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Licensing Act Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024 10.00 am
May 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
Please hold your meeting has been temporarily adjourned. Please hold your meeting has been temporarily adjourned. Please hold your meeting has been temporarily adjourned. Good morning everyone. The first item on the agenda is the appointment of a chair for today's meeting. Can I please ask if there are any nominations for a chair. Councillor Smetham. Please. You're nominating Alison Heller. Thank you. Is that seconded? Seconded. Seconded by Councillor Rea. All in favour? Thank you. Councillor Heller you may now take the chair. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Good morning councillors, officers and members of the public. Before moving to the agenda item I'll ask the councillors in attendance of today's meeting to introduce themselves. Starting with myself. I'm Councillor Alison Wheeler and I'm the Ward Councillor for Haslington. And also present we've got Councillor Lesley Smetham and Councillor John Wray. Thank you. Lesley Smetham and Councillor Ward. John Wray, Wray the ruler. On the following office we've got Gary. Gary. Gary Coblin. There's numerous variations. Sam Jones the Democratic Senator. Do you need to introduce yourself? No I'm just trying to do that. Moving forward. I've got a declaration in this. I know Wray. He's the clerk at Haslington Paris Council. But I'm not on the Paris Council. I just know who he is. So that's my declaration of interest. The application for a premises licence on the left expense of Clayfield, Wyndbury Road, Williston. Can I expose in attendance Tracey Billington the license enforcement officer who introduced himself and Jennifer Rowley also licensed and imported. So Tracey Billington licensed and imported to have the set up by the author of the import. We've also got the applicant. I thought you were all from. Oh sorry, sorry, sorry. Go on Tracey. Jen, sorry. Jen Rowley and the senior license officer. Ok, sorry. Too much stuff going on with my life at the moment. The applicants all from Williston Paris Council are Councillor Wayne Salisbury, Anna Cox, Emma Ongere and Craig Bailey and the object is Tab Willcox who's speaking on behalf of Mrs Willcox and Carol Enzo. Obviously the procedure for the hearing has been circulated for those taking part and can be found on page 3 of the agenda pack. I will invite the speakers in accordance with the procedure. Tracey could you introduce someone with the application please and I will shut up now. Thank you and good morning members, ladies and gentlemen. This licensing act subcommittee is to consider an application for a new premises license for Lettie Spencer playing field, Wybhambury Road. Is that how you said it? Wybhambury? Wybhambury Road. That's how you spell it. Williston. The full details of which are contained within the committee report. The consultation period for this application was the 4th of April 2024 to the 2nd of May 2024. During that consultation period we received six representations against the application, some of whom are in attendance today. Projector number 5 on page 43 of the report has now withdrawn their objection. Also in attendance today are members of Williston Parish Council who are the applicants. For their information the applicant has applied for two recent temporary event notices on the area in discussion today. One was a celebration of the Queen's Jubilee on the 4th of June
- This was applied for until 9pm at night and a garden party on the 15th of July 2023 until 8pm. Environmental health confirmed no noise complaints were received as a result of these two events. I will now hand back to the chair. A few members of the subcommittee have any questions for Tracey? I'm sorry, my ease didn't work properly that time. Was it no objections you said? Did you say it to the last one, the garden party? For the two temporary event notices that have been applied for, yeah, environmental health confirmed when there have been no complaints. Thank you. Williston Parish Councillors, are you the one peeking away? As the applicant, can you present your case to the subcommittee please? Thank you very much. Good morning members, thank you for the opportunity to address you today regarding our application for the committee's licence for the Lettice Banks of Plainfield, which is the home to the Williston Garden Party and for the potential community events. So we are here on behalf of the Williston Events Committee, a delegated committee of Williston Parish Council established in 2022 to organise and deliver events for our community. Due to the success and positive community think back from these events, particularly the Williston Garden Party, which has become a much anticipated annual tradition, we seek to transition from temporary event notices tense to more practical and sustainable premises services. Our application has been informed by extensive community feedback. In 2022, we conducted a survey with a significant participation from Williston residents, including indicating strong support for our events. With 93% of respondents in Plainfield future garden parties and many expressive interest in new initiatives, such as an open air cinema event. Despite this overwhelming support, we have received some recommendations expressing concerns about our licence application. We understand and respect these concerns and have taken steps to address them comprehensively. Now a correspondent already submitted ahead of today's hearing and we look forward to answering any