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Cabinet Member for Fire and Rescue, and Resilience Decisions - Tuesday, 4 June 2024 1.00 pm
June 4, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
Surrey County Council has adopted the Charter for Families Bereaved Through Public Tragedy. The meeting was held to consider the adoption of the charter and approve it for use in all council services.
Charter For Families Bereaved Through Public Tragedy
The Cabinet Member for Fire and Rescue and Resilience approved the adoption of the Charter for Families Bereaved Through Public Tragedy.
Tina Thorburn, the Business Manager for Surrey Fire and Rescue Service, explained to the meeting that the Charter was intended to embed the lessons learned from previous public tragedies, like the Hillsborough Disaster, into the culture of the council. She explained that Surrey Fire and Rescue Service had already adopted the charter, and that on 7 December 2023 the government adopted it as the Hillsborough Charter:
On the 7th of December 23, the Deputy Prime Minister signed the Hillsborough charter on behalf of the government. We now want the charter to become part of the culture of what it means to be a public servant in Surrey County Council.
She said that adopting the charter would:
provide us with a framework to support bereaved families and the community in the aftermath of a major incident.
She went on to say that it would demonstrate the council's commitment to:
being open to public scrutiny in the aftermath of events.
Councillor Deanus thanked Tina Thorburn for her work on the charter, which he described as 'going and going and going until we've got to today'. He confirmed that he had 'read the papers back to front inside and outside', and that he had no questions about the proposal.

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