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Special Meeting, Planning and Transport Policy Sub-Committee - Thursday, 23rd May, 2024 2.00 pm

May 23, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting covered several key topics, including the review of the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), the adoption of the Kingston St Mary Neighbourhood Development Plan, and the review of the Nexus 25 Local Development Order (LDO). The meeting also discussed the forward plan for future meetings.

Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP)

David Ridgewell raised questions about the Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), emphasizing the importance of reopening Taunton bus station and improving bus priority measures in Taunton. He highlighted the potential for a four-year spending review and the need for a clear delivery framework. Richard Wilkins responded, noting that the BSIP is still in the development phase and that further detailed proposals would be discussed with neighboring authorities.

Kingston St Mary Neighbourhood Development Plan

David Strip and another speaker from Kingston St Mary discussed the Neighbourhood Development Plan, which received 92% support in a local referendum. The plan addresses issues such as housing imbalance, an aging demographic, and climate change. It aims to maintain the rural character of the parish while meeting housing and community needs. The council voted in favor of adopting the plan, recognizing the extensive community involvement and the plan's alignment with local priorities.

Nexus 25 Local Development Order (LDO)

James Holbrook presented a review of the Nexus 25 Local Development Order (LDO), which was adopted in 2018 to encourage economic investment near Junction 25. The review concluded that there have been no significant changes in planning policy that would affect the LDO. The council agreed to amend the wording of Condition 1 to address typographical errors and allow for an additional review period.

Forward Plan

The forward plan for future meetings includes topics such as the Puritan Accord Produce Industry, the Local Transport Plan, and the review of the Minerals and Waste Development Scheme. The August meeting will cover the six-month review of the Neighbourhood Plan and progress on the Local Transport Plan.

The meeting concluded with a general agreement on the discussed items and a plan for future meetings.