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Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 5th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 5, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting was primarily focused on the application from Sounds Beautiful Limited for a new premises license to hold a festival at Gaunt's House, near Wimborne. The application faced scrutiny from various council officers and responsible authorities due to concerns about the event management plan and the potential for public nuisance.

Sounds Beautiful Festival License Application

The main topic of discussion was the application from Sounds Beautiful Limited for a new premises license to hold a festival at Gaunt's House. The festival is planned to occur annually in June or July, with the first event scheduled for June 27th. The expected attendance is between 500 and 1,500 people, with live music from 11 am to 11 pm and recorded music from 9 am to 2 am. Alcohol sales are planned from noon to 11 pm on Thursday, noon to 2 am on Friday and Saturday, and noon to 10 pm on Sunday.

Concerns Raised

  1. Event Management Plan (EMP) and Noise Management Plan (NMP):

    • The EMP and NMP were deemed inadequate by responsible authorities, including Dorset Police and Environmental Health.
    • Updated versions of these plans were submitted on May 2nd and again on the morning of the meeting, but concerns remained.
  2. Public Nuisance and Safety:

    • Environmental Health received noise complaints from previous events at Gaunt's House, raising concerns about potential public nuisance.
    • Dorset Police highlighted the lack of detailed plans for public safety, including the number of Security Industry Authority (SIA) personnel and their deployment.
  3. Experience and Qualifications:

    • The applicants, Dejane Morrow and Stephen Norris, were questioned about their experience in organizing large-scale events. While they have experience in smaller events and music festivals, this is their first large-scale event.
    • The responsible authorities emphasized the need for experienced event managers and detailed, actionable plans to ensure safety and compliance with licensing objectives.
  4. Timing and Communication Issues:

    • The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) had not received sufficient information in time to review and approve the plans.
    • There were communication gaps between the applicants and the responsible authorities, leading to delays and misunderstandings.

Applicants' Response

  • The applicants expressed their commitment to ensuring a safe and enjoyable event, highlighting their efforts to engage professional security and medical teams.
  • They acknowledged the shortcomings in their documentation and expressed willingness to improve and learn from the feedback.
  • They requested flexibility in the licensing conditions, particularly concerning the timing of music and alcohol sales.

Decision and Next Steps

  • The committee decided not to adjourn for further discussions, as responsible authorities felt that the issues could not be resolved within the available time.
  • The committee will deliberate in private and deliver their decision within five working days.
  • If the decision is not favorable, the applicants have the right to appeal to the Weymouth Magistrates Court within 21 days.

The meeting concluded with an emphasis on the importance of detailed and comprehensive planning to ensure the safety and enjoyment of festival attendees while minimizing the impact on the local community.