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Cabinet - Wednesday, 5th June, 2024 7.00 pm

June 5, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting focused on the introduction of the new cabinet members, approval of past meeting minutes, and the introduction of the corporate plan for 2024-2029. The council also discussed the re-procurement of essential software systems.

Corporate Plan 2024-2029

The new corporate plan aims to address the significant financial and operational challenges facing Thurrock Council. The council is functionally bankrupt and needs to make substantial savings. The plan focuses on three priorities: being an enabling council, focusing on people, and focusing on the place. The plan aims to rebuild trust with the community and partners, and to implement sustainable financial management.

  • Councillor Lin Warrall emphasized the need for a new operating model and cultural change within the council.
  • Councillor Sarah Maudowney highlighted the importance of financial stability and the need for difficult decisions to achieve it.
  • Councillor Lee Watson discussed the good growth agenda, focusing on collaboration with residents and stakeholders to improve infrastructure, housing, and job opportunities.
  • Councillor Vicki Hartstein outlined plans to improve children's services and education, focusing on early intervention and increasing employment opportunities for young people.
  • Councillor Mark Hooper talked about integrating health and social care services and focusing on preventive measures to improve public health.
  • Councillor Valerie Morris-Cook emphasized rebuilding trust with residents and maximizing community strengths and assets.

Oracle Fusion Three-Year Contract Award

The council approved a three-year extension of the Oracle Fusion contract, which is essential for managing corporate tasks like human resources, payroll, finance, and procurement. The extension will allow time to plan and transition to a new supplier if Oracle does not win the tender scheduled for August 2025. The council aims to secure a cost-effective, fully integrated, and efficient Enterprise Resource Management (ERM) solution through to 2031.

Re-Procurement of Education Case Management Application

The council discussed the re-procurement of the education case management application, which is essential for managing school admissions, free school meals, early years funding, and school census. The plan is to consolidate data onto a single platform to improve data accuracy and transparency. The council aims to secure a stable system for up to 10 years, allowing for further improvements and integrations.

  • Councillor Lin Warrall praised the risk management section of the report and asked about the tightness of exit provision clauses and potential budget savings.
  • Councillor Sarah Maudowney explained that the primary goal is to integrate systems rather than realize immediate budget savings.
  • Councillor Valerie Morris-Cook inquired about data protection and retention periods.
  • Councillor Victoria Holloway questioned the delegation of decision-making authority but was satisfied with the explanation provided.

Appointments to Outside Bodies

The council made several appointments to outside bodies, including:

  • Anglian Eastern Regional Flood and Coastal Committee: Councillor Liddiard
  • Association for Public Service Excellence: Councillor Sarah Maudowney
  • Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust Council of Governors: Councillor Fletcher
  • Essex County Traveller Unit: Councillor Lee Watson
  • Thurrock Arts Council: Councillor Lee Watson
  • Thames Estuary 2100 Strategic Program Board: Councillor Lee Watson
  • Thames Freeport Subcommittee: Councillors Lin Warrall, Lee Watson, and the Leader
  • Thurrock Community Safety Partnership: Councillor Panjala
  • Association of South Essex Local Authorities: The Leader
  • High House Production Park: Councillor Victoria Holloway

The meeting concluded with the approval of the recommendations for the Oracle Fusion contract and the education case management application.