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Cabinet - Monday, 3rd June, 2024 4.00 pm

June 3, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting chaired by Councillor Jane Scullion covered several key topics, including GDPR compliance, climate emergency actions, and local heritage projects. The council also addressed public questions and discussed the progress of various initiatives.

GDPR Compliance

Question from Alex Greenwood: Alex Greenwood asked about measures to ensure council employees and agency staff understand GDPR principles. Councillor Decker responded, detailing the mandatory data protection and GDPR e-learning course required for all Calderdale Council staff every two years. The course covers the Data Protection Act 2018, data categories, data protection principles, consent standards, lawful data processing, individual rights, and breach notification requirements. The council collects data through various means and ensures secure handling using encryption protocols.

Climate Emergency Actions

Question from Elizabeth Riedel: Elizabeth Riedel inquired about the council's commitment to implementing a low-carbon food policy to support the goal of Calderdale being net zero by 2038. Councillor Paterson confirmed that the cabinet would be asked to approve a plant-based catering policy, emphasizing locally sourced and seasonal plant-based foods. The council is also working on a Calderdale Food Strategy to be published later this year, which will include sustainable food policies and address food waste.

Local Heritage Projects

Question from Mr. Greenwood: Mr. Greenwood raised a question about placing a replica Roman altar in Hoyles Memorial Park. He mentioned a covenant that restricts building on the land. Councillor Scullion responded, explaining that the council does not agree with Mr. Greenwood's interpretation of the covenant. The council considers the Roman altar a building under a broad legal definition, which includes any structure or erection. The council is open to reviewing any contrary legal advice provided by Mr. Greenwood.

Incinerator at Serby Bridge

Questions from Mr. David Pugh and Ms. Jane Pugh: Both Mr. Pugh and Ms. Pugh raised concerns about the proposed incinerator at Serby Bridge, including issues with the environmental permit application and lack of communication from the council. Councillor Durrans responded, stating that the council will consider the application according to regulations and that there is no requirement to respond to individual representations. Ms. Pugh also expressed concerns about the council's communication skills, to which Councillor Durrans apologized for the lack of response to her email.

Northbridge Leisure Centre

Question from Hazel Sharp: Hazel Sharp asked for an update on the progress of the new Northbridge Leisure Centre. Councillor Courtney responded that the project is currently at the end of Reba stage 3 and is due to go out to tender in July. Construction is scheduled to begin in early 2025, with completion expected in summer 2026.

Stonechair Roundabout

Question from Councillor Elaine Haye: Councillor Haye asked if the Stonechair roundabout could be designated as a pollinator-friendly initiative as part of its reworking. Councillor Courtney responded that the proposed road safety scheme does not include changes to the roundabout itself, but if capital funding is secured in the future, the council will consider it. Councillor Patience added that the council is always looking for areas suitable for less invasive forms of maintenance to benefit the environment.

Plant-Based Catering Policy

The council discussed and approved a recommendation to adopt a plant-based catering policy, which will be presented to the full council for final approval. The policy aims to provide plant-based catering at council events to support the climate action plan and encourage sustainable food practices.

Other Business

The meeting also included reports from scrutiny boards on the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people, and knife crime. The council approved the transfer of the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (SEND IASS) to continue integration with Kirklees Council. Additionally, the council accepted a local tobacco control plan and a grant to support stop smoking services.

The meeting concluded with the approval of various supplementary planning documents and the appointment of members to serve on joint committees and working parties for the 2024/25 municipal year.

