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Annual Council, Council - Wednesday, 15th May, 2024 6.00 pm
May 15, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
Good evening and welcome to this meeting of Cotsaw District Council's full council. My name is Councillor Mark Harris and I am the current Vice Chair of Council and our first item of business is the election of the Chair of Council and I now call for nominations for Chair of Council. I'd like to nominate Councillor NICKY and he's done a sterling job over the first year of this council term. Fair handed and thumb when needed and I think she's kept the council meetings in very good order so very pleased to nominate NICKY. And do we have a seconder? We did, I can see. Yes, I'm very happy to second NICKY as our leader said. She's done and been very fair handed and has kept us all under control in our meetings and I also think she's a terrific representative around the district and I'm very pleased to second her. Thank you very much, Councillor Layton. In the absence of any other nominees, an electronic vote will now be taken on the proposal to elect Councillor NICKY as Chair of the Council for 24, 25, 24, 24, 20, 25 and as you can probably see it's up in front of you. You can vote for yourself. So we've got 28, 4 and 1 against which means we've got 13 total so I can now hand over to the congratulations and hand over to the Chair and we'll just sign the declaration. Thank you. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO] [BLANKAUDIO] I'm very grateful for your support. The second item on the agenda this evening is the appointment to the vice-chair. So have I got a nomination for our vice-chair? I understand that you've got Councillor MARX. Hello. I'd be very happy to nominate Mark Harris for vice-chair. I think he's done a great job and he has the most impressive beard in the room. I think that alone qualifies as if there's nothing else. Thank you very much Councillor Wilkinson and do I have a seconder for Councillor Harris? I would also like to nominate him not just because of his wonderful beard which is quite impressive as well but I think he does a great job as a vice-chair and was very forceful with his gravel keeping us roundly locked on order. So wonderful to have you back. Thank you very much Councillor McEwan. Are there any further nominations for vice-chair? Then if not, we will go to the electronic vote on the proposal to elect Councillor MARX Harris as the vice-chair of council for 2024/25. Thank you, Cara. Perfect. That's lovely. That's 34, none again. So welcome Mark. If you'd like to do your declaration of acceptance. Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. A warm welcome to all members of the council, the public in attendance although I don't think we have anyone this afternoon and to those watching us online. We are live streaming the meeting but members of the public present are entitled to record the meeting themselves providing it isn't disruptive to our proceedings and we'll start with item three on the agenda announcements and we'll start with my announcements as chair of council. So firstly I would like to thank you, my colleagues for your continued support and trust in me as chair of council district council for a further year. It has been my absolute privilege for a slurring sister born girl born in the Queen's Hospital who attended Stratton and Deer Park schools. My 15-year-old self would have never believed it. So my message to any young people is nothing as impossible. If you have a dream or ambition just give it a go. I just wanted to work to make a difference in my community and look exactly where I ended up. As chair since our last meeting in March I have had the privilege to represent the district council at a number of events. Another gala night at the wonderful barn theatre for their great production of constellations. I attended the forest of Dean, council's charity dinner at speech house and leave shims civic service. The restaurant launch at the Stratton House hotel which was extra special for me because I have my wedding reception there. And finally I went to the siren sister town council civic reception. Yesterday I'd like to remind colleagues there were two really good member briefings. Housing and waste. I looked at the housing one today because I was at work yesterday and on the recording please don't be put off by the fact it looks like it's going to take you two hours and thirty two seconds to watch it. It is about an hour and a half unfortunately when they pause the recording for some reason it's gone on. It's actually one and a half hours which was very worthwhile. It was really useful and I was sorry to have missed it. And finally and personally as chair I would like to announce that to mark the 50th anniversary of the creation of cotsaw district council I will be walking the cotsaw way over the summer whilst highlighting the invaluable work undertaken throughout our district by organisations and volunteers. My aim is to promote three and support three local charities who provide support services for all ages in our communities. In the north cotswold friends, in the centre the chair and project and in the south temporary youth and community trust. And having considered the comments made by Councillor Robins at the budget meeting in February regarding the frozen Councillor allowances I will personally be donating my Councillor allowance uplift to those three charities. Barring injury and bad weather, I plan to walk the route over 12 weeks every Sunday starting on the 9th of June in Chipping Camden and if anyone colleagues, friends, residents wish to join me you will be very welcome and just contact me for further information. And that's me. Thank you. Over to the leader. Thank you chair and congratulations on your re-election. I would like to start by offering congratulations first of all to our Chief Executive Rob Weaver on the birth of his daughter in April. Certainly I know I speak for the whole council when we wish you and Anna all the very best and I'm sure you're getting lots of practice at changing nappies and sleepless nights so you're looking good for him. I also welcome Alan Hope to the council who is our new strategic housing manager. He's unfortunately not able to be here