We'll be facilitating this meeting and today she's going to be ably supported by her colleagues, Steve Goodrum and Nicola Gittings, all from the Democratic Services Department.
We're also joined by Neil Cockerton, Strategic Executive Officer, Kelly Oldham-Jones, Strategic Executive Officer, Rachel Corbelli, Strategic Finance Officer and...
Oh, sorry, yes, I can see you now. Sharon Carney, who's our Corporate Manager for People and Cooperative Organisations, will be presenting the reports during the meeting.
My thanks at this point to them for their preparation today.
May I now remind you of the need to switch off your phones and to kindly keep background noise to a minimum because that is a bug of mine.
All microphones should be muted until you are invited to speak, then return to mute.
Please indicate that you wish to speak by simply raising your hand if in the chamber or using the raised hand function if online.
Please be assured that an orderly list of those wishing to speak is maintained.
So without further ado, we shall now move to the meeting proper. Thank you.
So, Agenda Item 1. Do we have any apologies, please?
Thank you, Chair. We haven't received any apologies, but we have two substitutions.
Councillor Helen Brown is substituting for Councillor Bill Crease and Councillor Mel Buckley is substituting for Councillor Paul Conaway.
Thank you to those substituting today.
Okay, moving to Agenda Item 2, Declarations of Interest, please.
Point of order. Chair, I understand, in fact, I do know that there has been a meeting this morning involving members of ORRA,
and ORRA is the subject of the discussion today, and that some elected members attended this meeting.
I just wish to have some clarification or maybe those elected members can clarify the situation themselves.
Whether it is appropriate for them to actually declare a personal and prejudicial interest
and to leave the meeting in view of any conversations that have taken place in the meeting with ORRA.
Gladys, my wife and I, did on a previous occasion when it was the LDP, declare a personal and prejudicial interest and left the meeting completely.
I dare say Councillor Ibertsen will have a response to that, but I think it ought to be just given an airing.
Thank you, I'd need to take advice on that. Sorry, Councillor Ibertsen?
Thank you, Madam Chair. As Councillor Healy suggested, members who attended the meeting may well wish to reply to the point that he has raised.
Under the Code of Conduct, there is no prejudicial interest on account of having had conversations about an issue which is to be subject to discussion indeed.
Issues of concern to residents quite frequently come before overview and scrutiny committees, and members will discuss issues of public services with residents of the county.
In terms of the point Councillor Healy raises about the LDP, he will be aware that in planning issues where a member has previously expressed a view on an application which is to come before a committee,
in the specific case of planning committee, a member is judged to have a prejudicial interest, but that does not apply that test of if you've previously expressed views, you cannot vote on an issue outside of the planning committee.
I hope that clarifies the point that he's raised.
Chair, if I may? Of course.
It's obviously down to individual members whether they choose to declare an interest or not. It would only apply to members of the committee if they attended that meeting this morning.
And as today, we are not necessarily looking to award a specific contract. It could be argued that it's not necessary to declare such an interest.
It's more because the options on the table are not about awarding a contract, it's about options to recommend to cabinets rather than contractual matters.
Thank you for that clarification.
Okay, moving on then, because I'm assuming that I'm not having any decorations.
Just check. Okay, moving on then. I need to now say, as a council, we are in favour of disclosure of as much information as possible about the decisions we take.
I seem to be saying that quite a lot recently. However, at this point, for the reasons outlined on page 2 of the report,
I ask now for a proposer and a seconder from those members of the Education, Youth, Overview and Scrutiny Committee to exclude the present public and move to a part 2.
Do I have a proposer? Thank you, Councillor Mel Buckley. And a seconder, please. Thank you, Councillor Gladys Healy.
And all those in favour, please, from the Education, Youth, Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
We have two co-opted members on line.
Okay. And all those against, please raise your hands.
Okay, any abstentions?
One, two, three. Okay. So that's carried. Thank you.