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People and Health Overview Committee - Thursday, 13th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 13, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The People and Health Overview Committee of Dorset Council convened on Thursday 13 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including housing allocation for people without cars, the Youth Justice Plan for 2024-2025, and the Extra Care Housing Strategic Statement. Key decisions were made, and various topics were discussed in detail.

Housing Allocation for People Without Cars

Councillor Carol Jones raised concerns about the allocation of housing for people without cars in remote locations, making it difficult for them to access employment, supermarkets, and services. The committee acknowledged the issue and discussed the current housing needs assessment process. It was noted that while the choice-based letting system allows people to apply for housing, there is a need to explore more options to support those in isolated areas. The committee agreed to consider this issue further and discuss potential policies to address it.

Youth Justice Plan for 2024-2025

Paul Dempsey, Corporate Director for Care and Protection, introduced the Youth Justice Plan for 2024-2025. The plan, a statutory requirement under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998, aims to reduce first-time entrants into the justice system, lower reoffending rates, and minimize custodial sentences. David Webb, Manager of the Youth Justice Service, highlighted the multidisciplinary approach of the service, which includes social workers, health workers, and education specialists. The committee discussed the performance of the service, the challenges faced, and the importance of early intervention and prevention. The committee endorsed the Youth Justice Plan, recommending it for approval by the full council.

Extra Care Housing Strategic Statement

The committee reviewed the Extra Care Housing Strategic Statement 2024-2039, presented by Mark Tyson, Corporate Director for Commissioning for Adult Social Care, and Andrew Billinay, Corporate Director for Housing. The statement outlines plans to develop four new affordable extra care housing schemes over the next ten years, creating 240 new homes. The committee discussed the importance of well-designed, accessible housing and the need to balance affordable rental and purchase options. Concerns were raised about the potential loss of council assets and the need for robust contractual agreements with development partners. The committee recommended the strategic statement for approval, with an additional recommendation to explore the option of forming a council-owned registered provider to deliver the housing.

Other Discussions

  • The committee's work programme and the Cabinet Forward Plan were reviewed, with no additional comments from the committee.
  • The Family Hubs Programme and its engagement with the voluntary sector were discussed, with a focus on identifying appropriate sites and ensuring confidential spaces in hubs.

The meeting concluded with the committee agreeing to recommend the discussed plans and strategies to the cabinet for further consideration and approval.