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Cabinet - Tuesday, 11th June, 2024 6.30 pm

June 11, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Cabinet of Dorset Council met on Tuesday, 11 June 2024, to discuss various significant topics, including the cost of living support, SEND inspection outcomes, children's safeguarding partnership review, the quarter four outturn report, and the BCP local plan consultation.

Cost of Living Support

Councillor Ryan Hope introduced a paper on cost of living support, highlighting the Liberal Democrat Group's commitment to addressing this issue. The recommendations included earmarking £2 million from Council reserves to continue support schemes until the end of the financial year, delegating authority to the Portfolio Holder for Customer, Culture, and Community Engagement to agree on the targeted program of works, and incorporating this work into the budget setting process for the next financial year. The Council aims to support local communities, particularly through voluntary sector organizations, to address food insecurity and energy costs. The recommendations were approved.

For more details, see the Cost of Living report.

SEND Inspection Outcome and Plan

Councillor Claire Sutton presented the outcome of the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) inspection, which rated Dorset Council as the first unitary authority to receive a grade one in this type of inspection. The report highlighted the Council's commitment to improving services for children and families. The recommendations included publishing the self-evaluation and acknowledging the inspection findings. The recommendations were approved.

For more details, see the SEND Inspection and Action Plan May 2024 Report.

Children's Safeguarding Partnership Review

Councillor Claire Sutton also discussed the proposal to create two separate safeguarding partnerships for Dorset and BCP, due to the divergence in performance and practices between the two local authorities. The new Dorset Children's Safeguarding Partnership will include Dorset education as a full statutory partner. The recommendations were approved.

For more details, see the Children's Safeguarding Partnership Review.

Quarter Four Outturn Report

Councillor Simon Clifford presented the quarter four outturn report, noting a slight overspend of just under £1 million. He highlighted the Council's financial challenges, including a projected £50 million deficit in five years. The recommendations included noting the draft revenue and capital outturn, approving the use of un-ring-fenced reserves, and transferring £4.4 million to a ring-fenced reserve to support the dedicated schools grant safety valve program. The recommendations were approved.

For more details, see the Quarter 4 Outturn Report including Appendix A B.

BCP Local Plan Consultation

In the absence of Councillor Shane Bartlett, the Council discussed the response to BCP's local plan consultation. Dorset Council expressed concerns about BCP's housing numbers and the potential impact on Dorset. The response included objections to BCP's proposed housing allocations and emphasized the need for further scrutiny. The recommendations were approved.

For more details, see the BCP Local Plan Consultation.

The meeting concluded without any urgent items or exempt business.
