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Health and Wellbeing Board - Tuesday, 11th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 11, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Health and Wellbeing Board of Knowsley Council convened on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, to discuss several key issues, including the governance arrangements for the new municipal year, a review of the previous year's achievements, and focused discussions on children and young people's mental health, smoking and tobacco control, and the Working Well programme.

Children and Young People's Mental Health

The Board received a detailed presentation on the developments in children and young people's mental health pathways. The discussion highlighted the importance of a collaborative approach among mental health providers to improve service delivery. The NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Health Care Partnership representative emphasised the need for better communication and promotion of services to residents and patients. The Listening Ear representative noted that consultations with young people had shaped the Knowsley Open Gateway Service, which aims to provide a seamless mechanism for accessing various mental health services.

Board members raised concerns about the navigation of services, waiting times, and the need for timely referrals. The Executive Director (Children’s Services) highlighted the importance of co-locating staff to share knowledge and ensure children are referred to the correct service promptly. The Mersey Care NHS Trust representative stressed the need for a single referral form and better data analysis to identify service pinch points and improve access.

The Board agreed to note the current developments and future direction for improving mental health pathways and were satisfied with the ongoing activities to shape future service delivery.

Smoking, Vaping, and Tobacco Control Strategic Action Plan

Natalie Halloran from the Public Health team presented the draft Smoking, Vaping, and Tobacco Control Strategic Action Plan. The plan aims to reduce smoking rates and associated harm in Knowsley by 2027. The Board discussed the high rates of smoking and the impact on health inequalities. The plan includes five key delivery themes, such as prevention and education, enforcement against illicit tobacco, and tailored support for smokers in priority groups.

The Board was asked to provide feedback on the action plan and the membership list for the Knowsley Smoke Free Alliance. The final version of the plan will be presented in September/October 2024.

Working Well Programme

Richard Holford provided an update on the Working Well programme, which supports employers in prioritising workplace health and wellbeing. The programme has seen significant success, with numerous businesses achieving accreditation and positive outcomes reported by both employers and employees. The Board discussed the importance of avoiding duplication of efforts and ensuring a coordinated approach to support businesses and their employees.

Make Your Mark Findings

Lesley Dixon from Merseyside Youth Association presented the findings of the Make Your Mark 2024 survey, which gathered the views of 2,688 young people in Knowsley. The top issue identified was mental health and wellbeing. The Board discussed the need to engage with young people to understand their concerns better and incorporate their feedback into service planning.

Subgroup Updates

The Board received updates on the activities of the Health Protection Forum and the Knowsley Engagement Forum. Key issues discussed included childhood immunisations, the rise in Pertussis notifications, and the need for better air quality monitoring. The Board also reviewed the progress of the Healthy Weight Strategy and the importance of addressing obesity through collaborative efforts and engaging with young people and their families.

The Board agreed to continue supporting the ongoing activities and noted the progress made in addressing key health and wellbeing issues in Knowsley.

For more details, you can access the public reports pack and the minutes of the previous meeting.


Sarah Abbott
Councillor Del Arnall
Jonathan Jones
Sarah McNulty
Sarah Smith
Wayne Longshaw
Leigh Thompson
Alison Lee
David Aspin
Martin McDonagh
Racheal Jones
Lesley Dixon
Amanda Newton
Karl Baldwin
Kevin Schofield
Brian Gouldson
Keith Glover
Councillor Robert Austin
Catherine Buckley
Sophie Cobain
Clare Kelly
Darren Simpkin
Patrick Torpey
