side? Just looking at the application, it looks like our application is stating it's 11 to 2,200 hours, which is correct in the application. Hours open to the public is also -- I think there was an error. Yes, it is. But I think I'll try to correct it. Okay. So, are you now saying that the sale of alcohol is from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.? So, you're formally amending your application. Yes. Okay. And your closing time would that still be 11 to 9 p.m. as well or 11 to 10 p.m.? No. The online o'clock. Okay. Thank you. Any other correction? Thank you, Chair. You mentioned on the program 7, I think so many conditions over there. I mentioned you will just monitor all the CCTB cameras. There will be a recording device over there and you will monitor all the activities on a daily basis. According to GDPR, so what measure are you taking place? Is there any particular office that will be there or how you can monitor, how you can implement such policies that there will be a safety, everything will be there? Basically, I have to check for the ID check from 21 years alcohol can be safe. So, it's only -- it's me who is going to work there. Okay. Do you remember any question for license officer? Right there. Can I ask applicant to represent their application? Oh, sorry. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Now moving to collision remark, applicant one minute. If you want to say something, yeah? No. All right. Thank you for your contribution today. Your subcommittee will be delivered after five session after this meeting and some of you will demogreso have a right to read them for five working days. Thank you. Thank you very much. Chair, and we do have item number five, but I would like to ask Chair if we can change the order of business and consider item number six first and then do number five right at the end. So, applicant for the temporary event and notice for the private work unit for a Queens year for degree whiteboard land London E95EM. Thank you, Chair. For this application, we have the applicant present in person and that's Mr. Keenan Bali and we also have Rita Craddock who is representing the environmental protection today. After the application has been presented, the applicant will be invited to speaking, will be given a total of five minutes to make their representation. The object will also be given a total of five minutes to make their objection. I'll let each speak and know when they have one minute remaining. Please note that the subcommittee have read the agenda packing advance. Thank you. Can I ask the motionary license officer to introduce your report please? I'll just give you a brief summary as it's a very short report. The copy of that occasion is in appendix one. It's a temporary events notice. A copy of the map is in appendix two and a copy of the environmental representation, which is an objection to the ten is in appendix three. I mean, that's simply my report there because it's all very brief. Thank you. Do you remember any question to license officer? No, thank you. Can I ask applicant to present your application? Firstly, thank you very much. Firstly, thank you very much. I'm really really for these things. I'm very apologise if I make any technicality mistakes. We just take the displaces like four months ago. We're planning to make some kind of art place. Me and my wife, we've just been done everything inside the buildings together. We don't work any other contract or anyone else. We've been collecting nearly two and a half years for the old art pieces and so many things. We've always been around the Queen's yards and everywhere. We've got lots of friends around and stuff. We always struggle and find some place to sit down and talk and eat the food like breakfast or lunch or taking the kids there. We always struggle for that because most places are just like kind of braveries and bars and stuff. This idea is start from there. Then after we find this place and downstairs is a fully art piece and stuff and quite and we opened a nice kitchen in there cooking like an open buffet salad bars and kind of things and steaks and kids' menus and other activities. We've got lots of friends and they're making the arts and kind of things. We always struggle and find some place to make it show up some things like kind of things. That's why ideas start then and we made it this place. Our solisters and other teams, they made this application because they said if you want to open the music upstairs so you have to put this application and I said okay, to be honest, I have no clue what they've done it and I have no parties, no planning anything, just they've done it this party. I said okay, I'm going to come here to explain myself. We've got no any bookings or if you want to cancel this, you can't do that, no problem. Just like this kind of thing, that's why I came here to explain myself and if I did any mistake, I apologize again. This is all I can say. Now, remember we're off. Oh, yes, sorry. We're going to take this. Sorry, I'll take it in five minutes. Thank you. My name is Rita Craddock and I'm representing the Environmental Protection Team today. We're concerned that the application may have an impact on noise premises, the licensing objective we're concerned about is public