this evening. His job will be to add rocket fuel to our ambition to deliver generally affordable houses in the district that people can afford to live in. If you see Alan around and about the building, please do make him feel welcome in his new role and I know he's looking forward to meeting all of you. I want to talk very quickly about member safety. There have been a number of instances over the last few weeks and months of Councillors and staff's vehicles being targeted by vandalism in the car park here at Trinity Road. My own car has been targeted ten times now with screws in tyres and it's not a coincidence. I don't have that many enemies I don't think and I'm pretty sure it's happening here at the council offices. I believe a number of staff have had the same issue and another member here. Clearly this brings in to focus member safety. I'd reiterate, please be vigilant when you come here and when you're out and about. Unfortunately, people in public life are targets. As we've seen today in a democratically elected here in Europe, we've had an assassination attempt. Nothing as serious as that here but member safety is, of course, a priority. What are we going to do here at the Oxford District Council? We're going to have a big review of member safety here at Trinity Road and up in Morton. We'll also ensure that things like CCTV and so on and so forth are up to working and a modern actually because quite often systems are a bit aged. I'd ask members to be vigilant and report any instances but it goes like saying that any instances like this are totally unacceptable and we condemn them very, very strongly indeed. I just want to talk very quickly about two issues that have been and have caused a lot of concern locally and people in contact with district council. So many people inside the district have contacted me in exasperation about the closure of the Kingsville meadow roundabout. There are 500 people who have now signed the petition to try and get it open as soon as possible. It's great news that the County Council have indicated that it will be reopened in June. The economic harm that's caused to businesses and the frustration of many local people about the poor communication and the length of time it took to identify responsibility in the solution clearly is unacceptable. Obviously the impact of road closures are elsewhere in the area, particularly over the East Key Weekend when we've had nationally significant events like badminton festival has made navigating scientist stuff and indeed the surrounding area a bit of a nightmare. So on behalf of this council I'll be writing to the County Council to ensure that something like this doesn't happen again and requesting a review of how road closures are planned. It's really key because often it feels like planning for road closures have joined up. While I'm at it I'm also going to include the issue of roundabout and verge maintenance. I know this is an issue that lots of residents have raised with Councillors, particularly overgrown verges and roundabouts. Driving here this evening it's almost impossible to see round the junctions on the Ring Road and Sirens sister and notice the case in other areas in the district. And while of course we want to see enhanced biodiversity and clearly our roundabouts and our verges can be a key part of helping to get us on the way there, it has to be done in a managed way. The problem with the County Council's current strategy is it's not just no Mo May, it's often no Mo March, April, May, sometimes June and quite often even into July. So what we need is proper management of our verges and our roundabouts in the County Council. And if we can do this in a managed way there can enhance the biodiversity and also ensure that our main roads don't necessarily, most importantly, aren't dangerous for motorists. And of course the District Council stands at the road to help assist in this. The County Council needs to take the lead because it's their responsibility. Finally I just want to comment on the Gloucestershire Growth Strategy. Now over the weekend Gloucestershire Live reported on a legal confidential document from the Conservative run Gloucestershire County Council titled Gloucestershire Great Strategy. This document outlines plans to build 142,000 new dwellings across Gloucestershire by 2051. Within our own district, the strategy proposes 23,000 new houses in Kemble, effectively filling the land between the Chesterton development that's currently being built out in Kemble itself, and also an additional 7,000 houses in Morton in March. Considering our current electoral role indicates that there are about 40,000 dwellings in the Council District, clearly these plans would nearly double our existing housing stock. Understandably this raises significant concerns about the impact on our area's unique character, and our already strained infrastructure. We would in essence, and let's be clear about this, be creating a new Milton Keynes here in the Cotswolds. Nationally the proposal for new cities may be signed, and I think it's actually an idea with a lot of merit. But do we really want that in the Cotswolds District, a district with 80% area of outstanding natural beauty, and world-renowned for its natural beauty. These proposals starkly contrast with our own local plan which we're currently developing, which requires 3,300 new homes to be built across the entire district, in addition to the 5,150 homes that already have permission or are currently allocated in the local plan. This meets the government's target for our district, and it's far below the figures in the County Council document. The scale of these proposals is staggering. They're staggering because they were drafted behind closed doors. The leader of the County Council claims this is a four-year-old document of no significance. However, in 2020, I've had a paid service here at the District Council, a senior director of Gloucestershire County Council, and the former County Council of Fortin and Stowe, Councillor Nigel Moore, discussed these plans. On the 20th of December, 2023, Senior Chief of the Cotswolds requested a meeting here with us, including our Chief Executive Robert Weaver and Councillor Dale. This wouldn't suggest the A Vision, this wouldn't suggest that this vision