Thank you very much.
Okay, one later gentlemen, I'm going to start off with our first plan application, which is the application key, 4/FL, 4/2024, 4/00846.
My name is Councillor David Taylor, and I represent Councillor St Mary Ward, and I'd like to pass over to Caspoolman, the case officer. Thank you, Caspool.
The application to site a mental storage container in the service yard of the Shareborne house is brought to committee, following consideration by the service manager of the development management, enlightened referral request made by Dorsey council members, stating the concerns raised by historical England and the town council.
I've been asked to clarify that historical England do not object per se to the application that rates concerned with regards to that matters of justification citing in design, which we'll discuss in this application.
I can't even hear is to give us an introduction as to how we got to this application today, and then I'll take it to the application itself.
So one house is recently opened in centre of Shareborne by the white square here, and Catherine will just give us a quick history about how we got to where we are today after extensive.
Yeah, okay, and extensive refurbishment and extension program.
Thank you, Cas. This project has been an ongoing project for a number of years now, which started with the actual children has break on listed, actually being painstakingly conserved and installed.
All this happens before the extension to the rearways for song.
The main thing about this project every every single detail and guarding this site has been ridiculously banned down to the point of the wall at the front to the actual painting or the stone with my friends building, as well as the restoration of the.
I'm drinking facade to children's also been installed and turned into a shot and book cafe and bar area as well.
To make all these this work sustainable and extensions been added to the rear of property, which is constructed from a sedum instruction is improved which is very, very impressive.
And it's this element that's going to be the, the, the, to bring it will bring in the income probably full showable house.
As an all to use space and as an all to use space, it's going to have different events to one day, you know, sting, say, an opera from London being streamed down with the tears set of seating.
Next day, we potentially hosting a wedding or conferences, all of which has have specific needs as to what furniture they need in there.
So it's essential there is somewhere that this furniture can be stored.
Now I've sat down with the architects and with the team, we've discussed many options for where this, where the containing be their sighted.
And we've concluded that obviously where it is proposed to be which castle sort of series is the best option.
It's in the service yard. So it's very much back of house.
And it's near the dustbin store. So you're not going to read it. I think it's really important to take a ball that most historic items that used for events.
So we do have these types of storage facilities, but we just don't see them.
The Kicksalacey for example, when you go there, you don't notice the biomass boiler, which is tough right behind.
And it will be the same as this with the metal container. One of the nice touch posed with this metal container, though, is because the whole site is basically for community of children for education of arts.
And I think that there's going to be a competition to ask local children to design a mural to go on this container to make it obviously more in keeping with the site.
So it'll actually be sort of artistic. When you look at it and that'll come from local people. So I think that's a very nuanced touch.
So I'll pass you back over to Cass to present the issue.
Thank you.
For context, then the the service yards on the right hand side adjacent to the new pavilion extension sat behind the main grade or listed hands and behind the main entrance, which is to the left hand side waitress car park is opposite to us.
And then the main chance to.
And then the photo found the construction just to show the location of the context, mainly rain or listed here at the front. This might area here is now the feeling central in the service.
The site is right hand side.
What I've done is I've taken a series of photographs to walk you through that it looks like I'm on site somewhere that he goes all the steps.
This is stood within the way to his car park opposite the site, the main grade one listed building here to do is select here.
I'm going to walk into the site from the main and it was where the pedestrian park was through from the left hand side of the site.
So the main entrance into the building people have bundled here to the main entrance into the reception for people can be able to collect into the restaurant cafe.
So looking a bit further along in the way trace car park, the great one is building is here.
And this is the secondary entrance on the right hand side, which is designed as a secondary entrance for service vehicles and for people that have parking permits to park and access.
This is not anticipated to be in any entrance at all.
So right in front of it, this is the newly constructed building store that will, that will weather and then the service yard is situated under here beyond the tree on the right hand side behind main house.
So I'm going to walk up that second entrance now just to show you the location of which the container is proposed.
So you can see the setting within this building here, and you can just see here this red wall here is one of the new walls, which you close is the service yard.
So I'm walking up the main, the secondary entrance towards the house.
And walking up again, this wall here is the front wall of the service yard that separate up physical area.
It hasn't quite been finished laid out there.
It's more than the lawns by the hall, but you get the idea of this side of the site.
It's not the main thing to get from areas where people would be moving around.
