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Annual Council, Council - Monday, 20th May, 2024 7.00 pm

May 20, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting was primarily focused on the election of the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor for Redditch, as well as the appointment of committee members and leaders. Key decisions included the election of Juma Begum as Mayor and Joanna Kane as Deputy Mayor, and the appointment of Joe Baker as the new Leader of Redditch Borough Council.

  1. Election of Mayor and Deputy Mayor:

    • Juma Begum was elected as the new Mayor of Redditch. She was nominated by Councillor Baker and seconded by another councillor. Juma has a background in volunteering and community service and has been a councillor since 2022.
    • Joanna Kane was elected as Deputy Mayor. She has lived in Redditch for almost 30 years and has a background in public service, including working for the NHS and as a journalist.
  2. Outgoing Mayor's Remarks:

    • The outgoing Mayor thanked the council members and officers for their support during his tenure. He highlighted memorable events such as the 800th-year celebration of Redditch's twin town, Oxair, and the Royal Garden Party. He also thanked Peter Martin from the charity Dropped the Knife for their fundraising efforts.
  3. Election of Council Leader:

    • Joe Baker was elected as the new Leader of Redditch Borough Council. He was nominated by Councillor Hartnett and seconded by Councillor Harvey. Joe has a diverse background, including training as a nurse and prison guard, and running a small business. He has been involved in various community initiatives such as the Uniform Bank and Redditch Pride.
  4. Appointment of Deputy Leader and Executive Members:

    • Sharon Harvey was appointed as the Deputy Leader. The new executive members and their portfolios were also announced, including Ian Woodall for Finance, Monica Stringfellow for Services and Regulatory Services, and Bill Hartnett for Housing.
  5. Constitution Review:

    • The council agreed to accept the recommendations for the Constitution Review, with a commitment to review it over the next six months to ensure that decision-making power remains with the elected council members.
  6. Appointments to Committees and Outside Bodies:

    • The council approved the appointments to various committees and outside bodies. Councillor Paul Wren was added to the Licensing Committee.
  7. Licensing Policies:

    • The council approved changes to the licensing policies, including the implementation of the Ask Angela initiative and the provision of bleed kits. These changes were unanimously supported by the Licensing Committee.

The meeting concluded with an invitation to a light buffet and congratulations to all newly elected and re-elected members.


Councillor Joe Baker
Profile image for Councillor Juliet Barker Smith
Councillor Juliet Barker Smith  Portfolio Holder for Leisure •  Labour •  (Headless Cross & Oakenshaw Ward)
Councillor Juma Begum
Councillor William Boyd
Councillor Claire Davies
Councillor Matthew Dormer
Councillor James Fardoe
Councillor Andrew Fry
Profile image for Councillor Bill Hartnett
Councillor Bill Hartnett  Portfolio Holder for Housing •  Labour •  (North Ward)
Profile image for Councillor Sharon Harvey
Councillor Sharon Harvey  Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services •  Labour •  (Central Ward)
Councillor Chris Holz
Councillor Joanna Kane
Councillor Sid Khan
Councillor Wanda King
Councillor Alan Mason
Councillor Sachin Mathur
Councillor Gemma Monaco
Councillor David Munro
Councillor Rita Rogers
Councillor Gary Slim
Councillor Jen Snape
Councillor Jane Spilsbury
Councillor Craig Warhurst
Councillor Ian Woodall
Councillor Paul Wren
Bernard Ofori-Atta
Nicola Cummings
Claire Felton
Jess Bayley-Hill
Joanne Gresham
Gavin Day
Jane Oyenuga
Mateusz Sliwinski
Claire Green
Simon Parry