isn't GCC policy, as senior County Council officers are seeking meetings with districts about it, and in our cases recently, as December last year. On both occasions, the County Council has bound us and other district councils to confidentiality. Clearly, there are questions for the County Council leader to answer. Our County Council officers are acting about authority, or with the County Council's conservative leadership not being up from its residents. Let me make clear this evening, our Council's position, and this administration's position. We could not and would not ever support proposals on this go. Our priority is allocating sites to meet the government's housing requirement. Our priority is delivering genuinely affordable homes that people can afford to live in. Our priority is ensuring that any new development in the Cotswolds allows us to upgrade existing infrastructure, fixing many of the problems we currently have. These are our priorities, and that is how we will continue to operate, engaging with residents at every possible stage. I know Julia and all the officers are working on the forward plan relish that opportunity. We want what's best for the Cotswolds, and these plans that have been leaked, surely are not the answer. Thank you. Councillor interjecting. Thank you, Councillor Harris. Now, Mr Weaver, Chief Executive, any announcements? Thank you very much. Always cautious about standing office. It cuts my head off. There we go. It's caught up. I just want to start with a couple of thank yous if that's okay. Firstly, thank you very much indeed. I'm sorry, congratulations to the Chair and Vice-Chair firstly. Thank you very much indeed, members, for all your kind wishes, cards and gifts for Eloise, my daughter. She's very grateful for those, and she's getting round to writing her. Thank you, cards. So bear with me if you haven't had yours yet. You will get one. But it's great to have so much support and more wishes from you all, and thank you very much. Secondly, it was thank you to the staff who ensured that the recent PCC elections went so smoothly. So Sarah, Dolby, Katrina Keylock, Cara, Caleb, the whole team, and of course, all the volunteers that we very much rely on to make sure that the polling stations are manned, the camp process works properly. We've got refreshments in the camp venue. That couldn't work without everybody putting together, and as returning officer, it's a tribute to everybody that's been involved in those processes that makes them run so smoothly. So here's to another smooth autumn election, which might be on a slight different scale. So if anybody's got the exact date, or let's me know when they're booking their holidays, I'll do some triangulation and see if we can find that out. So it was great that that worked very well. And also finally, thank you to all the members we've been working with as a group of senior officers here in the 12 months since our last AGM. Time seems to have flown by, but I've very much enjoyed working with you all on the various projects and initiatives that we've got going on. So here's to another busy 12 months. Thank you, Jeff. Thank you, Mr Weaver. In order to maximise the time available, I'd like to remind members to be disciplined in their comments, avoid repetition and be succinct with any remarks made. The length of the meeting is capped at four hours. I'm sure we're not going to get to that this evening. After three hours I've elapsed. We would take a vote on whether to continue for the final hours. And if we got to four hours, we will finish the item we're dealing with in the normal way, but any other remaining business will fall. We will be voting electronically, but should anything go wrong with the electronic voting, which cannot be resolved, we will revert to voting by a clear show of hands. We'll go on to agenda item four. Apologies, Caleb. Thank you, Chair. We've received apologies from Councillors, David Fowls, Lane Mansella and Rowley Hughes. Councillor Harris. Yeah, I don't have formal apologies for Councillor Colman, but I know he's trying to traverse Gloucestershire's very difficult road network sort of links into what I was saying, really. So he is aiming to be here as soon as he can, but he's had a difficult journey back from Chelton where he's had a family commitment. Thank you for that update, Councillor Harris, and we've noted that. Agenda item five, declarations of interest. Are there any declarations of interest, please? As normal, if you become aware of an interest during the meeting, then please just declare it at the time. Agenda item six, the announcement of the Leader on Cabinet Appointments. This is to be presented by the Leader, Councillor Johannes, Councillor Harris. Thank you, Chair. It's been a really successful first year for this new Council term and one of the reasons for that success is we've got a brilliant cabinet working really hard, quite often overworked and underpaid, but nevertheless doing a fantastic job of which I'm incredibly grateful because it means that they're helping to deliver our agenda and delivering for residents in the Cotswolds. So officers are going to begin to circulate the updated cabinet portfolios, so I'll just give a second for those to sort of percolate around the room. And while that's happening, I just want to do a very, very quick overview and just say a few words on each. So first of all, to the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance Mike, I really appreciate all the support you give for me as the Deputy Leader. You have a very meaty, I think it's there to say, portfolio from setting a balanced budget to dealing with our property strategy that we approved at Cabinet last week. That's an awful lot and I know that you've also had a lot going on in your life, so I really appreciate all the hard work you've put into doing that. It's because of your efforts over the last few years, we've got sound finances and we've got a good foundation going into the future. Councillor McEwen has headed up our Climate Change and Sustainability work. I think it's fair to say he's hit the ground running and I sort of worry for our patrons because the amount of money he's getting through bids from different agencies to help support our work is great. So congratulations, Mike, it's