of these concerns directly. Key points of clarification I would like to include at this point as follows. So event, frequency and scope. Our proposed licence outlined the maximum number of events per year to provide flexibility, not an intention to host numerous events. Our primary focus remains the annual garden party with potential to do a few additional work through to the events or design with community enjoyment and family family by moving on. Community and environmental considerations, we have demonstrated consistent attention to most control, parking management and overall event organisation to minimise any negative impacts on the community. Our garden parties have been praised for their quality and inclusivity and we have reversed funds to ensure they continue to meet these standards. Safety and health measures, we have invested in significant infrastructure improvements, including widening the entrance gates to accommodate emergency vehicles and relocating waste bins and signage to ensure clear access. Our operational plans include stranger health and safety measures and we have a proven track record of management events without any incidents of antisocial behaviour or safety concerns. We believe that the premise of licence will enhance the quality and sustainability of our events, offering better experiences for attendees whilst maintaining the community spirit that has defined our efforts. We are committed to making any necessary adjustments to our application to align the community needs and sub-committee recommendations, including reducing the number of potential events and just new licenceable hours. Thank you for considering our application, we are confident that with your support we can continue to deliver valuable and appreciated events for those in need. Thank you. Objectives, now this is your opportunity to ask questions of the applicant, it's not the time to present your case, just ask questions and then later on you'll get the chance to present your case against the application. So do you have any questions for the applicant? I have no question. Do any of the sub-committee have any questions for the applicant? Would you just go over the numbers of events that you are expecting to hold? So at the moment currently we are only expecting to hold one event which is the next guided party. So our next guided party will take place on Saturday the 6th of July and that is the one event that we've been planning for for the past seven, eight months. At the moment there is no plans for any other events but the application that we made, we made it stipulating Qantas events to essentially future proof the application and give us options for the future. At the moment we've not planned to do any similar events or any other events that would involve licenceful activity. Potentially in the future we might decide that we would like to trial a cinema event and importantly it would be initially a trial. So if we were to pursue the idea of a lego net cinema we would do it on one occasion, see if it is successful and then potentially on another one if it was successful. But we certainly have got no plans for numerous events at this point and also just to advise, so the guided party which happens once a year, myself and one of my colleagues, we've been planning this for the past few months, we put a lot of time into planning it. We don't have the capacity for hosting numerous events so our capacity will also dictate how many events will be there. Then how are you ensuring that the residents will be protected from any possible noises like that? So noise, as an event like we have at the garden party, primarily it's a fantastic day for the family, there is live music, there is the sound of people, there is going to be noise but we don't believe that it's a noise that causes disturbance. One thing that we did before we started these events was look into environmental health and what's past as noise disturbance. The actual times of the event, so for example our next garden party starts at 12pm and will end at 7pm so we feel that well within times of accessibility for any noise. I would say that the noise is not a negative noise, it is the noise of an event and I would hope that it's acceptable. I mean we have got plans in place to monitor noise if we need to so we looked into using decibel meters but we've just never found in the past events that that's not been necessary. You've got a question councilor Adrian? Yes. Okay. On page 8 on the list report it says that the applicant has stated they estimate they will not have live music on more than four occasions a year and then the next paragraph says that the applicant has stated they estimate they will not be supplying alcohol on more than six occasions a year. Can you expand on that and give us more of an explanation? Absolutely, so in the information that I sent across to you last week, I did a link to how potentially events could work. So we've got three different licenceable activities, supply of alcohol, live music and film showings. A potential event, for example the garden party utilises two of those licenceable activities, the live music and the supply of alcohol. Potentially if there was a cinema event then that might also utilise having files available. So that's why the different quantities for the different licenceable events but as already mentioned these figures are not a target, they're not a plan, they were just a figure that we chose as an appropriate figure for this initial licensing application. In the information that I sent to you last week we have already suggested a proposal to change those