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Planning Applications Committee - Tuesday 4 June 2024 7.00 pm
June 4, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
[BLANKAUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO] Good evening and everybody and welcome to the pre-life section of this planning applications committee. I'm Councillor Malcolm Clark, the Vice Chair at the committee and chairing tonight. I trust all have read and taken on board the guidance sent out from Democratic Services. Everybody online should mute their microphones when not speaking. And a few reminders for those about joining remotely, please keep cameras on only when speaking. If you wish to speak, please indicate using the hand wave or chat function. And that will be monitored by Democratic Services. Tonight's meeting and the chat functions only used to be a due or an urgent matter to the chair's attention. Tonight's meeting will be recorded by the authority and broadcast live online. The recording may also be used for the purposes. It's important to bear this in mind and to be aware of your surroundings. If joining remotely, you may wish to use a backdrop of blurring the background. I will introduce each item and officers will then introduce themselves before their presentation. I asked the officers, please switch the camera on at this point before sharing their presentation. Again, can I just to remind those joining us physically in the room that the microphones are fitted into the ceiling, and I'll always on and pick up say. Okay, good evening and welcome to this evening's planning applications committee meeting. I'm Councillor Malcolm Clark, I'm the Vice Chair of Planning Applications Committee and I will be chairing the meeting tonight. In line with the legislation, committee members are attending this meeting in person at Lamberttown, or hall, officers visiting ward members and members of the public have joined us either virtually or physically. This meeting is being recorded and broadcast live. The recording of tonight's meeting may also be used for quality and training purposes. While we hope everything runs smoothly, please be patient if we hit some challenges in this virtual environment. In the event that technical issues require the meeting to be adjourned and it cannot be restarted within a few minutes. Further updates will be posted on the Council's democracy Twitter account, which is at LBL democracy. Couple of housekeeping notices, bar exits. So we're not expecting any alarms, but if you do hear it, please accept, exit the room from either door and up the street to the up the stairs to the street level. Toilets, there's an accessible toilet just outside the right hand side of the room, and there'll be a comfort break if we need it around 9pm if we need it. We have received apologies today from Councillor Scott Ainslie, Councillor Emma Nye, Councillor Saleh, and Councillor Joanna Simpson. We will introduce members of the committee starting on my left, Councillor DiCA's call star, so an oval board. Councillor Martin Bailey rocks forward. And the Councillor Ma'am from Clark, Charity Wells Ward, and Vice Chair of the Committee. I will now turn to introducing the senior officers at the Seavenings meeting, deciding officer. Good evening. My name is Rob Osalvin. I'm an assistant director in the Council's Planning Department and I'll be presiding officer this evening. Back up, presiding officer. I'm Kerisha Twirth, Head of Management, a land nurse and I'm the back up for signing officers. Democratic Services Officer. Good evening, my name is Roger News tools C, the public services officer on the clock to the committee. Our legal officer. Good evening, my name is Peter Flaucock and I'm the legal advisor this evening. Transport officer. Good evening, I'm Josh learner, leading the transport strategy team. Nice to meet you all. Presenting officer for Lambeth College application, just to say for those online, once you've introduced yourself you can turn the camera off. The manager for the Lambeth College application. Good evening, I'm Shane Baker, I'm the Head of Strategic Applications. The presenting officer for the Waterloo under cross application. The media; the media; at the Atlantic I'm a principal planning officer. And the manager for the application. Evening, I'm Ben La Mer, Area Team Minister. What do I do out of the seat, I do have any senior officers, but I've missed out. I think so, good. We also have two external consultants today, tonight, one for the Lambeth College application. We have an energy and sustainability consultant. Can you introduce yourself? Hi, Elaine from Big Fashion. Thank you. And we've got an environmental health consultant for the Waterloo under cross application. Good evening, Chair, my name is Lee Munney, I work for regulatory support services. So the Order of Business tonight, there are four items on the agenda, and they'll be considered in the order they appear on the agenda, and all the paperwork is available on the Council's website. The applications we considered in the same way, we'll first hear an officer presentation, and the officer will highlight the main issues. Then there will be speakers, and tonight there is one member of the public who's registered to speak for an item on the agenda. Then there will be a debate where members of the committee may ask questions of the officers and will all then debate the application. Members will have read the officer reports, and may wish to amend the recommended conditions or place informatives on the decision subject to officer advice. And then each application was decided this evening, and formal notification of the committee's decision will be sent to the applicant in any interested parties made written representations. The minutes from tonight's meeting will be published after the meeting. The deadline for final written submissions was 12 noon one quick, clear working day before the meeting. So yes, yesterday, and I say so, any final written submissions perceived by then will be acknowledged. We do have that in a second to Dandan. So first of all, item one, declarations of interest. Do any members have any declarations of interest, lose the