great and we're going to hear a bit about that later in the Council meeting. Also somebody that leads by example, electric car solar panels on his house leading the way. So he doesn't just talk about it, he does it and that's really great. Equally, Councillor Dale, doing our work on economy and Council transformation, fantastic job over the last year. In particular, you've had the parking brief and we'll talk a little bit more about that in a minute. I know that's been very difficult, we've had some significant issues, particularly around coach parking in Boston on the water but most of the time you've dealt with that and very good grace and you've remained positive in what is a very difficult issue on the ground, absolutely. Councillor Layton, Juliet has been leading on our local plan work and clearly it's a huge piece of work. It's going to be controversial quite possibly. It's going to be difficult but there's also an opportunity to really make a difference here in the Councils, particularly on new developments where we've seen some really poorly planned developments over the past couple of decades. So there's an opportunity to do something about that and also making sure that all of our planning and everything that we do as a Council and everything we give permission for is green to the core. Clearly there's a lot of work to do on the Council water park with a name change perhaps imminent. So we want to make sure that the Council water park continues to be a fantastic place to visit. Paul, I said last year, welcome to administration. I think a political career spent on the opposition benches while you've taken to it like a duck to water. The cultural strategy that you're developing is really, really exciting. I look forward to hearing more about that at full Council and of course we've got the leisure contract. I know it's been a bit turbulent at times but I think that's bedding down now and hopefully we're on the verge of it really performing and having a great, you know, a great situation of all of our various sentences. Council, Lisa Spivey, I think the main thing you've been stuck into this year is clearly flooding Thameswater sewage and in a few months we're going to have the sewage summit which you've been responsible. Eight for July, we want everybody there if possible. So exactly, you heard it here first. And of course you've overseen the highly successful crop on Cotswor scheme which has been really, really important and nearly raised a million pounds for local good causes since it was set up. So he's an incredibly successful scheme and I've even had the Libden, the new Libden leader of Gloucester city council on the phone wanting to replicate it in Gloucester. So hopefully Jeremy will be taking that to Gloucester. You know, we're a great success story here on crop on Cotswor's and it's great that we're about to export it to other areas too. And finally, the new cabinet member that I appointed last year, the new portfolio which is around cost of living and inclusion, Councillor Bloomer, I think it's fair to say that Claire is doing a fantastic job networking with all of those various organisations and groups across the, across the Cotswors who do so much to complement our work as a council, particularly around cost of living but also around inclusion and other issues. So, you know, despite it not getting the headlines anymore, many people are still struggling financially despite what the government say about inflation coming down, it's still high and that has an impact on food prices and others. So particularly in an area where the cost of living is high, like the Cotswors, that work is really, really important and it's great, you can have a couple of reports coming to council in the next few months, particularly trying to make sure that people who are eligible for benefits access them because there's a whole lot of money out there that isn't being claimed that people are entitled to. So turning them to the next year, we've got a unchanged, we've got an unchanged cabinet apart from one area. As I mentioned, parking, Councillor Dail is relinquishing that and I'm passing it over to Councillor Paul Hodgkinson. So he's got a slightly new portfolio title which is health, leisure and parking. I know that they have questioned how those go together but Paul, you're going to make it work. Clearly, parking is a huge issue across the district, it's important because it is a huge revenue raiser for this council and all the money that we raise from our car parts gets reinvested back into services that people in the Cotswors rely on. We have a number of challenges, clearly in Science Festival, we need to plan for the future, that's why we're developing a parking strategy to help us guide us, but we're going to need real leadership on that and clearly the big issue and the live issue at the minute is important on the water. Clearly, we have an asset in the Risenton Road car part, we're very limited in what we can do with that but we've also got an issue around coach parking that we want to try and solve. So good luck with that one, Paul. You're very well networked in, important on the water and I'm sure Councillor Caul over there will be looking forward to having a chat with you as a business owner. I'm sure that the residents and also the business owners who I think it's fair to say respect you, hopefully you can take that into trying to help facilitate a solution going forward but as we know, it won't be easy. So one change then, I'm, as I said, I'm very proud of my team, I commend them to you and as always, we always try to be an open cabinet. So if there's an issue that you're worried about that, you know, you want guidance on, you want to advance, you want to try and solve, come and talk to our cabinet members in the first instance. That is always the best way to try and approach these things. So colleagues, I commend the cabinet to you. Thank you. Thank you, Councillor Harris. Are there any further comments or questions before we move on to note the report, colleagues? Councillor Jameson. Thank you, Chair. Thank you very much. I agree, I have excelled myself for my presentation. Yes. I would like to address the leader of the Council on his responsibility for housing and homelessness. I'm not sure if you were aware