Standing in the front storage garden, again, you can see how the privacy of the main building is maintained to the left service areas to the right.
Now I'm walking alongside the right hand side. This is the new window in the left parking areas.
And then this is the new store here, which when site is operational, there will be a gate that goes across the front to block that off.
And the proposal is to site the container in between the service yard walls alongside this wall here.
So this is me stood alongside the main grader on this house.
And this is me stood against the side of the pavilion looking towards the site of the post okay, the container sit there.
That's just an overview of what that would look like there against that wall.
The service yard is standing in the area was looking back towards the side of the pavilion extension and the rear of the main house.
One of the benefits of citing the storage unit here is that this on the left is a staff access into the pavilion.
So it allows things to be transported across the service yard without having to go to either the main house, the pavilion or the garden.
So it's a nice subtle way of being able to service whatever events are happening either in the pavilion in the main house or to the rear in the garden.
So coming out of the service yard into the rear garden.
This is what the gates and walls come from the container would be alongside this wall here.
It would just pop out the top.
Just to demonstrate from this drawing here, the top of the container would just pop out the top of the new walls that would be so excited well below the main wall towards the rear of the container.
So it would not protrude above this wall at all and only above this one.
I was going to walk back into the garden now to show you where the containing would be read from.
If anyone looking to that side of the service yard from the rear garden, the container would be located there.
We're walking back into the garden again behind these walls, along with you just see the top of it.
And the container would be cited here.
And then in the back of the garden, looking back towards the new pavilion, the container would be citing the service yard to the left.
So the whole reading of the rear of the site is very much centered towards the new pavilion back of the house to choose a win.
And so it would be time to wear this.
I've just gone inside the main house to just show you the perception and the relationship between the post site and the container and the maintenance of house from the inside.
This is me stood in the back of the modern stairways for the rear looking into the service yard.
But again, you wouldn't tend to look that way. You'll be looking into the garden.
Again, the container would be cited in here.
So that's a perception just from the secondary except from the Thornhill stair and totally ground here, and container would be cited in here.
So they're creating a storage unit as Catherine has pointed out has been satisfied in offices or opinion, because there are no other places on the site to store things.
And there's the requirement to store things is going to be a viable is going to be a requirement to enable the commercial and ongoing economic viability of this of this commercial and art center.
It has funding for the first two years of its life, but then it has to be self funding after that. So the most we can do the better.
So that it's considered to be the most viable option, and therefore, considerable acceptable and justified for the requirements of paragraph 206.
The main consideration for the application falls down to a difference of opinion between conservation specialists to the suitability of the solution proposed.
So they facilitate this additional storage. So just the quite historical English said that they would be concerned that it's giving the quality coherence and materiality of other buildings on site.
They can say that the containing be a large and in Congress edition of discord and industrial character.
And the second is that it would draw a greater attention to it by being metal.
Our opinion is that a metal storage container would just has a story I can then point out be industrial, but that is in our opinion the spirit of the modern editions that have been added to the rear.
And the sort of thing you may expect to be within a commercial art center to store sense.
So it's manageable in terms of the new interventions with the primacy of the listed house retained to the front of the site, the excited to the side adjacent to the new extension behind walls separating the service yellow from the gardens.
And away from the main list of buildings away from other public public accessible areas.
But the central hand to the setting of heritage heritage to go sets is considered to be outweighed by public benefits. The extensive renovation works are completely the shared ones now open to the public.
It's free to enter and the renovation project facilitated a greater access and enjoyment of this great one listed building and its grounds.
The development has resulted in a regeneration of a previously under the site and has secured a viable and ongoing use of heritage I said that was formally at risk.
The creation of this community and set the heart of Sherborne will continue to contribute to the economic environment and social benefits for the town.
It will have community benefits in terms of the use of the building for cultural events and exhibitions and educational benefits by a partnership to local schools.
As Catherine pointed out, it's proposed to be decorated with a mural designed by competition for local schools. Again, contributing to the shape was community and educational engagement programs.
The proposal to site a container, a bulky equipment required for a variety of events that the Sherborne hopes of host will ensure the ongoing ability of the share form to host large, high quality public and private events, ensuring it's commercial financial
development in the future. This is the significant public benefit that weighs in favour of the scheme. So therefore the public benefits of the proposal would, in the opinion of officers be sufficient to outweigh any lessons of central
development, it would be caused to assess an offer list of house and the list of walls, and as such application makes a requirement.