share? There were no declarations of interest. Item two, we've got minutes of our two most recent meetings. First of all, are the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday the 19th of March agreed. Are the minutes of Tuesday the 7th of May agreed, agreed, both of those minutes have been agreed. We will now move on to agenda item three, Lambert College, 45 Clapons Southside. I now invite the officers to present the report. And I'm going to present item three on the published committee agenda. We have beaten up this item refers to is Lambert College Clapons cited at number three, the proposed environment is much of a movement with structures and the direction of two, three, story modular buildings, to provide temporary college campus for a period of the community. Yes, together with amendments to law pay and assist as dinner associated works. The application site is located on the east side of Clapons on the south side. The site is occupied by Lambert College Clapons campus, which is a further education college. And six form is surrounding area is mixed use containing running houses, flat convergence and offices in buildings and varying protection styles and periods. The area to the north of the site is melted down the housing state for my courses right now. And right to the northeast of the site, it contains the form of private development, which is currently under construction and is for residential led mixed use schemes where my cursor currently is. The area to the east of the site contains Lambert Academy, which is a mixed secondary school and six form. As is right now, the area to the south of the site contains the mixed commercial residential properties that some of which front have been placed outside and residential properties on Shaftesbury, bees and water cleaves. And area to the west is Clapon Common Southside beyond which is Clapon Common. On 27th February, 2024, the applicant secured a resolution to grant full planning commission at planning application committee. So the knowledge take is really difficult. It has a few been developed besides providing an environment for direct education building and six special residential problem buildings providing 529. Qualifying homes, 152 of which would be affordable. It is noted that this application does not have planning permission. Before planning permission can be granted, local planning authority must submit states to referral to the criminal under authority and complete Section 106 legal agreements. This work is currently being progressed and the applicants committed to progressing this further and implementing this mission once as granted. This application was popularised in line with the development and admin of community involvement. Notice what's saying is to continue to deny the properties surrounding the application site. Here in the consultation process, we received a total of three responses which are objecting to the proposed development. Housing is based on the blending of the community mainly with daylight sunlight, privacy, noise and light pollution. Concerns were also raised about the trees on the site. Jeffrey buildings being not removed, waste management, part of the foundation is in fact on a ride of light. With the proposed development as mentioned earlier, we will secure arrangements that will allow London College to stay open whilst the main planning application that received resolution to grant planning permission in February this year is approved. The works will include decanting all students and teaching staff from the buildings that face difficult on the south side which is the area to show them blue, to the temporary teaching campus area in orange. The images to showing and demonstrating what the temporary campus will look like. To allow the creation of the temporary teaching campus, they participate in temporary buildings on side that are removed. These buildings are marked red on the plan. Please note that building one is still on site and it will be removed as opposed to one of the works proposed under this application. Buildings two and three have been already removed but they are shown for initiative purposes. The image on the left shows the temporary building that is still on site and will be removed in due calls and the image to the right shows the temporary buildings are having already removed. It is one of the buildings. This slide is showing one of the proposed temporary buildings is the larger building out of the two. This building will be located in the middle, this building will be located in the south east corner of the site as shown on the map on the top right corner of the slide. This slide is showing the smaller out of the two post temporary buildings. This building will be located in the middle of the existing block A as it is shown on the top right corner of the slide. The buildings will measure 10.4 metres in height and it will have a flat route. Given the height and the position within the site they are not considered to have a negative impact on a telescope and any heritage assets surrounding the site. As I mentioned earlier three objections were received during the public consultation raising concerns with norym ime in practice. Issues raised included daylight, sun lot, privacy, noise and light pollution. Instanding data sunlight it is noted that the application wasn't supported by data sunlight assessment however the recent application that received the resolution to grant planning permission was. In assessing the impact that the proposed temporary temporary modular building have the closest librant properties in terms of daylight, sun line and local shadowing offices used and depending on the limit of data sunlight assessment with that application. The post buildings under the application that received resolution to grant would be 8 metres in height, the proposed temporary buildings would be 10.4 metres in height. There is a difference on 8.3 metres between the two. The taller permit building was found not to have unacceptable impact on the data sunlight. In the different post buildings would be lower in height, the same conclusions can be reached and offices are satisfied but there will be no negative impact on