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Economic Development, Managed Growth and Skills Scrutiny Board - Wednesday 29th May 2024 6.00 pm

May 29, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting began with the election of the chairman and vice-chairman for the municipal year. Councillor David Pinwell was elected as chairman, and Councillor Fitter as vice-chairman. The meeting was broadcast live on the internet and archived for future viewing.

Cabinet Portfolio Holders' Priorities

Economic Strategy and Development

Councillor Courts outlined the economic strategy for Solihull, emphasizing the borough's strong economic performance and investment opportunities. Key projects include:

  • Kingshurst Development: Focus on securing funding for phase two, which includes a health and retail hub.
  • Mel Square: A long-term project with phase one expected to start within the next couple of years.
  • Chelsea Wood: A different dynamic from Mel Square, requiring public funding and dealing with ownership issues.
  • Arden Cross: A complex project involving the University of Warwick for a health tech campus.
  • Solihull Connected Transport Strategy: Aimed at improving rapid connectivity within key locations.
  • Borsal Common Relief Road: Design work for this road is a new addition to the year's plan.

Climate Change and Planning

Councillor Makovitch highlighted the following priorities:

  • Climate Change Action Plan: Seeking strategic input from the board.
  • Biodiversity: Emphasis on green prescribing and co-benefits of biodiversity.
  • Local Plan: Progressing in line with new NPPF guidance.
  • Tree Planting: Continuing with the goal of planting 25,000 trees this year and exploring community orchards.

Transport and Connectivity

Councillor Hawkins discussed the following:

  • A45,000 Parkway Junction Scheme: Expected to move forward this year with construction starting next year.
  • Dickens Heath to Solihull Town Centre Walking and Cycling Route: Discussion on improving the route through Hillfield Park.
  • Public Transport: Awaiting the new mayor's plans for public transport, with a focus on better and more effective services.

Housing and Social Care

Councillor Parker's priorities include:

  • Social Housing Regulation Act 2023: Ensuring SCH meets new regulatory requirements.
  • Building Safety Act 2022: Ongoing work on fire safety and sprinkler systems in high-rise buildings.
  • Housing and Rough Sleeping Strategy: Focus on prevention and support, with new hubs like the one at Chelmsley Wood Library.
  • Affordable Housing: Maximizing delivery and funding opportunities, including the purchase of properties for refugees.
  • Retrofit Funding: Alleviating fuel poverty and increasing energy efficiency across all tenures.

Work Program and Task and Finish Groups

Work Program

The board discussed the work program for the year, agreeing to add the following topics:

  • Mel Square: To be added with the meeting date to be confirmed.
  • Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan: To be considered for the September meeting.
  • Public Transport: A broader look at rail and bus networks, including ticketing and service frequency.

Task and Finish Groups

The board considered setting up a task and finish group to look at the housing market, focusing on issues like the surplus of retirement properties and the accessibility of the housing market for first-time buyers. It was agreed to first gather more information to determine the feasibility and scope of such a group.

The meeting concluded with a decision to bring a report on the potential reuse of garage sites and the use of prefabricated buildings for housing.


Jackie Hill
Rebecca Boswell
Perry Wardle
Jane Game
Profile image for Councillor Ken Hawkins  Cabinet Portfolio Holder
Councillor Ken Hawkins Cabinet Portfolio Holder  Cabinet Portfolio Holder - Environment & Infrastructure •  Conservative •  Blythe
Councillor Max McLoughlin
Councillor Mark Parker
Councillor Alan Feeney
Councillor Prish Sharma
Councillor Kathryn Thomas
Councillor Dave Pinwell
Profile image for Councillor Andrew Burrow
Councillor Andrew Burrow  Chairman, Children's Services & Education Scrutiny Board •  Conservative •  Meriden
Councillor Edward Fitter