Therefore, the applications recommended for approval. Thank you.
That's for presentation and your colleague as well. Excellent. Second to this, we'd like to bring in the opportunity to please Stefan Pittman to come up to give a discussion and a full and a office.
Definitely will be time for three minutes. Okay.
Thank you. Sherborne House has completed a monumental refurbishment of the greatest conservation alongside the reuse and recreation of a venue for the arts free to the public.
This is a legacy project. It is open to the public with minus snagging and completion works to the course of the next month to finish.
It is a multi million pound legacy given to the local community in wider region to allow access to heritage and the arts. The public benefit is vast, saving grade one listed building on the at risk register for 30 years and opening it to the public free for use and enjoyment.
The planning committee states referral due to objections to the town council and historic England. However, I personally walked Jenny Cheshire and he found a steam from historic England around the site in April, and both were hugely complimentary of the scale and the quality of the work.
They wish to use this as a case study for future reuse project.
Eve Van Dassine who wrote the comments from historic England did not object to the application they supported indeed the written response. It confirms they have no objections twice.
Historic England suggest a temporary permission only which also cancel do not consider as necessary.
The location of the proposed unit is well chosen and would have very limited adverse impacts on the setting of the listed building.
The position is east of the new pavilion to service this space, located behind brick walls out of sight from the front of house.
The new single story brick buildings to the west boundary are all full in designated use and there is no further storage space.
The storage is key to the success and viability of shovel nets. Thank you.
Much difficult. Ladies and gentlemen and fellow councillors that like to open for now to questions please who'd like to address them now.
Councillor Fry please.
Thank you, Chair.
I like what I see in front of me.
It's very different useful.
One bit I'm a little bit uncomfortable and that goes against my grain of this is the children's mural on the side of the container.
This is meant to be at the back of the building at a site.
It's discreetly hidden and discreetly placed.
If we had wooden paneling on it, it would be there forever and be part of the thing where the mural is going to fade.
It's going to wear out.
It's going to be redoing.
And what sort of control do we have over it?
It's going to be bright and garish at the back there. I think this is a wonderful project fully supportive of it.
And I'm supportive of the container because I can see the need.
I just wonder whether we will be better with wooden paneling rather than a young person's mural.
And it's hard because I support young people.
I think on this occasion something more permanent might be better placed cast.
Do you want to comment?
I think the thought process within this was purely because it is an art centre.
It is for the people of Sherborne.
And in all honesty, as we've discussed, it's not going to be that visual.
So this is really just a visual thing when you go in the story chart and people coming in the back and actually see this mural.
It's just meant to bring the community in, but I do take the portrait point, but it's something for members to consider.
So it's just meant to be part of this application.
So it's simple for us that it would be clamped in in words.
We've also been suggesting that at one point I was sure that almost making it more permanent would be against the point of it being a container that's cited on the ground as a use for action or something more permanent.
And in terms of the arts use, we haven't suggested a condition on that.
I think it'd be quite difficult to condition.
Firstly, not being necessary to make the application accept them.
Secondly, because as has happened points out in our centre, it's meant to be more of an organic thing that people would be able to.
It's another strand of how the community could be involved in the centre, especially younger people.
But it isn't necessarily needed to make the development acceptable in an officer's view.
And I think if you try to condition something around it, it might be more difficult causing issues than it's solved potentially.
The arts centre have obviously done a very good job and they would have control over the, what was on the side of the memorial.
And the idea would be to obviously make it look more attractive from the views you can see it on the cast has explained it.
Thank you. I'd know all those comments on that and then, in principle, I'm happy to propose one discussion to continue.
Thank you very much. A lot of really cancel with that, please.
But in the right, I think what I have similar concerns, actually, and I've just wanted to clarify, and if you could say, I know this isn't partly application in the meal,
but would it be painted actually on the container, do you think? Or would it be painted on a board and fixed it?
Sorry, just on the case.
Those kind of details we haven't actually explored. I mean, it could either be on the container or it could be on a fixed building that could perhaps be removed.
And over time, perhaps another design person has the building ages and progress as we, that, yeah, that's easy to see. So it hasn't been.
Thank you, Kim. And I appreciate that. But I think in my own mind, then it all actually fits onto it, you know, it could be actually changed.
Now it won't change. I think I've been.