neighbours in relation to daylight and sunlight. In sounding privacy the proposed temporary buildings would introduce windows and elevations that face properties on the water close were there currently none. The distance between the proposed block B and the properties on the water close varies between 14.6 metres to 15.1 metres as it can be seen on the slide in front of you. Taking into consideration that the building would have restricted our views as that was secured by a conditional form that the building will be an educational use and that the existing variety of trees between the slide and all the clothes will be retained. The result is not considered to result in an acceptable loss of privacy and overlooking. In the during noise it is noted that the site has an established educational use and that will not change. Further educational uses and not to be regarded as a need of noise use, therefore there is a low risk of impact on the joint residential properties and it is not considered that there is going to be a major change in the current situation. The application was supported by the noise impact assessment which was reviewed by E.H. Solutions who are the third party independent advisors to the councils. They have confirmed that the document that was submitted to satisfactory and they recommended that further detail is secured by conditions that is included in condition 17 on the draft decision notice. This together with the hours of use conditions was considered sufficient to minimize a negative impact on neighbors in terms of noise and disturbance. Consunging like pollution, the applicant has confirmed that the proposed building would be fitted with basic LED lighting system that will have motion detectors. It is combined with the conditional restricting hours of use is considered to be enough to avoid a negative impact related to that issue. New pedestrian and cyclist entrance would be created of cleanly entrance to the not of the site providing entrance to the newly created temporary campus. These entrance will be retained and used for refuse collection and disabled car parking spaces. It would not be to the south east corner of the site. There are several parking items provided at the degree of existing Lough A to the east of the site. The proposal currently shows a shortfall of 22 spaces over a predicted number of students and staff. The number is not considered the shortfall is not considered to be an issue based at the number that were predicted for the once-case scenario. Officers and the applicant know that it is unlikely that old staff and students predicted specifically at the site will be there at the same time. In addition, condition 8 has been added to requiring submission of further detail regarding cycle parking design. Moving on to energy and sustainability. It is noted that the proposal does not fully comply with adopted policies related to energy and sustainability. Officers have explored all the measurements that will be incorporated in this theme that could bring it closer to the topics. These measurements were deemed not suitable and not cost effective for the type of application that was required to be found in the application. In addition, the applicant has agreed that the planning condition would require a submission of the changes and procedures. It would require a re-evaluated case of input from the savings. It is also noted that the adopted policy does not require submissions of the whole life cycle and circulmonary. It would also be noted that the building would be reused after the period of two years when just considered a positive approach. There are material considerations that include the scheme of significant public benefits from the continued proposing of a provisional space during delivery of the Comprehensive Food Development of the Site for a Separate Applying Commission that received resolution to grant planning permission. The first separate buildings are considered acceptable in the context of the college grounds and the existing buildings would not have a harmful visual impact. The proposal would not have a detrimental impact upon knowing this will bring occupiers. There will also be no significant impact on the transport network always disposal and the treason vegetation in and around the site would largely increase. Unbalanced energy and sustainability are accepted given the limited duration of the scheme and temporary nature. In fact, the buildings will be reused elsewhere after the report from the City Council. Unbalanced there are no material considerations. There are no material considerations weighing equipment, and therefore recommended that this scheme is approved subject to conditions mentioned in the initiation measures and first redundant. Thank you very much. Yes, thank you Chair. I'd just like to draw attention to the content of the first addendum, which Patricia just mentioned. So for the information in the Committee, there's some minor clarifications, corrections, including sort of typos in the report, but there's also amendments to one condition which is condition 8 relating to cycle parking, and there's three further conditions, one relates to landscaping, one is to biodiversity measures, and one removes permitted development rights, and we can go into further detail as required. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you for the officers for the presentation. We will now hear from any registered speakers and we have one supporter, Luke Butler. If you wish to come and come, it's online. Oh, okay, sorry, if my mistake. Luke, yes, there you are, sorry, I do recognise your face. Hi, I'm Gladys. You know the format where you'll get, obviously, introduce yourself and then you get two minutes to, I say, then speak, and then there will be a reminder, butter going off 25 seconds before the end of two minute timing. So, over to you. Thank you, Chair. Good evening, Chair. And Councillors, I'm Luke Butler, Planning Director at London Realty. London Realty is Southbank's development partner for the development partner for the development of Clapham. It's a pleasure to be back before you again. You'll remember that in February, as the officers have mentioned, you considered and granted planning permission for Lambeth Colleges plans to boost the educational offer that it provides. That scheme not only includes housing with 35% affordable, but also a state-of-the-art gateway centre to improve the educational offer for the young people of Lambeth. The application before you tonight is another step forward in the process of ensuring that there's no break in the provision of that education by delivering a new temporary campus during the regeneration of Lambeth College. It'll involve the temporary placing of two three-storey modular buildings, and once the new education building is completed, the permanent one, the temporary buildings will be removed and the remaining college buildings demolished to make way for the remaining elements of the scheme to be completed. The existing nursery outdoor play space will be relocated to ensure that the outdoor space is away from the construction activity and the wider site will be split into two halves as we heard from the officer, one being the construction site on the west and the other being the proposed temporary campus on the east. Hordings will be in place in the middle of the two halves to ensure safety. This would allow the demolition and commencement of construction on the western side whilst the retained college operates. The location of buildings mean they will hardly be seen from the surrounding streets and the nearby conservation area and, resultingly, will not have a significant visual impact. The precision manufacturing of these temporary buildings means that, in the context of temporary buildings, there is energy efficient as possible to reduce energy use and carbon emissions. As part of this application, we will retain the existing mature trees which were of high value and located in the middle and south of the site as we will for the main redevelopment proposals as well and these buildings will only be on site for a period of two academic years. When the planning permission expires, the temporary classrooms will be removed. Councilors, this temporary campus will allow education to continue on site and therefore benefit the young people of Lambeth. I urge you to support this application and grant permission. Thank you. Thank you very much. There were no other registered speakers, so it is over to members. Do you have any questions for officers? I have one question to start with, actually, just relating to something that has just been mentioned but the trees. I wanted to understand whether the trees that were being removed here are the trees that were earmarked for removal in the main application that we saw a few months ago, which were preserved as a result to grant or are there additional trees that weren't featured there and they're being removed? There are trees that were removed by that permission, that receive a solution to grad with these new additions that are removed. Thank you very much. Straight forward answers, thank you very much. I have one other question but I'm going to just see if there were any others that I'm not monopolizing, but I have the question relating to cycle parking and I'm just trying to understand a little bit more on the rationale of officers accepting. I say there's a number of cycling spaces which are sort of 22 letters shortfall and I say why this scheme might be allowing it earlier, my officers say that is okay compared to, I don't know, a residential scheme or something else. Can you just explain a little bit more about why we think that there won't be that thought there might not be that full compliment and if, say, are there any contingencies if there were to be, if their capacity was reached on a regular basis? Yes, thank you, Chair. So the cycle parking numbers were calculated to be there on the longest part of the forest. So in this case, there's the numbers that we arrived at on the worst-case scenarios because the applicant correctly didn't have the exact information about the staff number and student numbers. So we already were planning for a worst-case scenario. During the determination of the application, I had a number of stations with the applicants only think that the expected numbers would be a lot lower and also just to know that the shortfall is on the long term, a cycle parking which is then to be not used as often given the nature. No one really stays on site. Both students and teachers' own administration staff will become site for a period of time but no one's going to be there overnight. The applicant is compliant with the short-term cycle parking conditions based on that, in this case, it was acceptable to have that short-term. Thank you for all that. Any final questions before the female parking, does the cycle parking include exclusive parking as well? There will be a deductible number of cycle parking provided. I don't think the quantity is required anymore. That would be the answer. No. I see no more questions than I will move us to ask. Do you have any members like to outline their views on the application? Just before I do that just to say obviously that I think we have, even if questions haven't been raised, we obviously have the full papers in front of us and have the office of presentation. So would any members like to outline their views on the application? No, it's not obligatory. Yes, and yes, yes, yes, yes. It's willing and existing envelope. This committee is granted for the development and continued the retention of trees. I think that nicely sums up where we are. I don't think there's anything else. I wish to add and I'm not hearing. Other views, I'm happy to move to a resolution and I just want to see it so we have the, I want to move. Can I just say I can move off a certain recommendations? Is that right or what's the correct? You can. So you can move the demotion that the recommendation officer support before you, which as you will see in the committee papers is subject to the officer report and any published agenda. So that would capture any additional conditions that officers have revised. Do you want. Thank you for clarifying and so I want to move the, move the resolution to propose officers recommendations for this item, item three, do I have a seconder? Can I