of it but in the training that we received, we heard that the current political system is such that in order to save money at the central level, we no longer fund affordable housing from the centre. Instead, what happens is that the housing associations are given the right to charge the residents additional amounts of money in order to be able to reside in these properties in order to fund further development. What this amounts to is providing affordable housing for people who are financially challenged, then charging them extra in order to meet the government's obligations to build housing for those people who are financially challenged. This is taxing the poor to provide for the poor. Well, it's always been the case that poor people tend to be more generous than the rich according to the fabled stories over the centuries. Here is a situation where we have a national policy which seems to be discriminating against the poor on behalf of the poor. Would you care to comment? I think it's certainly something we should take offline. I think without addressing that specifically, we need to do a bit more reading. We have a, to be honest, a quite unacceptable situation in the UK when it comes to genuinely affordable housing in particular social and council housing. I think we've got a commitment to deliver more affordable housing. That is the absolute aim. But as you've said, if it's affordable housing, in particular for some of the most vulnerable people in our society, then clearly they shouldn't be charged on top of that. I think it's a very basic premise that the most hard up in society should not be paying extra without a doubt. Clearly, not all people in social housing are really, really hard up, but it is an issue. So, Councillor Jenkerson, I certainly take the point. Let's have a conversation offline. Let's use my contacts in the LGA, and let's get in front of the minister, I think it's a little bit of a word that you should think about. Thank you, Councillor Harris. Are there any other comments or questions before we note the report? No. Then, therefore, we will formally note the Cabinet appointments as presented by the Leader. Thank you. We'll now move on to agenda item number seven, the appointment of committees. Before we begin, I'd like to make members aware that a revised term of reference for the proposed Publica Review Working Group, following input from the Chief Executive, that can be found in the settlement which you should have on your desks. This will be the terms of reference to be agreed under Recommendation 6 of this report. We also have an updated Annex B for appointment of committees. This item is to be presented by Councillor Joe Harris. Would you like to go ahead, Councillor Harris? Yeah, well, famous last words, hopefully this should be fairly non-controversial, because there's been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing and communications between the various political groups and the officers, and can I first of all put on record my thanks to Andrew, to Caleb, and to Keira for the hard work that they've done to bring this to fruition. Yeah, it's quite tedious dealing with dealing with Councillors sometimes, because we keep changing our mind, and to be fair, half an hour before the meeting, we've made some small revisions, so I appreciate it. So, for the updated Annex B, which hopefully should be fairly straightforward and reflect the position, there it's sort of got a list of the nominees, and of course the nominations for the chairs on those committees. Clearly, we've got a couple of bits to agree, so we need to agree the changes to the constitution working group, and obviously agree the draft terms and reference to the public review working group to very important bodies there. So, I think the best thing to do, wrong with me speaking at North, even going into quite a lot of detail, because I've spoken a lot already, is if you've got any questions addressed either to me or the chief executive, and we will try our best to answer them, but hopefully a fairly straightforward item, and it won't cause us to take too much time on it. Councillor interjecting. Councillor interjecting. Councillor interjecting. Councillor interjecting. Thank you. I do apologise for my later writing, which appropriate it was due to the industry I used to work for at the railway. On the updated Annex B, I've just received, it doesn't seem to have the important amendment in the first section, or it in governance. I'm pretty determined not to be the vice chair before it's in governance, at the same time as being vice chair of the Planning Committee, and I did agree, and I did actually tell something the other day. Anyway, I appreciate it's been busy, and I think everybody could change that. Councillor interjecting. Right. Councillor Spivey, who was up until a few days ago, our group secretary has— Councillor interjecting. Yes, Councillor interjecting. That is a mistake on our part, so apologies. Councillor interjecting. Yes, thank you, Chair, and I'm pleased to report that there are no changes on the Conservative Group Committee appointments. All members will remain in their current committee post for the coming 12 months, so we haven't had the problems that Joe alluded to over in this group. I want to say this opportunity to express my thanks to all members of our group for the hard work over the last 12 months. Despite being a smaller group than we would ideally like, the range of skills, knowledge and experience of an our team has enabled us to make significant contributions across the various committees on which we sit. Just a couple of specific mentions. Firstly, to Councillor Gina Bloomfield, who was settled into her role on the chair of ONS, and I'm sure all members of the degree that she has been excellent in this important role, I would also like to mention Councillor Len Wilkins. He's always first to put himself forward for some of the smaller, less glamorous working groups, and always seem to be available where substitutes are required. A really important, maybe lesser acknowledged cog in the machinery of this Council. The importance and function of these committees in offering transparency, scrutiny and ensuring effective governance has been at the forefront over the past 12 months. As an opposition