Thank you.
Can we have a councilor Jefferson show you, Jefferson, please.
It's not a question. I was going to make a comment. It's no more questions.
If I may, Mr Vice Chair. So.
This committee has skin in the game, of course, some members of this committee have skin in the game with this particular development, don't be because you all remember that some of us visited it.
When in its very, very early stages when we were required to give planning permission.
I don't know how many of you've been back to see it since it opened, but I have, and I have to say it is absolutely stunning better than we could ever have been visited when we looked around that.
We could only tread on half of the floorboards and it, and the back stairs was a, like a fire escape. And it's now so I think we would like to, I know this committee would like to say how very pleased we are with the outcome because it's better than we could ever imagine.
And thank you for to Catherine for her, but parking was that having got this far, this is the final decision we're being asked to make in support of it.
And it seems to me that the case for a storage facility is absolutely made, but they have to have that facility.
The place that they're choosing to put it, it seems to me very wise, I did walk around back there, and it's very legible, but I don't think it would be seen from any of the key points.
You could see it if you land half a window or if you went on the back to spy it out, but it's no way, is it visible from any of the important points so I don't think you could tell that it would be visually intrusive in any way.
And I think, and it's access, of course, by the side entrance, which is where all the lorries would go in and out when they're loading art exhibitions and offers and all those other wonderful things.
So I think it's very legible in that sense.
In terms of whether there's a mural or not.
It seems to me that it would work perfectly well as a storage for shipping container. That is, it won't be an eyesore, it will fit in with the tone of the modern part of the building.
So if it's a shipping container, that will be fine.
It's the committee work to just give it permission to put the container there, and we could leave it, I suggest, to the art center to decide themselves, whether or not they wanted to put the children's mural on it.
It doesn't seem to me that it needs that decision by us today to make this acceptable in planning terms.
So, so I mean, I'm very, very relaxed about whether there's, I'm not breaking on cladding, I have to say, I know that's not in the proposal. And I'm glad this is not because I think that that into the expense.
But it seems to me that we've all without the mural, this is very, very acceptable. It's the last stage that they need to make this a really, really viable art center.
And I think we should support it, would it be possible for us to give it to say, you decide about the mural, we'll just give you permission with or without the mural.
Is that be possible?
Yes, currently there are no conditions proposed as to how the container resource is finished.
Same that can be pointed out, so it's the art center, we'll steer the out of the container as they see fit.
And we have confidence that because of the idea of what happened today, that there is no risk for degradation or deterioration or anything inappropriate.
And so it was considered that it didn't really meet the tests of planning conditions to require details at this point, because we were, we were happy at the principle of the container with or without the decoration would be acceptable in the setting.
Because given how they've done everything else and your competencies exactly, I would be entirely confident that they're going to do exactly the right thing.
So I'd like to propose that we accept this planning application without worrying too much about a mural or not a mural.
So therefore at the moment we've got a proposal, let's try, we're a second who is sharing it there, but of course we've got a question from Councillor Jones and you can.
No, it wasn't a question I just wanted to agree with everything Councillor Jameson said.
I think we have to do except that the trustees or whoever has been behind building this incredible community center now is just some of the most wonderful job and we should just leave it to them and trust in them that they will know whatever they need to do exactly.
I just think Sherville is extremely lucky to have this building it looks fantastic I can't go into this it's and I would be more than happy to just take a look and let, let the Arts Center sort out whatever they want to do.
They've got the best interest of that side.
Thank you very much Councillors.
Are there any further observations or questions please.
Also we're posed by Councillor Frye, seconded by Councillor Jefferson, can I have a show of hands and favour please.
Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, thank you officers for this presentation.
It's certainly just about to take a five into German because we'd rather share we should perhaps like in the game to take over my role.
As the planning officer notes within their report is anticipated that further affordable units will be provided via grant funding from homes England in addition to these units delivered via the Section 106 units.
They have a consent to participate 79 additional units to be delivered in this way with the locations of these units set out on the affordable housing layer plan for members information.
Although the officers report correctly states that only the 100 Section 106 units can be assessed under this application, the applicant status is a registered provider, their track record of delivering additional affordable housing, and their financial incentives of the homes England grant means that these additional units are highly likely to come forward.
As noted within the officer's report, Gilliam Town Council now recommend approval of the application, any one neighbor representation remains considering noise impact from the adjacent commercial users as we've just heard.