nuisance and the cumulative effect of noise, impact on the community with another premises open late in the area. My colleague who submitted the objection feels that the application as it stands fails to meet the licensing objective in relation to public nuisance. There was a concern about noise breakout from the venue, access and egress from patrons and certainly from patrons leaving that are likely to be in high spirits and the hours of operation. We also are concerned about transport and for patrons leaving the venue as the bus services are not operational after 1 AM and some other services such as the DLR and the overground may not be operational after 1 AM. So, yeah, there may be some patrons in the area awaiting transport and potentially causing noise in the area. That's what I need to say. Thank you, Chair. I have a question to the manager. Is there any license? Yes, they currently there is no license in place. But there is an application, I think, that should be on 18th of July, 2024. Chair, can I have a look and come back to you in this? Chair, I just wanted to confirm, Fabrik, have put in an application for the licensing subcommittee and that's due to be considered on the 18th of July. However, that's in the process and it hasn't been heard and I believe there's been objections made to the application so therefore it will be coming to the subcommittee for full consideration. Yes, so it's the application relates to the similar thing and the same applicant. I have received the paperwork, but I believe Mr Ali is having a look. I just want to see. I believe this is a prominent application, which is likely to come to your attention and future. I think that's the current position on that. There is an application between the eight of people. That's the one we're working on the hearing for. There are objections to that one. However, this is obviously a separate application, so we will have to deal with them separately. I just wanted to clarify, a separate application I believe is the same applicant. Now moving to the completely remote objector one minute. You have one minute to make any last comments, do you? I'd like to say first is about the first application I made it and it was, I put it on in February and it was clear on the April. Then after the council is asking me, nicely just change it to another application because of the previous peoples, they get so many conditions for the premises licensing. They said, you have, but if you don't mind to change it, put a new one. I said, okay, I'm going to work with the council. As I said, I'm not like that people or other previous boss or who always neighbors. I can't do it. That's why this is the second application we put it on. It was that we complain this came is on the 4th May, it's normally biggest festival in the Hackney. That time they came. I see the people who take the videos and pictures. None of them is about me. It's a sound very far away. They took some pictures of the rubbish and some sound come from our neighbors. They running the business till 4 AM, like the color factory they call them. They done the terrace and they got DJ at that time there. I'm waiting the hearing dates for that and other than that, as I said, I have no previous activities or anything. Next day of the festival, I clean all the yards. They are calling me Mr. Tidy now because I'm fast for the cleaning and I respect all my neighbors. As I said, for the families and other people, very important for me. We already agree with the licensed officer Mark Perry's about the timings and other things. Environment agency already clarified for the times or how many people they can wait outside or not. We already agree with them, everything. It says I can't just work. Whatever you guys have to say to me, I don't just follow the rules. I don't want to do anything else. Thank you very much. So just to clarify on that, the correction is that there is a license in place. The application that was put in, it was technically a new application. When you have a substantial variation, you can put in a new application. So in this case, technically, it should have been a variation because it's coming as a new application. It's being dealt with as a new application. But they do have existing license in place. I believe they're trying to tidy up older conditions and flow more. If that is issued, then you'll look much cleaner and better. So just to clarify, there is a license in place. Again, that application will be dealt with separately as a variation in another hearing. Thank you. It is objector one minute, yeah? They don't have any further comments. Thank you. Now moving to the concluded remarks. Thank you for your confusion today. The subcommittee will be delivered the private session after this meeting. And Sami, the metro service will write to you if I work in this. Thank you. Thank you, Chair. For this application, we have Mr. Robert Sutherland representing the applicants. And we believe we have Dave Nevitt who's joining us online. And we, in terms of the objectives, we have a retail credit for environmental protection. After the application has been presented, the applicant will be invited to speak and will be given a total of five minutes to make the representation. The objective will also be given five minutes