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Cabinet - Monday, 3rd June, 2024 4.00 pm

June 3, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting covered a range of topics, from public questions on data protection and climate emergency policies to detailed discussions on local council services and strategies. Key decisions were made on plant-based catering policies, visitor economy strategies, and procurement activities for adult and children's services.

Climate Emergency and Plant-Based Catering

Elizabeth Riedel raised concerns about the climate emergency and the council's goal of achieving net zero by 2038. She asked if the council would implement a 100% plant-based catering policy. Councillor Paterson confirmed that the cabinet would be asked to approve such a policy, emphasizing the environmental benefits and cost savings.

Data Protection and GDPR

Alex Greenwood asked about measures to ensure council employees understand GDPR principles. Councillor Decker responded that all staff must complete a mandatory data protection and GDPR e-learning course every two years, covering various aspects of data protection and security.

Incinerator at Sowerby Bridge

David Pugh and Jane Pugh raised concerns about the proposed incinerator at Sowerby Bridge, questioning the council's handling of the environmental permit application and the lack of responses to public objections. Councillor Durrans explained that while the council considers all representations, there is no requirement to respond individually.

Northbridge Leisure Centre

Hazel Sharp asked for an update on the Northbridge Leisure Centre project. Councillor Courtney confirmed that construction is scheduled to begin in early 2025, with a completion date of summer 2026.

Elland Train Station

Councillor Hunt inquired about the delays in the opening of Elland Train Station. Councillor Courtney explained that significant work is ongoing, including appointing a contractor and completing pre-construction site investigations. The project retains the support of the rail industry.

Scrutiny Reports

Two scrutiny reports were presented: one on the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people, and another on knife crime. Both reports highlighted the importance of listening to affected communities and recommended various measures to improve services and safety.

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Services

The council approved the continued integration of Calderdale and Kirklees councils' SEND Information Advice and Support Services under a new agreement.

Local Tobacco Control Plan

The council accepted a grant of £263,562 for the local tobacco control plan, aimed at helping smokers quit and reducing smoking in pregnancy.

Visitor Economy Strategy

A new visitor economy strategy for 2024-2029 was approved, focusing on generating more and longer trips to Calderdale to benefit the local economy and increase jobs.

Gypsy, Traveller, and Travelling Show People Development Plan

The council approved a consultation on the Gypsy, Traveller, and Travelling Show People Development Plan document, which aims to allocate land to meet the identified needs of these communities.

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)

Two SPDs were approved for referral to full council: one on flood risk and drainage, and another on biodiversity net gain.

Procurement Activity Plan

The council reviewed and approved the procurement activity plan for adult and children's services, noting the identified savings and the importance of delivering high-quality services to vulnerable citizens.


Profile image for Sarah Courtney
Sarah Courtney  Cabinet Member, Regeneration and Transport •  Labour •  Calder
Profile image for Adam Wilkinson
Adam Wilkinson  Cabinet Member, Children and Young People's Services •  Labour •  Sowerby Bridge
Robin Tuddenham
Cath Gormally
Jackie Addison
Deborah Harkins
Ian Hughes
Julie Jenkins
Shelagh O'Neill
Julie Wadsworth
Kirsty Smith
Becky McIntyre
Ian Day
