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Planning and Highways Committee - Tuesday 4 June 2024 2.00 pm

June 4, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting covered several topics, including housekeeping, changes to the agenda, introductions, and two planning applications. The main discussions were about the planning applications for 26 Old Hay Close and 87 Knoll Lane, Sheffield.

Planning Applications

26 Old Hay Close

The first planning application discussed was for a front porch infill extension at 26 Old Hay Close, Sheffield. The proposal was to replace the existing porch with one that has a lean-to roof and infill the lightweight glazing panels with a render finish. The application was brought to the committee because the applicant is an officer within the Sheffield City Council. The committee unanimously approved the recommendation to proceed with the extension.

87 Knoll Lane

The second planning application was for a three-storey, three-bedroom detached dwelling at 87 Knoll Lane, Sheffield. The site slopes steeply from Knoll Lane down to Hall Lane. The proposal included two car parking spaces and various ecological enhancements such as swift bricks, hedgerows, and additional tree planting.

  • Objections and Concerns: There were 24 objections concerning design, neighbor impacts, amenity, and highways matters. The committee discussed the character of the area and the contemporary design of the new dwelling. They also addressed concerns about the impact on a large mature oak tree and the adequacy of the garden sizes for both the new and existing properties.
  • Ecological Enhancements: The committee debated the number of swift bricks to be included in the development. Initially, only one swift brick was proposed, but Councillor Mike Chaplin suggested increasing this to three. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided to add a directive recommending three swift bricks, although this was not made a binding condition.
  • Decision: The committee approved the application with the addition of the directive for three swift bricks.

Other Discussions

  • Housekeeping: Instructions were given regarding fire safety, mobile device usage, and the webcast of the meeting.
  • Agenda Changes: Items 7C and 7D, which were planning applications for land at the junction of Harry's Road and Echisle Primary School, were withdrawn due to pre-election period rules.
  • Introductions: Councillors introduced themselves, and apologies were noted for Cliff Woodcraft, with Councillor Ibi Ulla substituting for Janet Riddler.
  • Board Composition: Concerns were raised about the board's composition not being in accordance with what was agreed at full council. The Chair decided to seek legal advice on this matter.
  • Declarations of Interest: Councillor Gala Weatherall declared receiving emails from Forge Masters and Aldi, although these were not on the agenda for the day.


The committee briefly discussed the appeals report, noting that many appeals had been dismissed, and thanked the officers for their good track record.

The next meeting is scheduled for June 21st at 2 pm.