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Cabinet - Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024 4.00 pm

May 22, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Monmouthshire County Council Cabinet meeting on May 22nd, chaired by Councillor Paul Griffiths, covered several significant topics, including feedback from the Performance and Overview Scrutiny Committee, the local food strategy, a new strategy for commissioned domiciliary care, a local housing market assessment refresh, the repurposing of the 7V residential home in Chepstow, and the development of supported accommodation provision.

Local Food Strategy

Councillor Mary Ann Brocklesby introduced the local food strategy from Leeds, with Marianne Ehrlich presenting key elements. The strategy aims to support sustainable and innovative economic activity, focusing on local and ethical supply chains, developing food as an economic sector, and improving community food access, education, and participation. The strategy aligns with Monmouthshire's community and corporate plan, emphasizing fairer, greener, and healthier food and farming. The Cabinet endorsed the strategy.

Commissioned Domiciliary Care Strategy

Councillor Chandler presented a new strategy to address the pressures on Monmouthshire's social care services. The strategy proposes commissioning long-term domiciliary care through block contracts to provide stability for providers and improve care continuity for residents. The Cabinet approved the strategy, which aims to reduce costs and improve service quality.

Local Housing Market Assessment Refresh

Councillor Griffiths introduced the refreshed local housing market assessment, which identifies a need for 499 affordable homes per year until 2027 and an additional 90 affordable homes per year until 2037. The assessment supports the proposed rate of development in the replacement local development plan (RLDP) and emphasizes the need for affordable and social housing. The Cabinet approved the assessment.

Repurposing of 7V Residential Home

The Cabinet approved the repurposing of the 7V residential home in Chepstow to provide temporary accommodation for homeless persons. This decision is expected to eliminate over £400,000 in annual costs while providing better quality accommodation and support services.

Supported Accommodation Provision

Councillor Chandler presented a business case for repurposing a Council-owned property in Caldicott to develop supported accommodation for care-experienced young people aged 16-21. The project aims to provide a homely setting with 24-hour support, helping young people develop independent living skills. The Cabinet approved the business case, which is expected to generate significant savings and improve service quality.

The meeting concluded with the approval of all recommendations and a note of thanks for the effective use of grant funding from Welsh Government in supporting these initiatives.


Jonathan Davies
Profile image for Councillor County Martyn Groucutt
Councillor County Martyn Groucutt  Cabinet Member for Education •  Welsh Labour/Llafur Cymru •  Lansdown
Robert McGowan
Peter Davies
Hazel Ilett
Paul Matthews
Will McLean
Jane Rodgers
John Pearson
Abigail Barton
Wendy Barnard
Nicola Perry
Richard Williams
Frances O'Brien
Matthew Gatehouse
Ian Saunders
Amy Gullick
Alison Jones
Rachel Keeble
Joanne Chase
Adam Fall
Profile image for Councillor County Frances Taylor
Councillor County Frances Taylor  Independent Group •  Magor West
Ben Davies
James Williams
Ian Bakewell
Marianne Elliott
Cath Fallon
Nicholas Keyse
Sally Meyrick