quantities, so we suggested that films would be a maximum of two events per year, live music a maximum of two events and then the supply of alcohol a maximum of four events. So we've never already happened to propose that that changes the community part of the project. I noticed that you mentioned widening the entrance as well. Could you just describe how it is and how you achieved that because it's not clear. So if you look in between on Wunder Road we've got properties that are marked 26 and 36. So what we did was the old gates have very wide supporting pillars so they were removed and replaced with better hosts and it has now just made the effect with the gate suitable for a wide range of vehicles. Did you discuss with the residents their compliance and how it would affect them possibly or not? What aspects are they? In the vehicles driving, is this for vehicles or for pedestrians? This is the pedestrian entrance into the playing field but no vehicles would use that entrance on a day-to-day basis. So when there's an event then we would have vehicles driving through and the riding of those gates now allows more vehicles to be able to do that. Yes, coming back to the entrance I'd like to make a plan. It seems that that's the only entrance and there's no sort of emergency exit in that place at all is there? So if you look at the top of the plans we've got the St John's Methodist Church. So we have another entrance that goes from the field into that area and St John's Methodist Church is also where we have our toilet provision for any events so that would be located in the car park. So as part of our risk assessment we would use that exit as an emergency exit. So one thing that we did before we started our third event in 2022 is we calculated the required numbers of egress in case of emergency and it's all based on the width of the exit and how many people can pass through that exit in an appropriate amount of time and with the two exits these calculations and these formulas that we looked into indicated to us that you could actually exit 3,200 people in an appropriate amount of time in case of emergency. Now our event is actually capped at 2,000 so we are well on the numbers that would be anticipated in an emergency situation but we do have that level of quality. Just to follow on, St John's Methodist Church is the toilet and washing facility that's not actually in the Methodist Church so we hire boards of all sorts and we park in the car park of the church so we're not using the church facilities. We have it available to us so there is actually two disabled toilets in the church which we do have available for anybody that needs those accessible toilets. But for general use we have reports of toilets in the car park and the provision of those is again based on your location. Your fire and ambulance regulations and so on, are they all in place? Yes, so it's part of our risk assessments and the past two events, we invite the fire service to the events as well so they come for engagement but they haven't passed our last two events and also as part of our own punishment we do have a first aid by fire specifically that's an emergency. Any other questions? I've just got a couple of questions. The first thing is you say your events are capped at 2,000 people, would you expect to get that many people? So in 2022 which was our first event, I mean we were very fortunate that we had great weather, it was a great day and our peak was at any one time was round about 1,400 and throughout the day, so total visitors, we actually expected that edge from 2,500 visitors but the peak was at around about 1,400 so well below our capped bands. Last year was a bit of an interesting day because unfortunately, it was quite similar day to day actually, we had rain and not too great of weather. Fortunately though it didn't dampen people's spirits too much and we still had good attendance. The actual total was probably more, sorry the peak was probably more around 700 more and in total around 12. The other question, well going on from that actually, I've seen you say because people walk and use the bus and not drive there and stuff like that, is it realistic to have 1,400 people at one time that would be able to walk to the playing field or get the bus to the playing field? We do believe that, I mean the event is primarily for all of us and you can walk from the edge of the parish the furthest distance that anybody that lives within the parish would have to walk would be no more than a 10 to 15 minute walk. So the event is primarily for all of us residents and we believe that the majority are going to walk. There were always any events anywhere, there's always going to be people that will drive in and keep notice of a walk to events. We believe that the majority of people that drive will park considerably. I mean every driver knows how you can and cannot park and we wouldn't really need it to their determination to park considerably. We have, I believe I'm moving to it in my own information but in the past two years we have heard of a couple of instances after the event where there was some maybe inconsiderate parking but we believe it was very very minimal and very very isolated. During the incidents we have never had any resident come to us and say I'm currently locked in, I can't get out of my drive and help because if that happened we put a process that would be enacted straight away. So we would announce any car that needed to be moved which this is something that was the base damage to any of those. So that's something that we have always been able to do, something that we certainly