group, the administration has certainly given us plenty to sink our teeth into, and I hope that with the best possible intentions, we've caused the administration the odd headache along the way. Looking ahead, there's going to be plenty of work to get through in the next 12 months, and we look forward to working with our backbench colleagues from all parties to hold this administration to account, question and look to improve the decisions that are being made, and continue to stand up for the best interests of all residents and businesses of the Council. Thank you. Councillors interjecting. Thank you very much, Councillor StO, and yes, thank you to all colleagues who take part in all of our committees and working groups. Councillor ever me. Thank you, Chair. I rise to second the recommendations as proposed to the Leader, as listed on page 2 and over onto page 3 of our agenda, and just to clarify for all members that the updated annex with the change of the Vice Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee is the single sheet of paper that should be on your desk in front of you. So I'm happy therefore to second all the nominations from the recommendation, and obviously all the nominations from the Liberal Democrat group. Thank you very much, Councillor ever me. Are there any other comments to make? Any other comments? No. So what we're going to do is we're going to vote for this in a block, but I will read out the six things that we're agreeing to. So that four council resolves two. Number one, determine that in accordance with section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the Act, the Council shall continue to apply the political balance provisions under the Act to committees as shown in Annex A. Number two, appoint Councillors to serve on the Council's committees and working groups as set out in Annex B for a term of office expiring at the next annual meeting of the Council. Three, appoint chairs and vice chairs for the Council's committees and working groups as shown in Annex B. Four, to note the arrangements for substitutions as set out in part four of the report. Five, to agree to confirm the changes to the terms of reference, to include substitute members for the Constitution working group. And six, agree the draft terms of reference for the Publica Review working group set out in Annex B. I now call for the voting to be opened. Thank you, Kira. Thank you, Polly. That's unanimously passed. Thank you. We move on to agenda item number eight now, the appointment to outside bodies. And this again is going to be presented by Councillor JOHARIS. Thank you. Have we got a couple of things to circulate? Yeah, I think we'll move on. So while those are going round, I'll offer a bit of an overview. So just by way of a bit of background, the leader has a number of positions to appoint. Now, some of these relate to areas that a cabinet member would pick up. So for example, the Community Safety Partnership, Councillor Spivey takes on in her role as cabinet member for that particular area. Others are sort of historical quirks, so we're not sort of asked to nominate for somebody on the Science and Civic Society. Most of those now have sort of disappeared, although we used to appoint to a few almsides, trusts or so on and so forth. But as a requirement for a district council rep has receded over the years, we no longer nominate. So running through some of these then, so start with Science and Civic Society, which is Councillor Wim. We've got the Climate Leadership Board, which is a new board. I think Councillor McEwen, you're the Vice Chair on that. That's a Gloucestershire-wide steering group to try and coordinate policy on climate change. Community Safety Partnership, which Councillor Spivey chairs, generally looking about crime prevention and our role in that, bringing together the various agencies to try and raise some of the issues here in the Cotswalls, that also try and prevent crime in particular. The Cotswalls Canal Partnership Board, clearly this is going to be really important over the next few years, as the restoration of the canal moves from the western side of Clospereshire. The Stroud End, as we call it, of the side of the Sapton Tunnel to this end, clearly we're going to need to get a lot more engaged in that. It would be a fantastic asset to try and deep log and get reopened and Councillor Colman, you're flying the flag for the District Council of the Minutes. You continue to do that, which is great. We've got the Cotswalls Health and Wellbeing Partnership, again, a District-wide group that aims to promote health and well-being. Cotswalls National Landscape Board, Councillor Layton in her position as Cabinet Member for Planning and Environment. We've got a new on the Gloucestershire City Region's Board, which doles out quite a lot of money. It's a county-wide scheme. Please don't be fooled by the name, though. This used to be the Gloucestershire Economic Growth Joint Committee, because of government requirements and having to cite a city region. It's called that, but please be rest assured it covers the Cotswalls. It's all of Gloucestershire. It's not just looking at Cheltenham and Gloucesters, so Councillor Dale in his role is going for that. The Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel, yes, it's a county council committee. However, it has to be politically proportionate, so it's not a case of just selecting any member from here and sending them along, like we would do on the other two committees. So that has to be lived in a member because of political proportionality, and clearly it looks at all the District Councillors across the county. So after the last local elections last week, or the week before, the proportionality of that will be looked at again, reflecting the conservative's dropping, Lib Dems, Greens and Labor going up and independence. So Councillor Bressington has done a very good job on that over the last two years and we'll continue to do so. Leadership Gloucestershire, I represent the county on again, made up of police and crime commissioner, along with the leaders of the Councillors in Gloucestershire, really looking at how we can coordinate to try and try things like economic development, transport, infrastructure, so on and so forth. Local government