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Planning and Licensing Committee - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 12, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Planning and Licensing Committee of Cotswold Council met on Wednesday 12 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the approval of a new garage in Longborough and updates to the pavement licensing regime. The committee approved the garage application despite concerns over highway safety and agreed to make the pavement licensing regime permanent with new fees and conditions.

Milverton Garage Application

The committee discussed the application for the erection of a single-detached garage and the addition of two gable windows at Milverton, Old Rectory Gardens, Longborough. The application, submitted by Mr. Sagar, was controversial due to concerns about highway safety. The garage would be accessed from a new entrance on a steep, single-track road with a blind bend.

Councillor Timothy House from Longborough Parish Council and resident Caroline Garnham supported the application, citing aesthetic improvements and safety measures like remote-controlled garage doors. However, Councillor David Cunningham and other members raised concerns about the potential for accidents due to cars stopping on the road while waiting for the garage doors to open.

The committee ultimately decided to approve the application, with 10 votes in favour and one against, after a detailed discussion on the balance between aesthetic considerations and highway safety.

For more details, you can refer to the Milverton Old Rectory Gardens Longborough Report.

Update to Pavement Licensing Regime

Kevin, the licensing officer, presented the draft policy document for the pavement licensing regime, which has been made permanent following the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act. The new policy includes several changes:

  • Increasing the minimum consultation period from 14 days to 28 days.
  • Expanding the license validation from 12 months to 24 months.
  • Increasing the capped fees for new licenses from £100 to £500.
  • Introducing a renewal fee capped at £350.

The committee approved the draft policy and the new fees, which will be recommended to the full council for final approval. The detailed policy can be found in the Update to Pavement Licensing Regime.

Other Business

  • Appointments to Licensing Sub-Committees: The committee approved the arrangements for appointing two licensing sub-committees, which will operate under different sets of legislation. The details are available in the Appointments to Sub-Committees Report.
  • Tribute to Marcus Kitchen: Councillor Ray Brassington paid tribute to Marcus Kitchen, a former principal planner who recently passed away.
  • Training: The committee discussed the need for ongoing training on various planning topics, including planning conditions and material planning considerations.

For a detailed account of the meeting, you can refer to the Printed minutes.