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Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee - Wednesday 12 June 2024 2.00 pm

June 12, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee of Sheffield Council met on 12 June 2024. The committee approved the final budget outturn for 2023/24, discussed the Clough Dike culvert repair project, and reviewed the regeneration efforts in the Devonshire Quarter.

2023/24 Final Budget Outturn Monitoring Report

The Head of Accounting presented the final budget outturn for 2023/24. The council overspent by £15.6 million against a net revenue budget of £497 million. The Transport, Regeneration and Climate Committee reported a small overspend of £67,000. The committee noted the updated information and management actions on the 2023/24 revenue budget outturn.

Clough Dike, Deepcar: Culvert Repair / Replacement

The Flood and Water Service Manager provided an update on the failed culvert at Clough Dike in Deepcar, which has been a significant flood risk since November 2019. The council secured £1,390,163 in Flood and Coastal Risk Management grant-in-aid funding and £112,000 in Local Levy from the Environment Agency to fully fund the project. The committee supported the progression of the project into delivery and noted the successes set out in the report.

Devonshire Quarter: Regeneration Update

The Principal Development Officer presented a report on the ongoing regeneration schemes within the Milton Street neighbourhood, part of the wider Devonshire Quarter. The report included a proposed land disposal strategy to ensure a balanced mix of housing and detailed proposals from the owners of the Grade II* Listed Beehive Works to bring the building back into use as a mixed-use commercial hub. The committee noted the progress with housing development, the future land disposal strategy, and supported the continued work with the owners and other partners to develop a viable business plan for Beehive Works.

For more details, you can refer to the minutes of the meeting and the public reports pack.


Councillor Ben Miskell
Profile image for Councillor Alexi Dimond
Councillor Alexi Dimond  (Deputy Chair of the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee) •  Green Party •  Gleadless Valley
Councillor Ian Horner
Councillor Ruth Mersereau
Councillor Janet Ridler
Councillor Richard Shaw
Councillor John Wright
Profile image for Councillor Andrew Sangar
Councillor Andrew Sangar  (Chair of the South West Local Area Committee & Group Spokesperson for the Transport, Regeneration and Climate Policy Committee)) •  Liberal Democrats •  Fulwood