now have a show of hands, all those in favour of the motion, that is all three Councillors that is unanimous. That's a urine has to be passed and the resolution is carried. Thank you very much. It will move over onto a agenda update. Thank you officers involved in that presentation. I say those, those, those people who were involved in that and not involved in the others, involved the next one are welcome to stay for the item four, but do not, do not, do not need to, particularly online, but we will now move on to agenda item four, item four, Waterloo under Crofts are now invited the officer to present the report. Just talking about the tech skills. The officers will let us know in a moment when the tech is, there is people who online know what is going on. Thank you. a lot of people who are involved in that. Thank you. the next one. My apologies to those online. So I should have given some more, you know, a bit of time at the end to allow a previous item to allow the next one to be set up, but I think we are now set up online for it. So I'll hand over to the officers. So this is item four of the generates walkthrough one at all, and the proposal is for the a temporary up to 10 year use part of the Waterloo under Crofts food and beverage area, and you start in an event space, so you're generous, and that would include Incidery Otto space, storage areas and toilets. This is the station of place. I can be of the existing pedestrian ramp in Waterloo bridge, and the new public toilets with associated landscaping inside of the park. The site is located just north of Waterloo station and it's a part of the climax ramp. It consists of a series of vaulted spaces covered in access rooms for the park for Waterloo station under Crofts. So it was previously used by the British Film Institute and South Bank Centre. It's known for the family street, as currently the important. The long bar of Lamber has been long to have lease for the site, obtained from Transport to London. They have been sorry for the recording, and they will be chosen by the Columbia Lamber, so it will have any of those. After this is well limited, the scrap record is similar to the uses at Flat Eyes there and in the yard. The construction of the proposed use of experiences, not only the nursing department, but the construction of the most works to commence in the early first of all, the program, in 2024, following the historic speed of the city. The proposed opening lines are 10am to 11pm Sunday to Thursday, and 10am to midnight, it's a flat thing. The proposed food and beverage area which have the maximum, it's a good maximum, and the proposed end of the space, it's a maximum capacity. The key planning considerations are land use, urban design and heritage, access and poverty. That's a pretty important energy, stability, transport, highways, as well as urban greening and urban stations. It is officers' opinion that the proposal was compiled more than 11, 12 and 12 cities. The proposed housing, now the building and the CPM, the first staff and the next two. Part 8 defines the area as an international culture, as an international city culture in the arts. The grand fore of that, regards the areas as being a preeminent international domestic and local tourist leisure, retail and entertainment area. Park F supports the summit as rolled in the central and cultural and leisure centre. Park G is to promote a high-poitable, safe, flexible public building and park pay, sports really the degradation of the walking rideabout and its potential fulfillment of central activity and zone uses appropriate for its location. The trade for those smart foods and beverage use also complies with land earth level management. The proposed use is a meanwhile more temporary use for up to 10 years. This period allows a balance of securing investment to the site to provide long lasting public realm and safety improvements without unlining landless long-term and business area. The first meanwhile use would comply with Londontown Policy D-8 public realm, which knows that opportunities should be created by boroughs for the meanwhile use of phased development sites to create attractive public realm parameters should be agreed from the outset. Particularly with regard to longevity associated with populations. London Plan Policy H-C5, who's an encouragement as well as to use fake buildings and land for flexible and temporary and intensive cultural and safe and micro-unuses as does London Plan Policy H-C6, simply having a right to handle it. The site lies partly within the Waterloo space and area you can just see the very edge of it. There are just about the edge of the site. This is an area of the site which has known very significant physical or throat and there will be any impact. The Waterloo conservation area. The South Bank conservation area does overlap with a lot more of the site we can see there, so it's a bank conservation area. The South Bank conservation area mentions this site and it says the subway system. The South Bank is the first-star environment for pedestrians to live this environment. It's unlikely to be used by improvement visitors to the area of the forest. F-1418, the conservation area of the praisins, the chance we've opportunity this notes the area of road or hunt for masks around the IMAX should be considered major enhancement. Restructuring to better prove the pedestrian experience and safety both real and perceived. That is a 10.21 notes the existing site makes a negative contribution to the compensation area and is a confusing point in an environment, maybe made into pedestrians. The current underpasses are un welcoming and using and perceived to be dangerous. Heritage considerations relate to conservation areas we've just mentioned. The heritage assets are the listed building the Royal Waterloo Hospital which is great to show later on as a flat profit list the site is not visible. The local listed building which is the White House of Arts, the site is more visible to have no impact on the setting. This is the Royal Waterloo Hospital. The listed building, the very top of the main assesses there, they can find through the under-profit area. There's no works for post-the actual