associations, so clearly I've got my role of the local government association, but as a council, we have a, we're able to nominate one voting rep to go and vote at the annual general meeting of the LGA, so that's myself, as a leader. We've got the local visitor economy partnership, Tony Dale picking that up, in his role as cabinet member for tourism. We've got the public shareholder representative, I think that's constitutional, so that is the leader. We've also got the safer Gloucestershire board, again looking at crime across the county of which the Councillor's privacy sits on. The south-west audit partnership, here is the right laugh, and Councillor Robins as the chair of the audit committee attends on this council's behalf. South-west councils, for those of you who don't know what that is, it's basically an HR function for the south-west. If God forbid, we ever wanted to move our chief executive on, we might go to south-west councils to get some HR advice and so on. We all pull with the other leaders, we'll pull, sorry, with the other councils in the south-west for that HR function, so at a high level. And of course, we lobby for the south-west and try and get the best deal possible. Eubico, I am the shareholder that's constituted, but Mike Ebermy attends on my behalf, it seems fitting to me that the cabinet member for waste the new goes along to those meetings. A new one that we've added to the list is UK 100, that's a national group that aims to coordinate climate response, that's 100 councils right across the UK. So those are... We've got a bell, wow. Who was that? Was that one of you? The only other two I will add very, very quickly are obviously these need to be voted on by council, and these are for the Gloucesters County Council economic growth scrutiny committee that will be scrutinising the work of the Gloucestershire city regions board and the stand. So I will represent to do on that is Councillor Angus Jenkinson with the substitute Patrick Coleman, and then the Gloucestershire County Council health care of the excretion committee. Dr Dennis Neill is the council's representative on that, and I'm absolutely thrilled that David Fowls has agreed to be the substitute on that. So I commend that to you and yeah we'll take a vote. Thank you, Councillor Harris. Can I ask for a second here for that please? Councillor haven't we, do you want to speak now? Just to formally second I don't think there's quite a thorough presentation by the leader on that. I don't think you need to hear from me on it. Colleagues, Councillor CUNNINGHAM's on his feet, would you like to speak Councillor CUNNINGHAM? Yes, thank you, Councillor. We've actually put forward an amendment on one of these appointments. It's the first one, the Gloucestershire County Council economic growth scrutiny committee, and I think we're going to be putting out some information on that now. It won't take me through him. Oh, host, okay, is that not that? Yeah. [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] I think everybody has a copy of that now. As a group, we would like to propose Councillor Darryl Corr to be the representative on the Gloucestershire County Council economic growth scrutiny committee. He's a local businessman. He also sits on our planning committee, which would be a key part of the overall growth strategy coming out of county. We think he would have a lot to offer to that role in coming back to report to our own overview and scrutiny committee, so we'd like to propose that if we could. Thank you, Councillor CUNNINGHAM. And do you have a seconder? I do, Madam Chair. It's Councillor Stone. I beg your pardon. It's Councillor Bloomfield. Thank you. Thank you very much, Chair. Yes, we just feel that it would be a new start. I know that it actually hasn't been sitting so much. This particular group on the Gloucesters County Council has been really organised, and so Councillor Jacobson hasn't had the opportunity to attend many meetings. But I would fully support that Darryl Corr would be a very good representative of this Council at that. So I would second the proposal. Thank you. Thank you very much, Councillor Bloomfield. Right. Do we have any comments? Councillor Harris. Yes, well, this comes a bit of a surprise, and I think it's incredibly discourteous, actually, to turn up on the day, having not let us know. You know, we've had these papers now for a few days, or at least a draft of them. That's been clear on them. So I don't know if Councillor Jameson, you were aware of this, but it just to me seems incredibly discourteous. And I've made the point time and time again over the last four, five years, that, by all means, come and have a conversation with us, but just turning up on the day and putting in a challenge. Well, of course, you're perfectly entitled to do that. Just strikes me as, you know, very, you know, very discourteous. And, you know, yeah, it's not on, really. Thank you, Councillor Harris. Councillor Stowe. Yes, thank you, Chair. Just responding to the lead of there, we actually only received the list of who was going to be appointed on these committees two minutes ago. Okay, so that is why we've only been able to put forward the amendment now, okay? And then I just wanted to talk to the substantive motion. And I thought, Joe, did a very good job of rounding up the roles of all of these different boards and bodies that people represent the Council on. Now, on our website, there is a section which outlines all of these bodies and who's on them, who represents the Council on it. And I was just thinking it'd be very useful for the people at home and the members for a summary of each of those places where they sit, what they do, and also the agendas and minutes of each of those places, where people from this Council have represented the Council. Thank you. Thank you, Councillor Stowe. Councillor Harris. Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't know if the papers have suddenly been made available within a few hours of this meeting, as far as I'm concerned. This was on the agenda last year. It's a standing item on our Council agenda. And what I'd say is, come on, you're not stupid. We have this every year. There was plenty of time. We knew this would be coming up. You could have come and had a chat with me, say I'd like to have a chat about putting somebody on one of the other committees. That's in fact what we did in the last time. Councillor Meeing. I think Councillor Andrews was representing one of those. I'm not having that. There's enough corporate knowledge on that side of the room to know how to do this. I'm just not having that. Sorry. Councillor CUNNINGHAM. Thank you, Madam Chair. It's hardly like we've suddenly sprung on you that we're going to serve an eviction notice on you. We're just asking for a conversation on putting somebody on to a committee that we think adds value. I think the faux outrage here is a little bit OTT. We're in a meeting room. We can discuss this. It's a moment we're putting through. It's a suggestion. Instead of crying about it, why not just stand up and say, OK, let's have a discussion about it. Mike's going to have his say about it, which will be more substantive, I'm sure, than just this is out of order. You should have told me earlier. Come on, guys. Let's have a conversation about it. Let's all be honest and make a decision. Thank you. Councillor ADAMS. Thank you, Chair. I happen to rather a large number of annual Council meetings. I think this is probably my 20th. I do understand, and I'm sure many other members understand, the democratic process. As the Leader has said, those sitting on the opposition bench have the right to put up a name against a name nominated by the administration if they want to. Surely, we assume we'll get to a vote and we will determine whether we would like Councillor Jenkinson or Councillor Coor to sit on this committee on behalf of the Council. I think it's the point that the Leader is making, and I think he's important one, is if actually the opposition would like Councillor Coor to actually sit on this committee rather than just to make a point and put his seat there in a conversation in advance would have been sensible, because clearly, members on this side of the Chamber are going to support Councillor Jenkinson's nomination, and I'm sure in a few moments' time we will confirm that in the vote. Thank you, Councillor Evermy. Councillor CUNNINGHAM, we've got anything to add as mover of the amendment. Not really, Chair. No, I mean, we have had several different pieces of information given out today. We had a appendix B coming in with TBCs written in it. It's not as though we haven't added names in at the end. I think everyone's getting a little bit over excited about this. We simply had a conversation where we felt that Councillor Coor had a lot to offer as a local businessman, and we felt that he would give something additional into this role, and I think we should just move on to a vote and decide whether we want him or not. Thanks. Thank you, Councillor CUNNINGHAM. Right. If there's nothing further, colleagues wish to add or go to the vote on the amendment, please, Chair, it could open the voting. Thank you. 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The meeting of the Cotswold District Council's full council focused on the election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Council, announcements from the Chair and Leader, and the appointment of committees and outside bodies.
The most significant topic was the election of the Chair of the Council. Councillor Nicky was nominated and seconded for the position, praised for being fair-handed and maintaining good order in meetings. An electronic vote was held, resulting in 28 votes for and 1 against, confirming Councillor Nicky as Chair for the 2024/25 term.
Next, the appointment of the Vice-Chair was discussed. Councillor Mark Harris was nominated and seconded, with commendations for his effective role and impressive beard. An electronic vote confirmed his appointment with 34 votes in favor.
The Chair, Councillor Nicky, made several announcements, including her gratitude for re-election and her participation in various events such as the gala night at the Barn Theatre and the Forest of Dean Council's charity dinner. She also announced her plan to walk the Cotswold Way over the summer to support three local charities: North Cotswold Friends, the Churn Project, and Tetbury Youth and Community Trust.
The Leader, Councillor Joe Harris, congratulated the Chief Executive Rob Weaver on the birth of his daughter and welcomed Alan Hope as the new Strategic Housing Manager. He addressed member safety concerns due to recent vandalism incidents and discussed the closure of the Kingshill Meadow Roundabout, which has caused economic harm and frustration. He also criticized the Gloucestershire Growth Strategy for proposing 23,000 new houses in Kemble and 7,000 in Moreton-in-Marsh, which he argued would nearly double the district's housing stock and impact its unique character.
The appointment of committees was discussed, with Councillor Joe Harris presenting the updated cabinet portfolios and thanking various councillors for their contributions. The council resolved to apply political balance provisions to committees, appoint councillors to serve on committees and working groups, and agree on changes to the terms of reference for the Constitution Working Group and the Publica Review Working Group.
Finally, the appointment to outside bodies was addressed, with Councillor Joe Harris providing an overview of various roles and nominations. An amendment was proposed by the opposition to appoint Councillor Darryl Corr to the Gloucestershire County Council Economic Growth Scrutiny Committee, but it was ultimately rejected in favor of Councillor Angus Jenkinson.

- Appointment of Committees cover report
- Supplementary papers 15th-May-2024 18.00 Council
- Agenda frontsheet 15th-May-2024 18.00 Council agenda
- Cabinet appointments 2024-25
- Annex A - Political Balance
- Annex C1 - CWG Updated Terms of Reference
- Annex C2 - Terms of Reference - Publica Review Working Group CDC
- Annex B - Committee nominations 2425
- Terms of Reference - Publica Review Working Group CDC Updated clean version
- Updated Annex B - Committee nominations 2425
- Outside Bodies Report
- FINAL Annex A - Appointment to Outside Bodies
- CDC ORCS Funding Council Report
- Amendment by the Conservative Group to agenda item 8 agenda
- Record of Attendance 202324 Annual Council May 2024
- Printed minutes 15th-May-2024 18.00 Council minutes