will get to in the future. Just as a little addition, one thing that we're planning to do for this year is for all the neighbouring properties we're going to put through an additional flyer with a telephone on it. So if anybody has any parking issues they're locked in, we encourage them to call, text that number and within seconds we can actually have announcements put out in that way. Also as well we have great support on the date on different volunteers coming out of the functions. We can work into our operational plan that somebody surveyed on a regular basis, the parking situation on one of those to make sure that no issues are occurred. Just a last question, Rachel has got it back. We eventually have so far ended at 7 o'clock and 8 o'clock what the application is for this is 10 o'clock, I'm not even standing at that. So the application, again the time, was simply a time chosen to future proof the application just to give us that option. But yes, the past events have ended earlier and as suggested on the information sent last week we're absolutely happy to reduce license of all hours as part of our online music to 9pm. We would prefer the option to keep the license for film showing if we didn't want to pursue that for 10, just to allow them that if we did ever do that and in the evening if done showing, it would be able to do it on its own. OK, any more questions? Yes? I noticed from the plans at the end that there's no parking facilities at all provided by the recreation people or whatever. There's none whatsoever at the moment because there are people who have to park on the road every go by car or whatever. So we don't have any parking for attendees. We do have parking available for people involved in an official capacity so we have a use of private car park for that and that can accommodate those people but we don't have plans to create parking or encourage parking. We are committed to the fact that the event is a walk to event and we're not expecting it to have a draw where people are needing to park. By providing parking efficiently you are then sort of going away from that message of it being a walk to event which is something that we really want it to return. I mean just in terms of parking, I mean as I say, anybody who's a driver going anywhere, it's a driver's responsibility to park in a safe and considerate manner and we are aware that people do drive to events and they do park in a safe and considerate manner. There is areas within the village where parking is possible. We don't promote it but we believe if somebody does choose to park, it's down to that person to make that determination in where they need to park. Any more questions? No, I think that's about it. I was just wondering about the layout of your event and which way it would be facing or which way the sound might travel. Yeah, so on the plan that I've provided which is on page 37, it does give you an indication of the layout. Oh yes. And so this is the layout that we've actually had for the past two government parcels and the layout was decided to cause for these impacts. So you can see the location of the stage at the top of the playing field. Any PA is facing downwards. So how is that it's facing towards other ones right at the bottom of the playing field. I mean interestingly, we have feedback both years that people, so for example, at the bottom of the south end of the playing field, we have storeholders, we have events happening down there and we actually have feedback from people saying that they couldn't hear the music. So that indicates the scope of the sound produced from the stage. I mean the idea of the stage and the music and the theatre is that defensively enjoyed by people actually in that area. Thank you. Okay, any other questions at this stage? Okay. Worcester Post Councillors, as the African, do you want to clarify any matters you feel all clear or may have been missing? Yes. Thank you. How do you envisage your live music events? How are they, what type of events are you planning? So at the moment we're not planning any other events. So in terms of live music, that is the only place, that's our garden party. And just for example, last year we had an acoustic guitarist and singer performing a small PA within the field and then we also had our music on our stage and that was just a line of events ranging from fellow singers to bands. So we, I mean at the moment we're just in the process of concluding our line up for our next garden party. One thing that's really important to us is the idea of live music is to provide enjoyment to the day, it's entertainment for the attendees. We want that to be absolutely right and we've got a lot of time into choosing who's going to learn with us and perform on the day and it's meant to be really fitting for the day, really quality of feel. One thing that we're really pleased about is after every event for the past two years, the feedback that we've had about the quality of the event, the quality of the music, that would have been really, really positive and that's something that we're really proud of. But the live music is, we see it as being an element of the garden party. We've not got any plans for any bigger, grander live music events, it's just an element of our coming garden party. Thank you, well if this application, if the committee of mind needs to have this application, then you can have live music till ten o'clock on so many occasions per year. There isn't four, two thousand people, that is a lot of noise that will be generated. So it's, I appreciate it's maybe not your intention now, but if this application is granted, that