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Northern Area Planning Committee - Tuesday, 4th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 4, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting focused on two main topics: the application for a storage container at Sherborne House and a reserve matters application for a housing development in Gillingham. Both applications were approved after detailed discussions.

Application for Storage Container at Sherborne House

The committee discussed an application to site a metal storage container in the service yard of Sherborne House. Councillor David Taylor introduced the case, and Cas Poolman, the case officer, provided an overview.

  • Historical Context: Sherborne House has undergone extensive refurbishment and extension. The project included the conservation of the Grade I listed building and the addition of a new pavilion.
  • Need for Storage: The container is needed to store furniture and equipment for various events hosted at Sherborne House, such as operas, weddings, and conferences.
  • Location and Design: The container will be placed in the service yard, near the dustbin store, and will be largely out of sight. A mural designed by local children is proposed to decorate the container.
  • Public and Conservation Concerns: Historic England and the town council raised concerns about the container's industrial appearance. However, the committee felt that the public benefits outweighed these concerns.
  • Decision: The application was recommended for approval. Councillor Fry and Councillor Jefferson supported the proposal, emphasizing the importance of the storage for the site's viability and the community benefits.

Reserve Matters Application for Housing Development in Gillingham

The committee reviewed a reserve matters application for a housing development in Gillingham, focusing on layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping.

  • Affordable Housing: The development includes 100 affordable housing units, with additional units expected through grant funding from Homes England.
  • Design and Layout: The layout has been refined through discussions with planning, urban design, landscaping, and highways officers. The design includes open spaces, trees, and sustainable features like air source heat pumps.
  • Public and Environmental Concerns: One neighbor raised concerns about noise from adjacent commercial uses. An environmental noise assessment was conducted, and mitigation measures will be implemented.
  • Decision: The application was recommended for approval. Councillor Fry and Councillor Jefferson supported the proposal, noting the development's benefits for Gillingham and the inclusion of affordable housing.

Application for School Expansion in Stalbridge

The committee discussed an application for the change of use of a parcel of land to expand the external areas of a school in Stalbridge.

  • Need for Expansion: The school is facing capacity pressures due to planned housing developments in Stalbridge. The additional land will help meet the guidelines for external areas.
  • Design and Impact: The land is located outside the settlement boundary and within a conservation area. The proposal includes fencing and biodiversity enhancements.
  • Public and Environmental Concerns: The proposal received strong support from the parish council and residents. The impact on the conservation area and neighboring properties was considered minimal.
  • Decision: The application was recommended for approval. Councillor James Vitaly and Councillor David Taylor supported the proposal, emphasizing its benefits for the school and the community.

The meeting concluded with the approval of all discussed applications.


Vanessa Penny
Steve Savage
Hannah Smith
Richard Temple
Neil Turner
Alison Turnock
Megan Rochester
Cass Worman
Councillor Richard Crabb
Councillor Barrie Cooper
Councillor Les Fry
Councillor Jack Jeanes
Councillor Carole Jones
Councillor Rory Major
Profile image for Councillor Val Pothecary
Councillor Val Pothecary  Conservative •  Gillingham
Councillor Belinda Ridout
Lara Altree
Tobias Carleton-Prangnell
Andrew Collins
Brian Convery
Philip Crowther
Mike Garrity
Joshua Kennedy
Robert Lennis
James Lytton-Trevers
Jamie Francis
Hannah Massey
Kathryn Melhuish
Kirsten Williams
Profile image for Councillor David Taylor
Councillor David Taylor  Liberal Democrats •  Charminster St Marys
Councillor James Vitali
Councillor Carl Woode