I will follow the seat to this, the seat of this comment and comments from the Council's own environmental health officer, an environmental environmental noise assessment was submitted in August 2023, which considers the impact on the new dwellings from sound sources, including the adjacent commercial uses.
The result of this assessment is that some mitigation is required, which has been posed in the form of facade sound insulation, use the likelihood of adverse impacts.
This mitigation is now secured by condition seven or the recommendation, which requires approval of an acoustic design statement for us the occupation of any dwelling.
Furthermore, the layout has taken the account, rather more than a joining a joining land uses by not including any buildings hard up against the boundary within this use, some of the plan, regardless, providing separation to the main living areas and screening from the tame vegetation.
Application has been subject to much discussion with officers with the schemas before you today having been refined following meetings between the applicants team and the Council's planning urban design landscaping and highways officers.
This is the applicant's view that this collaborative approach has assisted with bringing the application to the stage with a recommendation for approval. Thank you, Mr. President, let's go say thank you to officers.
Thank you, Mr. President.
Thank you, Mr. President.
We didn't mention anything about climate emergency issues renewables. We've seen nothing about electric charging solar air source water recovery. Can you tell me what the plans offer that on this site, please.
We submitted an energy statement, which demonstrates the reduction in due to emissions from the development. It's using a fabric first approach and energy efficient measures.
They're proposing low and zero carbon technologies and water consumption less than 110 liters in person for day.
Whilst there aren't any so that these proposed within the application, they are identified and identify as source heat pumps.
That's what's included in the energy statement.
Thank you and solar panels. Are they going to be installed and electric car charging?
The, the, the, the, the solar panels, but that's the new reason why individuals couldn't install a set of PDs in the future on their own property.
Thanks, Mr. President. No, that's for fixing so much more expensive.
Hannah, do you have a view on this because it seems to share with it's a missed opportunity on such a large site.
240 properties. This is an ideal opportunity to take the county forward to make it more energy efficient and climate neutral.
Thank you.
We're glad to meet the more students in doing regulations, which require energy efficient measures. And this is why we're seeing these letters on the floor, which such as the city pumps.
And that is a recognized sustainable solution. And it's not just so it happens.
It's sort of a combination of really high installation through the new building regulations, and the S was heat pump, which makes the units sustainable and good air tight.
So it's not just about one sort of solution. I think this will provide.
The new buildings and, and there is also a requirement for those regulations to provide.
In terms of going beyond that, with our policies, it's very difficult to to assist on more.
More sort of measures that we might want to include because it's not this point sign under nearby policy.
I think we can be.
Be assured that they will be sustained. And that's reassuring that we have a condition there on S was heat pump, suns and noise ledgers to ensure they are and compatible with residential units that does that quite fast.
The energy solution will be developed by this developer on this site, which is obviously welcome.
Thanks, I welcome all those moves to make these houses so sustainable with the insulation and the air source.
But I think there's a missed opportunity for solar panels and water recovery to use the rainwater and other message.
It's great water.
I think that's a missed there and that will be good if other developers who are listening to this meeting and listening to that when you're meeting with them to try and push that on please because we don't help ourselves.
But we're not who are also going to make a difference.
Thank you.
Thanks a lot, Jefferson, please.
Yes, thank you.
First of all, I know colleagues, mind me, reminding everybody that we make our remarks through the chair, not asking our questions direct to officers.
It makes it easy for the chair to control the meeting.
First of all, I support this application, I'm minded to support it, but I just have a question and sort of half question, past comment.
In paragraph 16.5 of the office's report, I know the head comments on the large number of flats in the two bedroom.
The provision for housing.
This is acceptable. The case officers explained this, why this is acceptable for this particular application because it's what is part of a wider package.
But I think it would be helpful if we, if we could just note as it were in our minutes.
That's the housing enabling team have commented on this and raised concerns, and we need to ensure that this is addressed in the future part parcels of this going forward.
But we could just note that remarks from the housing enabling team get it in on minutes that helps the officer when she comes to negotiate the rest of this development.
That it's acceptable in this context, but we wouldn't want all of that to carry on with that with the two bedroom provision being principally flats because that actually isn't a good enough tenure over the space of the whole application.
So if we could just kind of, if we could just note that in our minutes, that would be helpful.
Yes. Okay. Thank you.
And I leave it to the getting on members to begin the debate and comment.