could be your intention in the future and how would you safeguard against that to make sure that that didn't happen? I think the easiest way to answer that right now is to say that is not our intention in the future. Our intention is to continue with the garden party and to provide the music element as I would come up with doing. As previously mentioned, we're proposing that we reduce the number of parties. It was interesting, when we got into completing this application, we had to decide how many events to actually list on there. So as I say, we chose the numbers just to future prove future possibilities. No intentional plans to have multiple more events of similar nature. So, as I mentioned, our proposal to reduce it, I think would be. Thank you. Anyone else? Sorry about that. So, as I was saying before, would you like to sum up the application and make sure we fully understand it? Okay. One thing I wanted to add first of all, so as part of this process, I did have a conversation with the Cheshire Police Licensing Officer Liaison and that was quite a lengthy conversation. I discussed all the plans, answered lots of questions. I don't believe I've seen a report from them. I mean, he did say to me that he couldn't submit his report with no objections. So, if that's not been forwarded to members, that's disappointing. I was very pleased to have a really productive conversation with the police administrative and to have their first calls. We send the application to a number of responsible authorities and if we don't hear anything, then we would take that if they've got no objection on because if we don't, they would only respond to us usually if they've got no objection. Okay. Is because he actually mentioned that deal with submitting his report and he only put in no objections, that's why I imagined… [inaudible] Okay. But, yeah, just to sum up, I mean, we're really proud of the work that we've done over the past couple of years. So, we posted a couple of amazing community events that we've done over the past couple of years and that we've done over the past couple of years. So, we're really proud of the work that we've done over the past couple of years and that we've done over the past couple of years. And we're really proud of the work that we've done over the past couple of years and that we've done over the past couple of years and that we've done over the past couple of years and that we've done over the past couple of years and we're really proud of the work that we've done over the past couple of years and we're really proud of the work that we've done over the past couple of years and that we've done over the past couple of years and we're really proud of the work that we've done over the past couple of years and we're really proud of the work that we've done over the past couple of years and that we've done over the past couple of years and we're really proud of the work that we've done over the past couple of years and we're really proud of the work that we've done over the past couple of years and we're really proud of the work that we've done over the past couple of years and that we've done over the past couple of years and that we've done over the past couple of years 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Who else for survey? Yes, there was a survey with 324 participants in total. Not all participants answered all the questions and this number went down to 129 for some of the questions which actually worked out at 3.5% population of Irish. We believe that there are 48 properties within 50 metres of the centre of the field. That's in the immediate vicinity. Obviously that goes up when you increase the distance but it goes just by 100 metres. The objectives have been making assumptions, seeing a notice of application, have further context about which licence lands into the transfer into events. We've had to make assumptions because there's been no information. There's nothing on, like I said, on the parish council website. We have not been able to view anything such as health and safety, risk assessments or anything like that. And another paragraph, the different licence elements will be combined into a singular event, a supply of alcohol. Well, if there's no plan to run eight events while required for eight events and with additional information in which the Salisbury extension is needed, they only want to run one event. So is this premises licence the appropriate licence for the events that they propose? Another paragraph I've numbered, we have held the garden party for two consecutive years under 10s. Our intention, understanding is that for regular events the premises licence is more appropriate rather than the 10s. But if they're only running one a year, then I would have thought the 10s was the appropriate licence. Going back to the garden parties, the two events which have been run already, there's a statement there where garden parties are promoted as a walk-on, walk to events and walk back. The majority have attended the Algonquin residence. People I've spoken to said it was chaos and both days were for parking and for people trying to drive through. It is a main thoroughfare for the village. It runs from north to south and yeah, people are saying it was chaos. I wasn't there, I didn't witness that because we were away for the days, we made sure we were away for the days to avoid the disruption. It's also been stated that there's been no consultation. The process of applying for a premises licence provides consultation and the fact that the objectors that make representation show their participation in the process and