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Licensing Panel - Tuesday 28 May 2024 6.30 pm, NEW

May 28, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting was a licensing panel to discuss an application for a new premises license for a McDonald's restaurant and drive-through in South Harrow. The panel granted the license with conditions after considering objections and the applicant's responses.

New Premises License for McDonald's in South Harrow

The main topic was the application for a new premises license for the McDonald's restaurant and drive-through in South Harrow. The application requested that the premises remain open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with late-night refreshment services for the restaurant area from 11 PM to midnight and for the drive-through from 11 PM to 5 AM.

Applicant's Presentation

Ari Mavani, the owner of all McDonald's in the Harrow borough, presented the application. She was accompanied by Tom Russell, the area manager, and Lee Brand, the restaurant manager for the South Harrow branch. Mavani emphasized their commitment to the community, mentioning their involvement in local charities and the Harrow BID1. She also highlighted their efforts to address concerns about litter, noise, and antisocial behavior.

Objections and Responses

The application received two objections from residents, Daniel O'Riden and Artie Halligan, who were concerned about increased litter, noise, and antisocial behavior. Mavani explained that they have strict measures for litter control, including three daily litter picks and weekly litter picks with local volunteers. They also have invested in noise-reducing measures and CCTV to monitor and prevent antisocial behavior.

Panel's Questions

The panel, consisting of Councillors Moshinson, Henson, and Gooden-Freeman, asked several questions to address the residents' concerns:

  • Litter Control: The panel inquired about additional bins and litter control measures. Mavani and Russell agreed to consider adding more bins and mentioned their ongoing efforts to keep the area clean.
  • Noise and Traffic: The panel asked about the noise levels and traffic during the extended hours. Mavani stated that the drive-through would not be very busy during the late hours and that they have measures in place to reduce noise.
  • Delivery Drivers: Concerns about delivery drivers loitering were addressed by explaining that drivers are required to wait inside the restaurant after 11 PM.


The panel decided to grant the license for late-night refreshments in the drive-through until 5 AM and in the restaurant until midnight, subject to the amendments discussed during the meeting. The conditions include maintaining the 100-meter litter control area and providing contact information for complaints.

  1. Harrow BID (Business Improvement District) is an organization that aims to improve the local business environment in Harrow.