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Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning Decisions - Tuesday, 4 June 2024 9.30 am

June 4, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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Councillor Clare Curran, Surrey County Council's Cabinet Member for Children and Families, has approved the allocation of £19.4 million from the approved SEND capital funding budget for committed projects at three schools: Fremantle School's temporary satellite site, Pond Meadow School, and Philip Southcote School. The projects at the three schools will create 132 new school places for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Surrey. The Cabinet Member also agreed to delegate authority to the Section 151 Officer1 to enter into legal contracts to allow the projects to go ahead.

SEND Capital Programme Budgets

Surrey County Council has an ongoing programme of investment in increasing the number of school places available for children with SEND. This is a requirement of the Children and Families Act 2014, and is also a central part of Surrey's Safety Valve agreement with the Department for Education. In the report considered at this meeting, the council's officers described the safety valve agreement like this:

Surrey County Council’s Safety Valve Agreement with the Department for Education (March 2022), which aims to eliminate the council’s Dedicated Schools Grant High Needs Block (DSG HNB) deficit, includes a condition to deliver an ambitious Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and Alternative Provision (AP) Capital programme that will improve the long-term sufficiency of state-maintained specialist educational provision that meets the needs of communities across Surrey.

The report sought approval from the Cabinet Member for the latest set of projects in this programme.

Philip Southcote School

The project at Philip Southcote School in Addlestone will see £11.05 million spent on expanding the school to provide 27 additional school places. The work will also see the replacement of 24 existing school places in buildings that have reached the end of their planned life. Philip Southcote is a specialist academy for pupils aged 11-19 years with moderate learning difficulties. The project will also see the reconstruction of the school's hydrotherapy pool, which is used to provide statutory specialist educational provision to 133 pupils at the school.

Pond Meadow School

Pond Meadow School in Guildford will receive £7.34 million to remodel the school, refurbish existing buildings, and construct a new building to provide an additional 51 school places. Pond Meadow is a specialist academy for pupils aged 2-19 with severe and profound and multiple learning difficulties.

Freemantles School

The final project approved at the meeting was the refurbishment of Fremantle School's temporary satellite site on the site of the former Ripley Church of England Primary School. The refurbishment will cost £0.99 million, and will provide 54 new school places. Fremantle is an LA-maintained school for autistic pupils aged 2-19 with complex co-occurring needs.

The report notes that all three projects have been subject to public consultation in line with statutory requirements, and that all three projects have already been endorsed by Surrey's Capital Programme Panel.

  1. A Section 151 Officer is the officer designated by Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972 to be responsible for the council's finances. The current Section 151 Officer for Surrey County Council is Leigh Whitehouse.