that has been successful. I would challenge that. Being an objector is not being part of the process. There's been no engagement with the residents surrounding the field up to this point. I would say being an objector is not being a participant in the process. On the aspect of the publication of the events, normally these sort of events as in the past have been publicized on social media and on the Worthington Parish Council website. There's been no such advertisement. It's been advertised on Nanswich Lake which is a Nanswich publication which I've never known to be posted to any property on Wunderley Road. Again, another paragraph, we've applied for technical events notices previously which do not have the opportunity, consultation, the application is not required to be promoted anywhere. Fair point, we believe that pursuing a premises licence is a more consultative process but there's a contradiction there because we've had no consultation. In the next paragraph, the very nature of the government party and other potential events is that they never will be alcohol fuelled as stated by an objector. That's a very unfair description by the respondent. At its heart it will be family focused and a day where communities can gather and share entertainment activities on offer. Again, I go back to the parish council's references during the meetings to the frequency of anti-social behaviour and the measures that they've proposed to take to tackle that at the installation of CCTV and the issue of body cameras to council members for their personal safety. Next paragraph, an objector mentioned on how an event could disturb them whilst they're sitting in the garden. We hope that all residents will join this and not be in their gardens as the event is aimed at all members of our community for their enjoyment. It goes on but as these one-off events that we've had two occasions previously, that's an acceptable level. The same frequency as any village fete and the finishing times have not been as late as they proposed on the original application of the premises licence. The next paragraph, an objector stated that in the March minutes when the first reference to any application or event. Bit of confusion there, it's the application for this premises licence that we're looking at. There has been reference to the garden party this year but only one reference to the application for the licence and that was one line on the events committee. A premises licence has been applied for and publicly notified by the Nantwich label. That's been the only publication. There's no mention of it on social media or an article on the parish council's website. The next paragraph stated that issues in the playing field with antisocial behaviour, any antisocial behaviour issues, have happened when an OVEC is taking place. So the only behavior is that antisocial behaviour is less likely to happen in an event. In comparison to other times, bylaws are in place for the playing field and will be enforced at any event if needed. The past two years of the events, two events, we have had no issue whatsoever relating to licence support activity, maybe not. But the assumption to accommodate the needs of the proposed needs have been made, these assumptions come to accommodate the needs of the proposal, it might be, or other people do. I would think it's entirely feasible that when you increase the numbers of people, you sell them alcohol, then the increased likelihood of trouble is there. The next paragraph, to meet the health and safety obligations, the entrance gates are widened, I think we've covered that already, as previously mentioned. On the next marked paragraph, the suggestion by an objective that the event will be taking place every week is ludicrous. Every other week, I should say, is ludicrous. The application in present form is asking for eight events. I don't suppose that these events will be run through the winter, so we're looking at May, June, July and August, which is four months, which is two events a month on average, and events every other weekend. And finally, it is stated that this is not the only playing field in the village. I would suggest it is, but certainly one with public access. There are other playing fields, like the trick, it's like football field, it's privately restricted access to pretty much football games and training, and of course vagrants, sports complex on Newcastle Road. Other than that, yes, this is the only one. So in conclusion, we oppose the application for the reasons clearly mentioned, as we do not believe there is evidence that the licence and objectives will be met, and the proposal contravenes the noise control measures within the event safety advisory group's recommendations. And again, if there's no intention to hold more than one event a year, why do we need the extension's licence for eight? Thank you, Chair, Councillors, that's it. Thank you very much. Any questions? I'd quite like to answer. Okay, you're doing my job for me. Wollstone Parish Council, as the applicant, do you wish to ask any questions of the objectives by way of clarification? Just one clarification that we wanted to give was where in our information centre last week where we talked about other playing fields in the village, the other playing field that we're referring to is the Cheshire East playing field, which is in the area that we still call Red Sands, but is now home to Richmond Village in Wollstone. There is a playing field just to the right of that area. So we do speak to residents in the village and we recommend that to both Wollstone as well, so we know that it is getting