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Licensing Act 2003 Committee - Wednesday, 22nd May, 2024 10:00

May 22, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting was held remotely via Microsoft Teams and focused primarily on procedural matters related to the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005. The committee approved the delegation of functions and the formation of subcommittees.

Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 Delegation of Functions

Yvonne Witchell, the Senior Licensing Officer, presented the report. The report was procedural and related to the discharge of the Council's functions under the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005. The key points discussed included:

  • Delegation of Functions: The committee proposed to delegate the responsibility for authorizing officers to the Chief Officer, Legal and Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate Policy. This officer would also be responsible for instituting proceedings under both Acts.
  • Day-to-Day Functions: It was proposed that the Chief Officer, Legal and Regulatory Services, HR and Corporate Policy, the Team Manager Licensing, and the Senior Licensing Officer be authorized to handle day-to-day functions, as outlined in section 3.2 of the report.
  • Formation of Subcommittees: The committee approved the formation of subcommittees consisting of three members of the Licensing Act 2003 committee to determine applications under both Acts. These subcommittees would be chaired by the chairperson or vice-chairperson of the Licensing Act 2003 committee, where possible. If neither could attend, a chairperson would be elected from the panel in situ.

Councillor Colin Davies joined the Licensing Act 2003 committee and, upon completion of training, would be eligible to be selected as one of the panel members for applications.

The committee moved and seconded the report, and it was agreed upon by all members.

Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Councillor Coon, Councillor Bennett (due to an unstable connection), and Councillor Easterbrook.

Declarations of Interest

No declarations of interest were made.

Any Other Business

No additional matters were raised.

The meeting concluded with thanks from the chair.


Ilaria Agostini-Green
Room - Council Chamber
Nimi Chandrasena
Kirsty Evans
Mark Galvin
Stephen Griffiths
Rachel Keepins
Andrea Lee
Michael Pitman
Oscar Roberts
Nick Dennison
Profile image for Councillor Steven Easterbrook
Councillor Steven Easterbrook  Independent •  Bridgend Central
Profile image for Councillor Philip Jenkins
Councillor Philip Jenkins  Llynfi Independents •  Maesteg East
Councillor Maxine Lewis
Councillor Anthony Berrow
Councillor Heidi Bennett
Profile image for Councillor Steven Bletsoe
Councillor Steven Bletsoe  Independent •  Bridgend Central
Councillor Colin Davies
Councillor Malcolm James