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Annual Council, Council - Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 6.00 pm

May 15, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The meeting of the Cotswold District Council's full council focused on the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council, announcements from the Chair and Leader, and the appointment of committees and outside bodies.

The most significant topic was the election of the Chair of the Council. Councillor Nicky was nominated and seconded for the position, praised for being fair-handed and maintaining good order in meetings. An electronic vote was held, resulting in 28 votes for and 1 against, confirming Councillor Nicky as Chair for the 2024/25 term.

Next, the appointment of the Vice-Chair was discussed. Councillor Mark Harris was nominated and seconded, with commendations for his effective role and impressive beard. An electronic vote confirmed his appointment with 34 votes in favor.

The Chair, Councillor Nicky, made several announcements, including her gratitude for re-election and her participation in various events such as the gala night at the Barn Theatre and the Forest of Dean Council's charity dinner. She also announced her plan to walk the Cotswold Way over the summer to support three local charities: North Cotswold Friends, the Churn Project, and Tetbury Youth and Community Trust.

The Leader, Councillor Joe Harris, congratulated the Chief Executive Rob Weaver on the birth of his daughter and welcomed Alan Hope as the new Strategic Housing Manager. He addressed member safety concerns due to recent vandalism incidents and discussed the closure of the Kingshill Meadow Roundabout, which has caused economic harm and frustration. He also criticized the Gloucestershire Growth Strategy for proposing 23,000 new houses in Kemble and 7,000 in Moreton-in-Marsh, which he argued would nearly double the district's housing stock and impact its unique character.

The appointment of committees was discussed, with Councillor Joe Harris presenting the updated cabinet portfolios and thanking various councillors for their contributions. The council resolved to apply political balance provisions to committees, appoint councillors to serve on committees and working groups, and agree on changes to the terms of reference for the Constitution Working Group and the Publica Review Working Group.

Finally, the appointment to outside bodies was addressed, with Councillor Joe Harris providing an overview of various roles and nominations. An amendment was proposed by the opposition to appoint Councillor Darryl Corr to the Gloucestershire County Council Economic Growth Scrutiny Committee, but it was ultimately rejected in favor of Councillor Angus Jenkinson.