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Harbours Advisory Committee - Wednesday, 12th June, 2024 10.00 am
June 12, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingSummary
The Harbours Advisory Committee of Dorset Council discussed several key issues, including updates on harbour operations, budget monitoring, and future development plans. Decisions were made regarding the Weymouth Harbour General Directions and the proposal to amend the Open Port Duty.
Weymouth Harbour General Directions
The Harbours Manager presented the report on the Weymouth Harbour General Directions, explaining the necessity of these powers for promoting safety and navigation. The committee recommended that the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel, and the Environment approve the General Directions to be brought into force. Councillor Mary Penfold proposed the motion, seconded by Councillor Sarah Williams.
Future Development and Open Port Duty
The Harbours Manager also discussed the need to amend the Open Port Duty via a Harbour Revision Order to support the implementation of the Harbours Business Plan. This amendment is crucial for the future development of the harbour and the wider Peninsula. The committee recommended that the Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel, and the Environment authorise the Weymouth Harbour Consultative Group to be consulted on this proposal. Councillor Mary Penfold proposed the motion, seconded by Lee Hardy.
Harbour Master Updates
Bridport and Lyme Regis
James Radcliffe, the Harbour Master for Bridport and Lyme Regis, reported on several updates:
- Three staff members completed a Harbour Master training course.
- Recruitment for a new Assistant Harbour Master is underway.
- Dredging operations have commenced and are on schedule.
- The Harbour Team in Bridport is working to increase bin capacity to address littering issues.
- Enforcement training will be rolled out to the Harbour Teams in Bridport and Lyme Regis.
Ed Carter, the Harbours Manager, provided updates for Weymouth Harbour:
- Commercial berths have nearly 100% occupancy.
- Preventative maintenance has helped the harbour fare well over the winter.
- Ongoing projects include the repair of Wall 4, the Quay Regeneration Project, and Town Bridge Maintenance works.
- A bathymetric survey indicated no need for dredging in Weymouth Harbour.
Flood & Coastal Erosion Risk Management (FCERM) Engineering Update
Matthew Penny, the Service Manager for Flood and Coastal Erosion, presented the engineering update:
- Inspections are scheduled for summer 2024, with repairs to follow.
- In Bridport, repair works for Harbour Walls A and B are being combined to reduce costs.
- In Lyme Regis, repairs on the Cobb were completed following damage from Storm Ciaran in November 2023.
- In Weymouth, repairs for Harbour Walls F and G are funded by the Levelling-Up Fund, with Dorset Council covering any shortfall. Construction on Harbour Wall 4 has commenced.
Harbours Budget Monitoring Report 2023/24
The Harbour Master presented the budget monitoring figures:
- Bridport is expected to have an adverse expenditure of £103,000 due to overspending on parking management, staffing, travel, and dredging.
- Lyme Regis reported an overspend on staff costs and transport, but income was £31,000 favourable.
- Weymouth is forecasted to have a surplus of £97,000, despite overspending on insurance and energy costs.
The committee noted the budget monitoring figures for 2023/24. Detailed budget reports can be found in the Budget Report Year End App 3 - Weymouth, Budget Report Year End App 2 - Lyme Regis, and Budget Report Year End App 1 - Bridport.
Monitoring and Review of the Marine Safety Plan
The Harbours Manager reviewed the Marine Safety Plan, noting the addition of an independent audit as requested by committee members. Efforts are ongoing to standardise incident and accident reporting across the three harbours.
Forward Plan
The Head of Environment and Wellbeing presented the Harbours Forward Plan Jun 24 - Sept 24, which includes reports on the Weymouth Quay Regeneration Project, the consultation on the Harbour Revision Order, and an update on the Harbours Business Plan for the next meeting.

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