to speak. I will let you speak and I will have one minute remaining. Thank you, Chair. Can I ask a motion, Ali, licensed officer, to introduce your report, please? Thank you, Chair. This application, as I know, is in front of you because you have an objection from the environmental protection, the noise team. Appendix 1 shows you the copy of the application. This is in the supplemental agenda, pages 32 to 40. Appendix 2 shows it in that, which is 42. Appendix 3 shows the objection, which is page 44. In addition, you have a supplemental and then just submitted by the applicant that submitted, I believe, last night. It was very late in the day, which has been circulated to the noise team. They may wish to expand on how much time they have had to digest the information. It was submitted very late, so they may wish to expand on how much time they have had to digest that information. That's simply a temporary man's notice report. Members of any further questions? Thank you. Do you remember any question about the license officer? Can I ask the applicant to return to your applicant, please? Five minutes. Chair, thank you. Can I apologize for the lateness of documents? It's unfortunate that the nature of the temporary vent notice hearings means that sometimes things are done very last minute. Can I also apologize that Mr. Blueitt isn't able to be here? Unfortunately, he had a pre-arranged medical appointment and has had to go to the hospital for that. In relation to the temporary vent notice, Chair, can I first of all indicate that given the comments from environmental health, I would look to amend the application for the temporary vent notice to reduce the hours, so that they end at 23.59, which brings them within the framework. Chair, you're with me. Yes? Okay. So that's what I would look to do. I'm hoping that that will help environmental health, having seen their representation. Chair, I think you were present on a previous occasion when I was present with Mr. Blueitt and presented the application for the premises license. Unfortunately, we were not able to persuade you in relation to that particular application. What we are looking to try and establish through this temporary vent notice, so it's a one-off, it is on the dates which have been applied for, as you can see, and it's for those times that I've now amended, is to establish that we can do and operate within the good practice that we've set out and that we can provide licenseable activities at this particular location without offending the licensing objectives. You'll be aware and there's no, of course, representation from the police that they were satisfied in relation to Crime and Disorder. The issue was in relation to the prevention of nuisance. I have Mr. Nevett, who's online with his experience, he will be attending the event and he will be with his experience, Chair, he's called a diploma in the environmental health and a diploma in acoustics and noise control from the Institute of Acoustics. He will be present to set a limiter to ensure that there's no noisy escape from the premises. He will be present during the event to monitor any noise and to take appropriate action to make sure that there's no nuisance cause to residents who live in the area, but mainly I think it was the residents at the end of the road of Autumn Street. We will look to implement a traffic management plan with the CSAS stewards that we have mentioned in the traffic management plan to ensure that there is no nuisance cause to residents who live at the end of the road. That's the basis of the application. By reducing, we were looking to try and establish it, obviously, for the hours, for the later hours that you will have seen, but it may be that it's more appropriate at this stage to take smaller steps and this is a smaller step to work with the authorities to demonstrate that we can do it. We believe that we can if we are wrong, and I don't often say that, but if we are wrong, then we of course, with regards to the hours, the impact will be less, but we say that we can operate in this manner to these hours that we've put on the temporary event notice. So I'm sure there will be questions. Perhaps before I hand over, I don't know whether Mr. Nevitt has anything he would like to add from my comments or have I covered it all for you, Mr. Nevitt. Mr. Nevitt, I think you're a mute. I think you're still a mute. Can you unmute yourself? Mr. Nevitt, do you want to leave the meeting and resubmit yourself and we can see if that works? Mr. Sutherland, while we wait, could you please confirm the hours again, the reduced hours? So in relation to the start time, that would be the same, but the terminal would be 23.59. That would be for all the licenceful activities, so it would terminate, the temporary event notice would terminate a minute earlier than your framework hours. It's a lot of putting to see the back of my head. Unfortunately, Mr. Nevitt hasn't been able to join, would you like to go to the questions and maybe come back to him once he joins? Do you have any question to opportunity to ask a question? Thank you, Chair. Thank you, applicant. I believe the nature of the event is sailing alcohol, music and food. Correct, sir. Okay, there is no indication of the attendees, how many people will be