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Stronger Communities and Neighbourhood Services Scrutiny Board - Wednesday 22nd May 2024 6.00 pm

May 22, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The meeting began with the election of Councillor Alan Thiena as Chairman and Councillor O'Nyons as Vice Chair for the new municipal year. The main discussions covered cabinet portfolio priorities, upcoming community events, and issues related to local infrastructure and housing.

Cabinet Portfolio Priorities


Councillor Kajst presented the priorities for the Communities portfolio. Key changes include:

  • Public health and leisure moving to the Adult Social Care and Health portfolio under Councillor D'Sico.
  • Addition of tourism elements to the portfolio.
  • New priorities for regulatory services for 2023-2024.

Councillor Kajst also highlighted the upcoming Solihull Together event on June 22nd and the Beacons of Light for D-Day at Almondon Park on June 6th.

Domestic Abuse Delivery Plan

Questions were raised about the Domestic Abuse Delivery Plan. Councillor Kajst mentioned that a strategy for 2025-2027 is being developed and will refresh the current plan.

Faith Covenant

Councillor Carthier inquired about the Faith Covenant for 2024-2025. It was confirmed that it is on the scrutiny work plan for next year and will be consulted with the scrutiny board.

Bereavement Services

Councillor Donnelly raised concerns about the condition of Woodlands Cemetery crematorium. Alison confirmed that upgrades are planned for the facilities and that a second cremator is being considered.

Cultural Recovery

Councillor Carthier praised the partnership with the Artrix Theatre, which allowed performances to continue despite the closure of the main house at the Core Theatre.

Environment and Infrastructure

In the absence of Councillor Hawkins, Sue Proctor presented the priorities for the Environment and Infrastructure portfolio. Key points include:

  • Continued delivery of the local cycling and walking infrastructure.
  • Maintenance issues were raised, particularly regarding overgrown hedgerows and moss on shared spaces in Marston Green.


Satnam Core presented the priorities for the Housing portfolio in Councillor Parker's absence. Key challenges include:

  • Compliance with the new Building Safety Act and Social Housing Regulation Act.
  • Ensuring sufficient funding for long-term safety and maintenance of high-rise buildings.

Councillor Holt asked about the challenges related to high-rise residential buildings. Satnam Core explained the need for increased assurance and external validation to ensure compliance.

Councillor Carthier suggested encouraging private developers to build eco-friendly homes. It was clarified that this is driven by planning policy rather than the housing portfolio.

Work Programme

The work programme was discussed, with a focus on flexibility and the ability to add or remove items as needed. Councillor Carthier asked about the timeline for implementing food waste collections, which is mandated by March 2026.

Apologies and Minutes

Apologies were received from Councillors Hawkins, Parker, and Laura McCarthy. The minutes of the last meeting were accepted as a true record.

The meeting concluded with a brief discussion on the work programme and no additional questions for Councillor Parker.