stairway. Any works that change, physical changes are unaware and would not be visible from the setting of this facility. Then, we've got the White House Apartments over here. All of the site is within this engagement area, not visible from the setting of the White House apart in this car. We as officers, we don't consider that any harm at all we have to give us a heritage. We have to consider that our heritage benefits are also visible. We have to consider that the destination area to be built around. Just to introduce that, we don't see any concerns about the equals on the identifying quality. We have identified another public benefit. These include public ground, public safety. We offer the Royal Waterloo Centre at this point. There will be an institution, a group of people who can't live in training. There will be new public units for our identities. Into this site, as clear as this is not as any very important. It's an unwelcoming public environment. It runs staircase to the south-east of the site, the watery hospital. It has to be closed to the site. This is what it looks like from the bottom. You can see that this building is going out here. It's what it looks like internally. This is where the feed and beverage area will be provided by the administrator. This will be in the event space. This is on the west side of the site here in the bottom here. That's the first area to the White House Apartments. It's fully enclosed. This was back in 1990s, was the home of Carl City, which was a large active living area. We've been here for a few years, since being really healthy. This is also the view of the food and beverage area. It's further within mind. There are more images of the existing site? These are obviously at the site. There's a night time of the site and a lot of the lighting is fully maintained. This is only a view of the public. This is the existing site plan. You can see there are narrows, more places through. This is through the underground and Bellfield Road, which leads on to the centre and river. This is the White House Apartments down here. This is a narrow walk for all production. This is a central service road. It's a police vehicle walk. This is available for all pedestrians. You can see that the width of it is a very, very welcoming to pedestrians. This is the only east-west route through the site, which again is the non welcoming pedestrian environment. Here we are, we've got an aerial photograph trying to show some of the boys, but as previously stated, there is a special incident above ground. We see a blue painted area around the right stair. This is a White House Apartments. You can see the ramp area up from the ground. This is a proposed layout. You can see that this area will be widened significantly. Like a map, there is a small site, much of public safety. The service road will be improved with the secure weight at the end. The existing was once a much wider access around before we reinstated with a removal of temporary structures, which were installed, I believe, during the storage and storage use of the site, in formal storage use of the site. Here's a bit more detail of the proposed site layout. You can see it on the north east of the site will be food and drink and bowl area. This is next to the Grand Stair Island area here with a much safer emphasis through the access route coming out from the Waterloo. I'm a soft area will be widened. Here is the event space at the west of the site, which will be enclosed as it is exit. Here's an axonometric view site posed. What's going on here is existing iMacs, with its spread about with the landing overhead. This will be much widened. Here's the food drink area. Here's the enclosed event space. Here's the widened route. Here's the only east west route. This is fit to have any which leads up to the judgement road and other ground. This will also be improved, as we will go on to show later. Here's another food alternative. Here, the description works mentions roof lights for the avoidance of JAVES will be installed here. They won't be readily visible from the above ground public realm. Now if you can see, the view is currently in front of the mountain. This is the food and drink area. It's like once the development is implemented. You can see it's opened up that's viewed through of daylight right the way through and there will be stores throughout providing food and drink. Here's another view of the improvements to the area. This is a narrow passage, leading northwards from the iMacs around about. This will be opened up, widened that we've used through to the daylight, clear reviews. On the right hand side, we have the entrance to the event space, which will be fully managed and monitored in accordance with the VISTA Management Plan. This is the VivTA Avenue approach ramp, which is on the north east of the site. This is as it currently looks looking down from the ground. You've got the green room temporary use here. Just beyond that, we have a used for all of the 15 use. This is the Queen Street Community Builders site, which will come up, we've had late representations. We highlighted from them that were made in November, just to be sure that this is the edge of the Queen Street site. We know how to Queen Street site or any. Through schemes that will be no risk of them not coming forward because Theater Avenue will open. There will be sufficient space for vehicles to go through. The hostile vehicle, which will be installed. For the security of the other avenue will be. Moveable, but very heavy. These will also allow the IMAX Max Cinema to you have the use of Theater Avenue during its premiere. This has a private agreement, a commercial agreement with Lambeth, as the launch of the lease folders and with the applicants. So these are the HVM planters here. They will also be cycle parking for just a short term cycle parking. At the bottom of Theater Avenue, you can just see it down here. There will be a public employment provided. These will be fully managed staff during the opening hours for the space and the loose. And they will be. It is shot. That's right during the closing hours. They'll be risk of anti social behavior. This in terms of neighboring