there? On the notice, I think reference is made to 300, and that would be the maximum number of anyone time. Okay, thank you. Also, I can see the venue held the premises license before, and it was surrendered on 23 December 2019. And then again, the new owner, they made an application on 14 January 2024, and that has been rejected by the licensing authority. Councillor, you're absolutely right, which is what I was referring to when I was addressing you. I recognised Councillor Mia because I think he was present. My apologies, Councillor, because I don't think you were present, and I was perhaps trying to maximise my use of my five minutes by doing some shorthand. In relation to that application, obviously, the hours that were sought were in line with the hours for this temporary event notice. Having taken on board what the committee have said, what we are looking to do, we've managed to build a good working knowledge and relationship with the police, and what we're looking to do is trying to build that same relationship with the environmental health. Hence, we've reduced the hours so that we can demonstrate that we can do what we say that we can do. As I say, it's a worn off, so if we are wrong, then no action would need to be taken because it's a temporary event notice. If I come back for another temporary event notice and we mess up, I have no doubt that Ms. Craddock or her colleagues would haul me over the coals and say, look, you messed up. I'm not saying that we will, but that's the way that we are trying to establish that it works. Mr Nivet, are you able to hear us now? I can hear you, can you hear me? That's great. Thank you. I tried the phone. I think, Mr Nivet, we've just got to the stage where there was anything you felt you needed to add. I don't know whether there is from what I'd address the Committee on, but if you do have anything to add, then please. Good afternoon, Chair and Committee. Just to confirm, Chair, that I've been dealing with the operators at this site, on some of their other sites, and we have been able to assist them with noise control and nuisance prevention. We are aware of some of the issues facing the nature of their operation. I haven't had the opportunity, I've had the opportunity to read the traffic management and dispersal plan, and you've probably seen that it's quite detailed in terms of deployment of stewards and staff and so on. There is a noise management plan, and as part of that, I've been asked to attend sites to identify where the nearest affected residents are to look at all the issues that may face them and to put in place with the help and cooperation of the operators, some noise control measures. I'm happy to say that we'll be on site to do that, and I've had the opportunity to look through all that's been submitted. I do understand from Mr Sutherland in his presentation that proposed this to cut the hours to midnight so that obviously reduces the risk. I'm quite happy to ask any questions if you have any Chair at this stage. Chair, can I just emphasize that it's 23.59, not midnight. Thank you. Thank you. Yes. Hi. We did get an opportunity to review the additional documents. We do feel that even with the additional venue safety management plan that was submitted, and the noise management section, 15.1, we still are concerned about the potential for public nuisance, certainly access and egress means that patrons will file past residential premises, and there is no specification about patrons outside and access and egress, so there's potential for 80 people, I believe, to be outside at one time, and there's nothing mentioned about how that would be controlled, only that there would be security on site, but nothing specific about that. We were just also concerned about people leaving the area because with the previous hours, the transport links, certainly the bus usually finishes around 1am, and how people would get away from the area would probably be walking or taxis. There was nothing mentioned about where people would wait for those taxis, and there's potential for them to be close to residential premises in high spirits when leaving the venue. So I noted today that the framework hours will be taken if the event is granted, and my colleague had said that in the representation that if they are, if the council are minded to grant the tent, that we would support framework hours. However, I would like some more attention to how patrons will leave, where patrons will wait for transport, and what management there will be, and in the outside areas, particularly patrons smoking outside. Thank you. Do members have any questions for the either party? Okay. Now moving to the hand con general mad, I'll get her one minute. We go to one minute. With the objection, we included a map which shows how close residents are to the venue, and they'll have to walk down Autumn Street onto Wiggling to get away from the premises, which brings them past some houses on the corner, on the left corner, the junction of Autumn Street and Wiggling. We're just concerned about transport away from the venue, that everybody will be leaving likely around the same time, where patrons will wait for taxis, the fact that they'll be in high spirits leaving the venue, and the potential impact that will have on local