Thank you.
Please go ahead.
Thank you.
I just wanted to come back to the gentleman that spoke on fire.
We regard to the hedging or fencing that gives him security.
What exactly is planned there and can we condition that there is something robust that people getting into his site.
I think that's important.
That was one thing that I just wanted to last on the affordable units, are any of them going to be designed or can we conditions that we do have.
But it's just a small amount of design for the disabled at this.
Thank you.
I'm going to leave it on the first issue.
It's noted in the environmental statement for the outline application that there are no sources around the site, which could impact on the living conditions of.
That was noted in the environmental statement because this obviously reserved matters stage where massive principle of the board established and looking at the scale.
So, so on this application, you actually have lots of condition that ties back to the outline concept, which is condition seven, which I think gives some.
Sort of security that this will be looked at and there's requirement for a final acoustic design statement.
She needs to be submitted for approval, which obviously would be consulted with our environmental health team to ensure that if there are any measures that required in the.
So, if you look at the outline, you have to be included in the final design of the dwellings.
The outline didn't identify noise sources would mean that there has to be measures such as a large acoustic sense that's obviously been looked at at the outline stage.
You do have some control of the condition said, when this reserved matters and the outline consent that we looked at.
I don't know if you've got the details of the boundary.
I guess it's retained, but I think the head.
Yeah, so on this plan of the head would be retained so there's no proposal to review this.
In terms of additional crime, I do think that's something that would necessarily be a planning consideration on this application in terms of.
Obviously there's more people living there and I know the concern that they're from the resident that spoke.
I don't think there's any people in this application that we could really do in terms of extra security that's required some terms of conditions.
I'm sorry council was not saying that.
That was down through the outline.
And the section of those six, which requires the amount of affordable housing to be provided. So at this stage, I don't think you can revisit what was secure there in terms of additional units for.
I know in more recent series, we have percentages that need certain requirements that would have been done at the outline stage for this applications to face.
Thank you. Any more questions? Any other questions?
Thanks for writing. Please go ahead.
Thank you Chairman. I have a comment, but.
We have been involved with this a very long time now and I'm so pleased this strategic development is coming forward now.
It's going to be very beneficial for killing them and say it has been in the time that I've been in planning, I think.
But it's another piece of the jigsaw.
And it's going to be very beneficial for killing them. It's been well consulted upon and we've got the public behind us on this, which is good.
And I did have a few queries, which I spoke with Kirsten about previously, which she drew the answer. Thank you for that.
And I know the little tank council recommended approval of this application back in February.
If Mr. Mohr's concerns could be addressed through the acoustic and condition number seven, that would be great.
And I'm pleased to put a book on 36% coming through. That's very much needed for killing them.
And I'm also very pleased, a little thing, but it's a big thing to me that we have some sniff boxes and being installed, which is absolutely fantastic.
So I'd like to recommend approval, please, gentlemen.
OK, thank you. Hi, Councillor Otherby. Please.
Thank you, Chairman. Councillor Vailpossackery, killing them in the villages.
I think that I was going to ask the question about the alleviation of Mr. Mohr's concerns.
But I do understand that conditions are in place and hopefully they will be enough.
So going back to the principal, really, I mean, obviously, this is a reserve matters application.
Several changes have been made. I welcome the landscaping, the open spaces, the trees.
I think it's a really, really good design and years of work have gone into this.
And the town I do feel has got behind it now.
They were never really against it in the first place, but everybody was a bit unsure.
And with each iteration, it has improved, I think.
And so, like my colleague, Councillor Rydon, I really welcome all this.
I'd like to propose acceptance of this application.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Councillor would like to make some comments.
I just want to get the clarity around 99.3.
Some of us went to order in their comments and the fact that.
We're going to talk about adopting service elements and also the file order network.
It could clarify what state that's in.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Do we have a proposal?
Thank you.
However, we just need the option.
Back to you.
Thank you.
Officers Kirsten.
It was requested from the council for risk management and speaking of no objection.
The phase two site had specially radiance, but strange, but attention based on the spine road.
And therefore, this is consistent with high level drainage strategy and risk.
Sorry, it's special.
Thank you.
Please ask if there's any more questions or comments?
Are there any more questions or comments from members?
I just need to clarify the question.
It was about perfect future.
This is a fine.
The proposed planning application for giving them and asking.