immunity. There are a number of representatives from residential archives of the one task apartments, which but the site to the West. She is remaining concerning that originally proposed opening hours, which were. That's part of the license originally the application came in with. We can. We need to come back. That's now. Further confirmation. There'll be no harm to neighboring immunity. This East West route here, which comes out onto the narrow. But by the White House apartments will be closed off during the use of the space. We have that shown. A night events and. Food and drink. Areas close. There will be no access to this. Let's route. I want to narrow. By the White House apartments here. Visitors will be directed out through these exits to the. Iron ax. Roundabout area and then on to the station. Exit similar approach at the night. This is the service road, but we'll detail the service road, which is fed with the BFI for the. I'm next. This is has got a low. Vehicle has a low C. So only can take some water vehicles. Our transport team have a scrutinize C sweat path for the deliveries here and they should be fine. Our objections, raised refuse and construction vehicles will be. A larger and they will not use this service road. And then we have sweat path vehicles demonstrating there'll be no harm. They access the top site. Here just off of the ground. Hands of sustainability. This is a meanwhile use. There are limitations on the full. Land coupon policy and for. And the London plan sustainability policies, in terms of carbon savings, which can be. Backed due to the site being. Urban public. I can't be sealed off. And the site of only the situ. Not to 10 years, meaning that. Works to secure sustainability cannot be. Nonetheless, the applicants have managed to achieve a 12 set. Production beyond health, and there is an offset. Which is pro rated for that. And use. And there will be. There's there'll be use of a source. So that's where. There's the most sustainable possible. We do have conditions to secure the fees, once. Seems implemented to make sure that. Everything is done. And we also. The applicants are unable to. We did not submit a. Here in stage, this is secured. And it's recognized. We are likely to achieve excellent, but we asked that they. Demonstrate they have done all. When the application will secure. It's a sustainability benefits in terms of circular economy. And we talked about. We were only using. And I'm using part of the borrowing at life. They will be using. For the existing structure. And structures which are removed, will be reused with insight as much as possible as we call. All 26 square meters are born. Throughout the site, we use. Seven hundred meters of. Being reused. Furniture for the fit out for the food. We'll be in. And we're using. And as stated previously, I can suspect the use the most. It's used finishes. So we like to use similarly used elsewhere. And these use easily to spend. And some transport. Service road. So I thought officers have no objections to the scheme subject to the recommended. Securing operational management plan. Prior to the commencement of the use and compliance with the. To manage and transform. In terms of cycle. For London plan. And the maintenance are provided in excess 78. Spinning spaces, eight long stay, 70 short stay. And they'll be adaptable cycle parking spaces and. Bank of house long stay. Cycle parking for staff. In terms of planning obligations, there'll be the carbon offset of 5000. Seven pounds. The use will be perfect free. Here, for parking permits. There will be a travel plan. Cool by recommended condition. That will be monitored. Part of the one is the fee of 5,920. We instruction phase will. The. Employment skills plan. And the training to decent. And the. In summary. Also consider this to be an acceptable mean while use. I say public route access safety improvements. By the benefit to the local visitor and quality. In hex on a mean of CM to gauge it through the red conditions, including the system management and operational management plans. To do not identify any harm heritage assets. There is an enhancement identified south back come and water. The proposals are acceptable and transfer. They'll be approved. Screening form of, um. Report site and as we've already seen this absolutely no green. Greening there at all. The process you can look at. Recommendation is that members. Planning permission subject conditions and section one is agreement. I'll set out on the committee report and agenda. That concludes the presentation. Excuse me. The discussion will be going into your members attention to conditions in the agenda. Condition to. Um. What I'm trying to include the one moving. I've structures from the site, right? The cessation of the use. Agreement. Condition 29. It was modified to identify. And then to. Screened via strategy to ensure compliance with the fire strategy. That concludes the presentation. Thank you for that comprehensive presentation. Appreciate it. Sir, officer, yes. Thank you, Chair. Just draw members of bench to second day them again as well. Those. I'm glad to see each of them. As well. I'm sorry. I'll look at this in 2023. These were with us with members. The office is sorry in a meeting on the first of November. 2023 and the second of the day, just sets out what their representations were. That's important principle with some other mentors raised, which officers have provided some response to in the set of the board members. I do not have any registered speakers for this item. I do know that there are. A number of technical specialists. That are available to us as members, should we need them in. In terms of any questions that we have. But I say first of all direct direct them to to officers. So on this item, do we have any questions. Two of the things on the public benefits, the public toilets, do we know if those would be free to use. And I've said question on operational. Sorry. I'm happy to go ahead. On the operating, as you mentioned, originally came at 3am to operations, and was pulled back to midnight. Can I spoil that? We'll go back. It just feels within a little drop. The engine. Which we had to be. That was possible. It was