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Licensing Committee - Thursday, 30th May, 2024 4.00 pm

May 30, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Dorset Council's Licensing Committee meeting on May 30, 2024, was brief and focused on routine matters. The main topics discussed were the approval of the previous meeting's minutes and the appointment of licensing subcommittees.

Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes

The minutes from the meeting held on November 28, 2023, were approved without any objections. Councillor Derek Beer, the chair, confirmed that the minutes were accepted by the committee members present.

Appointment of Licensing Subcommittees

Aileen Powell, the licensing team leader, introduced the report on the appointment of licensing subcommittees. This is an annual report that follows each full annual council meeting. The subcommittees are responsible for hearing applications from taxi drivers, premises licenses, and other related applications. The subcommittees are organized into five groups of three members each. The report also included relevant sections from the council's constitution outlining the delegations.

The committee approved the report without any questions. A proposal for acceptance was made and seconded, and the committee voted in favor.

Other Business

  • No declarations of interest were made.
  • There were no questions or statements from the public.
  • No urgent items or exempt business were discussed.

The meeting concluded at 4:04 PM.


Roy Keepax
Kathryn Miller
Samantha Spracklen
Ian Carter
Aileen Powell
Elaine Tibble
Graham Duggan
John Newcombe
Lara Altree
Philip Crowther
Councillor Derek Beer
Councillor Louise Bown
Councillor Matt Bell
Councillor Les Fry
Councillor Jill Haynes
Councillor Jack Jeanes
Councillor Cathy Lugg
Councillor Craig Monks
Councillor David Morgan
Councillor Emma Parker
Profile image for Councillor Val Pothecary
Councillor Val Pothecary  Conservative •  Gillingham
Profile image for Councillor David Shortell
Councillor David Shortell  Conservative •  West Moors and Three Legged Cross
Councillor Kate Wheller
John Miles
Councillor Sarah Williams
Councillor Claudia Webb