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Overview and Scrutiny Committee – Resources - Tuesday, 4th June, 2024 7.00 pm

June 4, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Guildford Resources, Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting covered several key topics, including financial monitoring, performance monitoring, and the use of digital communications. The meeting also addressed questions from committee members and non-committee members regarding various performance indicators and council operations.

Financial Monitoring Provisional 2023-24 Out-Turn Position

Richard Bates, the Strategic Director of Finance, provided an update on the financial out-turn position for the last financial year. The council managed to publish the draft accounts on time for the first time in four or five years, joining the 40% of district councils that met the statutory deadline. The council started the year with a £3 million deficit but ended with an underspend of about £2.2 million overall. This was attributed to high interest rates and changes in policies like the financial recovery plan. The council plans to use some of the underspend for one-off items and to replenish reserves. Full details will be presented at the next committee meeting.

Performance Monitoring Report 2023-24, Quarter Four

Councillor Carla Mawson and Luke Harvey discussed the performance monitoring report, which tracks the council's performance against key corporate performance indicators (KPIs). The report showed 14 green-rated, 2 amber-rated, and 10 red-rated KPIs, with some data missing. The council plans to review and update the KPIs to ensure they are meaningful and aligned with the corporate strategy. Questions were raised about specific KPIs, such as the lack of targets for recycling performance and the number of empty homes. Written responses will be provided for questions that could not be answered during the meeting.

Use of Digital Communications

Councillor Vanessa King raised questions about how the council utilizes its social media channels, which have a significant number of followers. She suggested improving the design of reporting forms on the website and making better use of email broadcasts and WhatsApp communities. The council agreed to take these suggestions back to the communications team for further consideration.

General Comments on Performance Reporting

Several committee members provided feedback on the performance report. Councillor Phil Bellamy suggested simplifying the KPI measurement system, while Councillor Stephen Hives recommended focusing on the most important KPIs. Councillor Honor Brooker questioned whether the KPIs are meaningful and suggested a review. The council agreed to take these comments into account during the upcoming review of the performance monitoring framework.

Deferred Item

The update on the Guildford and Waverley collaboration was deferred due to the heightened political sensitivities of the pre-election period.

The meeting concluded with a commitment to provide written responses to unanswered questions and to review the performance monitoring framework to better align with the council's strategic objectives.