for the. This is license. This is what it's wanted in March. This year and what it's supposed to be. Councilor Costa. Any questions? Okay. I had one question that was just too clarify for myself. Just lambeth councils. I say role or ownership of the site and just just to understand that a little bit better, please. I'm sorry. The applicant. So separate. They came rent to remember the. The site. Thank you for that clarification. Check if there were any final questions. Okay. Just I think my only question was just on the 10 year. The length of the duration of. Of the temporary usage. And I understand from a planning perspective, why 10 years also that. Does that mean that there is. No. In the short to medium term of the of the next 10 years. There was no other. I said there wasn't the prospect of. Other developments coming on that onto the site, which this might. I was just trying to understand why 10 years versus by five years or something like that. And, but that's the land laws have had no objection to the 10 years. They do not believe that prejudice is. I used to, but there is a brain growth in sites and commercial. And so I think that's the way that the planning is. The planning is great. It's in the end. The lease, which I believe would enable. To reconsider. Your perspective in the planning. So it's, it's an acceptable. Thank you very much. Catch last looking pace. There are any questions. Okay. I will now move to see if only members would like to outline their views on the application. They do not need to. If there's nothing to have been from my point of view, I thought. The summary at the end of the. So presentation was very helpful in just reminding of the, I said, the benefits. And I've said the, certainly the benefits of turning this from. And that is a really helpful way to a. I say from, from something that hasn't had. Public use into something that does and. That's the, you know, I mean, it's the impacts have been. Considered. You know, mitigated fire condition. So I am happy to. The recommendations for this item, for item four, do I have a second answer. Councila Bailey, all those in favor, please raise your hand. So that's all those in favor, the motion. That means the motion is. Officers recommendations is carried unanimously. And thank you very much to the officers for bringing that item to us and. For their preparations for the whole of this agenda. That now concludes this planning applications committee meeting. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
The Lambeth Planning Applications Committee meeting focused on two main planning applications: the temporary campus for Lambeth College and the temporary use of the Waterloo Under Crofts. Both applications were approved unanimously.
Lambeth College Temporary Campus
The committee discussed the application for a temporary campus at Lambeth College, Clapham Southside. The proposal includes the erection of two three-story modular buildings to serve as a temporary campus for two academic years while the main campus undergoes redevelopment.
Key Points:
- Purpose: To ensure continuous educational provision during the redevelopment of the main campus.
- Location: East side of Clapham Southside, currently occupied by Lambeth College.
- Public Consultation: Three objections were received, mainly concerning daylight, sunlight, privacy, noise, and light pollution.
- Impact Assessment: The proposed buildings are not expected to have a negative impact on neighboring properties in terms of daylight and sunlight. Privacy concerns were addressed by the building's design and existing vegetation.
- Transport and Parking: A shortfall of 22 cycle parking spaces was noted, but it was deemed acceptable based on worst-case scenario calculations.
- Energy and Sustainability: The proposal does not fully comply with adopted policies but includes measures to mitigate its impact, such as using energy-efficient modular buildings.
- Decision: The application was approved unanimously, with conditions to ensure minimal impact on the local community and environment.
Waterloo Under Crofts Temporary Use
The committee also discussed the application for the temporary use of the Waterloo Under Crofts for up to 10 years. The proposal includes converting the space into a food and beverage area, event space, storage areas, and public toilets.
Key Points:
- Purpose: To transform an underutilized and unwelcoming space into a vibrant area for public use.
- Location: North of Waterloo Station, under the IMAX roundabout.
- Public Benefits: The proposal aims to improve public safety, provide new public toilets, and enhance the pedestrian environment.
- Heritage Impact: The site lies within the Waterloo and South Bank conservation areas. The proposal is not expected to harm these areas and is seen as an enhancement.
- Operational Hours: Initially proposed to operate until 3 AM, but revised to 11 PM Sunday to Thursday and midnight on Fridays and Saturdays.
- Transport and Access: The proposal includes improvements to pedestrian routes and cycle parking. A travel plan and operational management plan will be implemented.
- Energy and Sustainability: The proposal includes measures to reduce energy use and carbon emissions, although it does not fully comply with all sustainability policies due to its temporary nature.
- Decision: The application was approved unanimously, with conditions to ensure the space is managed effectively and benefits the local community.
Both applications were seen as beneficial to the community, providing necessary facilities and improving the local environment.
- First Addendum Tuesday 04-Jun-2024 19.00 Planning Applications Committee
- First PAC Addendum - 4 June FINAL combined
- Lambeth College Clapham 24-00483-FUL - Temporary buildings - COM report
- Agenda frontsheet Tuesday 04-Jun-2024 19.00 Planning Applications Committee agenda
- Waterloo Undercrofts PAC report FINAL
- PAC Minutes 19 March 2024
- PAC Minutes FINAL 7 May 2024
- Second Addendum Tuesday 04-Jun-2024 19.00 Planning Applications Committee
- Public reports pack Tuesday 04-Jun-2024 19.00 Planning Applications Committee reports pack
- Printed minutes Tuesday 04-Jun-2024 19.00 Planning Applications Committee minutes