residents. I would like to hear some more about the management of noise and that aspect, and also how the noise from patrons outside smoking will be controlled if there's capacity for up to 80 people. Are they going to control that by a certain amount of any one time? That's all. Thank you. I believe in second, one minute. Chair, thank you. Certainly in relation to working with environmental health in dealing with smokers, we can work with environmental health and we can restrict the numbers by agreement with environmental health. In relation to people who are leaving, we think most will leave by taxi or Uber. It is possible on the app to restrict areas where they can pick up, and that would be applied in this particular instance. The only pick-up area in this particular area would be actually in the forecourt of the premises. We can control all of that. I can explain more detail if there are questions in relation to that. We are looking to work with environmental health and would like the opportunity through this temporary notice to do that with the view to developing practices and making sure that we don't cause any noise nuisance. Thank you. Thank you for your contribution to this. I will deliver a private session after this meeting. She writes to you within five working days. Thank you. Chair members, I have a couple of items to go through. Item five, extension of decision deadlines. I have a few applications that I would like members to please agree. The deadline to 30 1 July. Number one, which is Vittora Wolf Studio, 10-style road, London E3, Slurp 60 to 62 commercial street London E1, Bethnal Green working men's club, 42 to 46 polard road E2, Uber 1, all gate, 2 lumen street London E1, Z home dumplings, 10 blossom street London E1, House of Music Entertainment, 20 commercial street London E1 and 1 char, 142 Bethnal Green road London E2. If members are happy to agree to extend to 31 July. Thank you. Chair members, I think my area, we also forgot to note the minutes of the licensing subcommittee. So if members could please note the minutes which were on 27 February and the 12th of March meeting, if members are happy to have re-ennote those minutes, they can be found on pages 19 to 34. Are you happy to agree with them, Chair members? Thank you. This meeting, a meeting will close now. Thank you for your contribution today. Thank you. [end of transcript] .
The meeting primarily focused on licensing applications and objections related to various premises in Tower Hamlets. The discussions included new premises license applications, temporary event notices, and concerns raised by local residents and authorities.
Lucia's Unit, 507 Queen's Yard, White Post Lane, E95EN:
- Applicant: Represented by Reese Rose and John Rad Kurdie.
- Objectors: Jason Smith and James Thompson from Hatton Garden Properties Limited.
- Discussion: The application was for a new premises license for a small food-led restaurant. The applicant highlighted pre-application discussions with the Met Police and agreements with the Fire Brigade and Environmental Protection team. The objectors raised concerns about public safety, potential public nuisance, and land access issues, arguing that the small size of the premises would lead to overcrowding and safety hazards.
- Decision: Pending further review.
Local Cafe, 42 Steemers Road:
- Applicant: Sandra Vallejo.
- Objectors: Local residents (written objections only).
- Discussion: The application was for a new premises license to operate from 11 AM to 9 PM. The applicant clarified that the cafe had been operating without issues for two years and aimed to serve wine in addition to its regular offerings. The applicant agreed to amend the application to correct any errors regarding operating hours.
- Decision: Pending further review.
Private Work Unit, Queen's Yard, White Post Lane, E95EM:
- Applicant: Keenan Bali.
- Objectors: Rita Craddock from Environmental Protection.
- Discussion: The application was for a temporary event notice. The applicant explained the venue's focus on art and food, emphasizing that there were no plans for large parties. The objector raised concerns about noise, public nuisance, and the cumulative impact on the community. The applicant agreed to work with authorities to address these concerns.
- Decision: Pending further review.
Temporary Event Notice for 20 Commercial Street, London E1:
- Applicant: Represented by Robert Sutherland.
- Objectors: Rita Craddock from Environmental Protection.
- Discussion: The application was for a temporary event notice with a proposed reduction in hours to end at 11:59 PM. The applicant aimed to demonstrate that the venue could operate without causing public nuisance. The objector raised concerns about noise, patron management, and transport logistics. The applicant proposed measures to control noise and manage patron dispersal.
- Decision: Pending further review.
Extension of Decision Deadlines:
- Applications: Various premises including Vittora Wolf Studio, Slurp, Bethnal Green Working Men's Club, Uber 1, Z Home Dumplings, House of Music Entertainment, and 1 Char.
- Decision: The committee agreed to extend the decision deadlines to 31 July.
Minutes Approval:
- Meetings: 27 February and 12 March.
- Decision: The committee noted and approved the minutes.