Do we have any other questions from members?
No. Thank you.
Thank you.
So we just need to hear Mr Chairman.
If I may, we just need to hear a response from Mrs Smith on Wessex water.
And then I think we're good to go.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So let's answer that question by it's going to did our myths and concerns originally, but we have had further power.
Water details that have been submitted to seek to discharge the outline condition of file.
And the strategies that we did at the outrun stage.
Did not use include the use of water butts and this wasn't secure by time.
It is going to be obvious as noted that in terms of what like it's also have.
And if you have any other questions that have been submitted,
there matters that can be dealt with total.
Post dealing with this reserve matters application.
There matters that the developer would have to speak to us.
It's water about three points of connection.
I believe we have have notification on the site of an intention to use a waste water provider.
So that is something that is also a standard note that the West is notified us.
It's something that you feel confident can be resolved in terms of the function.
I'm personally just outlined that there's a concern also with the surface water, which is what I need.
Blood authority, the cats and all right, it's all just really slightly different in terms of waste disposal points.
Thank you for that.
So that means we don't need to impose any more conditions.
We can keep things as they are.
So can we please go to the vote.
So those in favor.
That's pretty unanimous.
I don't think they're any against.
Thank you very much.
That planning permission is now granted.
Thank you for that.
So now we go to agenda item, create going to pass Jane Francis to.
This is the patient.
The F you L slash two, four, slash zero, zero, one, five, eight, the three times.
It may take a just a little life was to come up.
So apologies for the wait.
I'm going to go to the next question.
So this application is for development at the tree house.
The application.
The application is for material change of use of a parcel of land.
Prior to garden to school and operation development by way of erecting permits of fencing around.
So this area of entry shows the site boundary outlined in breath.
Not is located at the rear of the tree house, which is located from the north side of duck lane near the junction with church hill and high street.
The plots of lands currently accessed from that plane through private garden gates, which located between the tree house and the school next.
For wider context, the lands in the case of just outside the settlement boundary, the north, the town of Stillbridge.
Therefore, in policy terms, it is considered countryside.
Site is bothered by dry stone walls along the boxy boundaries.
And the remaining more domestic part of the garden of the tree house to the west.
Change of use of the land to school and assault because the school site is constrained, and the external areas are undersized falling short of building bulletin one and three guidelines by 2000 square meters.
This area of land is 1,700 square meters, therefore, so potential to significantly reduce this deficit.
The proposed change of use therefore benefits the school, allowing it to expand its external areas, especially given the anticipated capacity pressures at school with the planned expansion of Stillbridge.
Here's a photograph of the land when looked at from the existing part of the garden to be retained. That's been looking outwards towards the piece that's subjects this application.
And then here's some more photographs of that so the land is a mixture of some maintain garden, mature scrub and it features mature trees shrubs and flora.
This, this graphic demonstrates the general classification of the land at the time the application submitted.
The tree house itself is a great tool is the building, and he observed the street seeing of duck lane with the tree house here and the primary school next door, and the access to this to the garden is through this gap here.
The garden lands the subject of this application is approximately 50 meters from the tree house, and this is considered at great enough distance from a great to listed building, but it is not considered to impact on the setting.
The land is also located within Stillbridge conservation area, as shown on those explore here shaded look.
Given their limited public views of the lands, and the land already joins the school, and will remain largely undeveloped, apart from the perimeter fencing that pose was not considered to result in any harm to the character and parents of the conservation area.
There is one public view point towards the site from a public footpath to the rear, this photograph here is taken from where place this yellow arrow of this is approximately 100 meters away, and the site screams by mature trees.
Being located within a conservation area means the trees have protection that the application is accompanied by a tree survey, showing an image from here, which outlines the 28 of the 31 trees are to be retained.
With those to be removed have been assessed as even dead or dying.
The access will be provided between the existing primary school and the application site by installing a new gate through the existing chain link fence in between trees t nine and t 16.
The new access is represented on the map by a star symbol.
This will allow for school children as well as maintenance vehicles to access the site, as the site, the current access will no longer available.
This will provide security to the school and neighboring properties as well as being relatively untrusted to the surrounding environment.
Beyond the northeast boundary, there will also be a further 1.1 meter five timber post fence enclosing the site from the surrounding agricultural land.
The 1.8 meter high fencing around this portion, also then fencing at the end.