defined by some of them. Any other questions? Can I get a bunch of responses? Is it possible for me to respond to some of the points you made? I think some of the points have already been discussed previously, but just a couple of things that I wanted to pick up on. We have thoughts at length about parking. I would have to dispute that it was chaos because it was busy, but it wasn't chaos. We had many people who were travelling in and out of the village on their Saturdays and it was certainly clear with character, but wouldn't determine it was chaos. With regards to emergency access, so the gates into the playing field, there is no park in front of those gates. For the duration of the event, we have somebody who mans the gates, so there's no possibility of anybody being able to drive into the gates or park there, so the entrance will always be clear and that's part of the game of our plans. With regards to noise issues, we are aware of the guidance, we have stood with the guidance and we really do believe that the noise that any event, such as the garden party, creates is absolutely within the premises that are through the premises. With regards to risk assessments, we do produce all risk assessments. They have been internal documents, they are shared with who they need to be shared with. That's something that the community could take away in terms of risk assessment needs to be published. At the previous event I mentioned before that the fire service had been in attendance at the events and interestingly last year, whilst they were with us, they were still on call whilst we were at the event and they had two calls and they went and responded to their events, their calls and then still came back without issues, so they were able to do that. With regards to minutes, we have published minutes on our website and the actual discussion of the premises licence did first appear on the minutes back in August of 2023 and again in October of 2023, so it has been minutes since I've been discussed at that meeting. The anti-social behaviour, just the very nature of the garden party, we have not had any anti-social behaviour issues whilst an event has been ongoing. Like a lot of open spaces, ASB doesn't happen, but certainly it's not happening at that time of event. Just to clarify as well, last year the garden party was not a coronation event, it was just the whilst the garden party wasn't billed as a coronation event at all. When we actually submitted our occupation for the premises licence, in order to comply with the requirements, we did use an ambush link. We were informed that it was widely delivered in Wollaston and we do know from many residents that live in Wollaston that they do receive it and we are also aware that the ambush link is used quite regularly for licensing notices. We did actually believe that using the ambush link was a way of increasing exposure to that notice because it's a free occupation and that ends up by a copy of the chronicle. And just with regards to frequency, we've mentioned it already today, but none of the eight figure that quote on the application is not the event, it's the occasion of occurrences of licenseable activities and I do appreciate how it's been perceived as being an eight event, but just to reiterate, absolutely no intentions for eight events. We've already made that proposal to reduce to the two on the phones and the live music form after my alcohol. We've already proposed to reduce the licenseable hours and we're very, very so here the committee's recommendation is you feel that that number should be amended. Okay, members of the subcommittee, do you wish to ask any questions of the people objecting? Yes, okay. I didn't fully understand the last point you were making about the eight licensable activities. Could you just explain again please, sorry. So is this the objective? Oh, the objective, sorry. Questions of the objectors. It was in the response to the objectors that I was not understanding what the response was clarifying. Eight events quoted in the occasion of licensable activities and then there was an explanation of the difference between the activities that could be licensable. I think that's what it was. Okay, the application must originally state it. So this is where it did state the numbers of occasions for each of the licensable activities and I believe it's those numbers that have been added together to get the eight and that's where the eight event has come from. But what we're wanting to reiterate is that there's absolutely no plans for eight individual separate events. As already mentioned, we have plans for one event at the moment and we're just seeking this license to give us scope for an exploring future event in the future. Just interesting as well and say for example at the moment this application is to assist us in delivering our trial and tested event which is the guiding party. If we in the future were to decide to post a film show in then the planning and the consultation, all of our processing staff, we haven't consulted on film showings yet because we haven't looked at that point because that's not something that we're working on. Thank you. Okay, have we got any questions for the objectors? Well I was just wanting to make the comment that that was the applicant's agent, not the objector. Have you got any questions for the objectors? I'll have you go ahead then. Thank you. So your objectors, would you like to make your closing address and sum up your objections for us to this application, if anything you'd like to say? On the going back to the issue of parking, Carol Elmsley actually witnessed