The meeting concluded with the chair thanking participants and noting that decisions would be communicated within five working days. The meeting primarily focused on licensing applications and objections related to various premises in Tower Hamlets. The discussions included new applications, objections from residents and authorities, and the management of public nuisance and safety.
Lucia's Unit, 507 Queen's Yard, White Post Lane, E9 5EN:
- Applicant: Represented by Reese Rose and John Rad Kurdie.
- Objectors: Jason Smith and James Thompson from Hatton Garden Properties Limited.
- Discussion: The application was for a new premises license for a small food-led restaurant. The applicant highlighted agreements with the Met Police and the Fire Brigade, emphasizing that the venue would not become a music venue and would address public nuisance concerns. The objectors raised issues about public safety, emergency access, and potential public nuisance due to the small size of the venue and its location on private land.
- Decision: Pending further review.
Local Cafe, 42 Steemers Road:
- Applicant: Sandra Vallejo.
- Objectors: Local residents (written objections).
- Discussion: The application was for a new premises license to allow the sale of alcohol from 11 AM to 9 PM. The applicant clarified that the cafe had been operating without any complaints for two years and aimed to serve as a small wine bar. The applicant agreed to amend the application to reflect the correct hours.
- Decision: Pending further review.
Temporary Event Notice for Private Work Unit, Queen's Yard, 43 White Post Lane, E9 5EN:
- Applicant: Keenan Bali.
- Objectors: Rita Craddock from Environmental Protection.
- Discussion: The application was for a temporary event notice for an art and food venue. The applicant explained that the venue was intended for family-friendly activities and not for large parties. The objector raised concerns about noise and public nuisance. The applicant emphasized their commitment to maintaining cleanliness and respecting neighbors.
- Decision: Pending further review.
Temporary Event Notice for Another Premises:
- Applicant: Represented by Robert Sutherland.
- Objectors: Rita Craddock from Environmental Protection.
- Discussion: The application was for a temporary event notice for a venue with a history of licensing issues. The applicant proposed reducing the event hours to end at 11:59 PM to address concerns about public nuisance. The objector raised concerns about noise from patrons leaving the venue and the impact on local residents. The applicant highlighted measures to control noise and manage patron dispersal.
- Decision: Pending further review.
Extension of Decision Deadlines:
- Applications: Various premises including Vittora Wolf Studio, Slurp, Bethnal Green Working Men's Club, Uber 1, Z Home Dumplings, House of Music Entertainment, and 1 Char.
- Decision: Agreed to extend the decision deadlines to 31 July.
Minutes of Previous Meetings:
- Dates: 27 February and 12 March.
- Decision: Minutes were noted and agreed upon.
The meeting concluded with the chair thanking participants for their contributions.

- Supplemental Agenda 2 14th-May-2024 14.30 Licensing Sub Committee agenda
- Premises License Procedure 2017-18
- Agenda frontsheet 14th-May-2024 14.30 Licensing Sub Committee agenda
- Final Minutes - Lic Sub Committee - 11 April 24
- Supplemental Agenda 1 14th-May-2024 14.30 Licensing Sub Committee agenda
- Guidance for Licensing Sub
- Burgers LDN cover report - 14 May 24
- Declarations of Interest Note
- Final Minutes - Lic Sub - 27 Feb 24 v1
- Lucia cover report - 14 May 24
- Lucia Appendices Only - 14 May 24
- Burgers LDN Appendices Only- 14 May 24
- Supporting Doc 1 - Burgers LDN
- Local Cafe cover report - 14 May 24
- Autumn St Supporting doc 2
- Local Cafe Appendices Only- 14 May 24
- Fabwick Queens cover report - 14 May 24
- Fabwick Queens Appendices Only - 14 May 24
- Autumn St Supporting doc 3
- Little LDN cover report - 14 May 24
- Autumn St Supporting doc 7
- Little LDN Appendices Only - 14 May 24
- Autumn St Supporting doc 1
- Autumn St Supporting doc 4
- Autumn St Supporting doc 5
- Autumn St Supporting doc 6
- Decisions 14th-May-2024 14.30 Licensing Sub Committee