The defense of the southwest which borders the tree house will be similar 1.8 meter wild mesh fence, but in full of wooden panels, offering mutual privacy and security between the school and the tree house, as well as offering a more appropriate residential
entrance at the end of the tree houses garden.
Here's some photos visualizing the boundary fencing.
This will be around the north and east of the site.
This will be where it joins the part of the garden to be retained by the tree house.
And at the very far end of the site, there will also be this timber post fencing.
The land is also considered sufficient distance from the tree house to not give rise to an easy issue issues, such as noise disturbance may have been.
And the fact that garden already falls, the school is also relevant in this assessment.
The other surrounding uses are largely agricultural, except one small area of the north boundary that borders the biome.
As you can see from this image, this is screened by trees vegetation and an output building.
It's also sufficiently distance from the house itself via which is here to be unlikely to result in excessive disturbance.
And then policy terms, the site is located outside the set of bird joining of the settlement boundary of storage.
Therefore, the local plant's country site policies apply.
Policy 20 states that brave social and green infrastructure projects that have an overriding need for this, their countryside location, such as a central additional facilities will be committed,
provided acceptable against the plant's other policies, such as immunity, design, et cetera, which I consider it to be.
The application also features biodiversity mitigations and enhancements, such as many bird, bird and bat boxes, as well as hedge or homes.
There have been reviewed and supported by Dorsey Council's natural environment team, as well as an agricultural impact assessment that has been reviewed and supported by Dorsey Council's trade officers.
Therefore, I'll bring you to a summary of my recommendation. So, firstly, part 11 of the national planning policy framework sets out that permission should be granted for sustainable development, unless specific policies indicate a voice.
The location is considered to be sustainable. The proposal is considered to result in no harm to setting a heritage assets.
There is not considered to be any significant harm to neighboring residential mean seed.
And the proposal is to accommodate better education facilities and learning environment.
And there are no material considerations, which are a refusal of this application.
Therefore recognize the recognition of subject to patients.
You just turn your microphone off, please.
As you are the local board member, I'm going to ask.
Councillor James Vitaly, if you have any questions or comments regarding this application that you might wish to make first.
Thank you, Chair. And just comments, really, on the basis of what we heard from the officer, I think this is an entirely sensible proposal.
As we heard, the housing stock wants all the permission to have been built out in the store, which is set to increase by about 40%.
And that's a very significant increase to the housing stock in the town.
And as the officer said, I think there's no providing need for an expansion of the school.
But one more suggested here is especially appropriate in a sustainable location.
It's already next to the school.
It will help future proof of school for what hopefully will be an increase in the number of young families in our town.
And as importantly, it's already secured strong support, not only from the parish council, but from residents across the town.
So I'd just like to record that I think this is a very sensible proposal.
I hope that it's approved today.
I'd like to pose it to you.
Okay. Thank you for that.
What members do you have any other questions?
I just like to say that, Mr. Chair, and if I may, I'll take that.
It seems like a very sensible use of space and the any objections have been adequately or potential objections have been added to be addressed by the officers.
So I'd like to second it.
Okay. Thank you very much.
So if I can refer back to Mr to, um, thanks for David Taylor.
I think you have a question.
Thank you, Chair.
I just want to cover on the fence so you can don't mind for a piece regarding the fencing at the end of the boundary.
Could you bring that back up, please?
Next time. Yeah, yeah, the sixth panel.
But there is the type C from North East boundary.
And is that between the end of the boundary of plot going to the next spot, or is it dividing on school class and the process.
So that fence is one of the very end.
Yeah, it is because.
This is more intrusive on trees.
Yeah, the, the type A fencing.
So they brought the type A fencing fabric, where I'll be.
In less of the root protection areas. Can you give us a piece of fence again.
The reason I'm asking the question is that that fence looks so quite easy for kids to climb over.
Is there anything to stop them any further inside?
So, so the, the other fence, which is here. Yeah, the children won't be able to get beyond that fabulous.
Thank you. We have a proposal in the seconder. Are there any other questions?
I think not. So I think we can straight to invite with a show of hands.
I think that's a carried unanimously. Thank you very much.
Okay. So permission is grounded.
Regarding the rest of the meeting.
Again, item nine. We don't have any urgent items.
We don't have any exempt business.
So this time at 1138 on the 4th of June, I declare the meeting closed. Thank you all.
Thank you all, thank you.