personally the chaos that ensued at the end of Woodbury Road so saying that it wasn't contradicts the evidence. And again our our objections are to the application for eight events. As we've seen the events have been reduced by 50% and Mrs Sultley's references to the garden party, that I think is a little bit of a misrepresentation to what these events allow, should the license be granted. We're talking of something which is going on till 10 o'clock, live music, alcohol, and possibly a crowd of 2000 people. Just because the live music finishes at 10 here at night, it doesn't mean that the disruption won't end there. You've got to get rid of 2000 people and you've got to break down the electrical equipment, I would imagine. It would be right to leave that out overnight. Again we don't think that this venue is an appropriate venue, it doesn't have a facilities, it can cause sewage disruption to local residents. I'm probably in the wrong place for asking this question, would you mind? I'm just wondering, there have been events, haven't there, previously on the 10s, so have we received any objections to any of those or complaints of the times? No there's no objection, no complaints from the two temporary events I mentioned, the 2023 and the 2022 one prior to that was 2015 and as through the consultation period of the temporary event notices to relevant authorities there's no objection to that. Thank you. Sorry about that. Okay, works and operations council as the applicant, do you want to briefly summarize the application and comment on any observations any further any suggested conditions? So just with regards to the government party that will take place in July was to serve that the finishing time for that event is 7 p.m and that's when that event will finish. We would anticipate being fully broken down and departed by by 9 p.m. I would very much anticipate more than a couple of hours. As already mentioned I think that is potentially, I think the number that we put into this application has unfortunately added, has presented it differently to what it is and that's why we've made that proposal to reduce the number of events and also to reduce the licence of all hours as well. Thank you Madam Chairman. Just a small point, references Mr Soles was making is to the garden party. I don't believe that's the issue at hand. The issue is the application for the premises license for the event. Thank you. Okay, so that brings us to the end of the hearing and I'd like to thank you for attending us today and we'll now adjourn and we'll give you a response within five days.
The meeting focused on the application for a new premises license for the Lettie Spencer Playing Field on Wybunbury Road, Willaston. The application was submitted by Willaston Parish Council to facilitate community events, including the annual Willaston Garden Party. The discussion included the appointment of Councillor Alison Heller as the chair, introductions of the attendees, and a detailed review of the license application, objections, and responses.
Premises License Application for Lettie Spencer Playing Field
Applicant Presentation:
- Willaston Parish Council applied for a new premises license to host community events at Lettie Spencer Playing Field.
- The application was informed by community feedback, with 93% of survey respondents supporting future events.
- The council has previously held events under Temporary Event Notices (TENs), such as the Queen's Jubilee celebration and a garden party, with no noise complaints reported.
- The proposed license aims to transition from TENs to a more sustainable premises license, allowing for a maximum number of events per year to provide flexibility.
- The primary focus remains the annual Willaston Garden Party, with potential for additional events like an open-air cinema.
- The council emphasized their commitment to noise control, parking management, and overall event organization to minimize negative impacts on the community.
- Safety measures include widening entrance gates for emergency vehicles and relocating waste bins and signage for clear access.
- Tab Wilcox, speaking on behalf of Mrs. Wilcox and Carol Enzo, raised concerns about the frequency and scope of events, potential noise disturbances, and parking issues.
- Objectors argued that the application for eight events per year was excessive and could lead to significant disruption for local residents.
- They questioned the appropriateness of the premises license for the proposed events, suggesting that TENs might be more suitable for the limited number of events currently planned.
- Concerns were also raised about the lack of consultation with residents and the potential for increased anti-social behavior.
Discussion and Clarifications:
- The council clarified that the number of events listed in the application was to future-proof the license and provide flexibility, not an indication of their intention to hold numerous events.
- They proposed reducing the number of events and the licensable hours to address the concerns raised by the objectors.
- The council highlighted their efforts to manage parking and ensure emergency access during events, including manning the entrance gates and providing a contact number for residents to report any issues.
- They reiterated their commitment to community engagement and safety, noting that risk assessments and operational plans are in place for all events.
- The meeting concluded with the subcommittee adjourning to consider the application and objections. A decision will be communicated within five days.

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