Good afternoon everyone. Welcome to the first economy infrastructure, STC, for this municipal
year. So the first one, this won't be a long weekend as normal. We'll just go through apologies
for absence. Second chair, apologies from Councillors Paul Lloyd and Mike White. Disclosures
of personnel and prejudicial. No, nobody. And then to approve and sign the minutes of
the previous meetings as a correct record, pages one to three. Page one is the meeting
on the 11th of April. So it's page one and two. And page three is the meeting stuck together
on the 16th of May. So somebody moved those, correct record. Thank you. And then straight
on to terms of reference. So they for information only, they're very similar or maybe exactly
the same as last year. They for information only. And then five is the draft work plan.
At this stage, we just got a discussion, whatever we come up with, then I'll go away, discuss
it with cabinet members and then see where we come up with the work plan. Before we go
anywhere further, Mr. Phil Holmes, do you want to say anything to start off or? Yes,
we've got a few sort of ideas in mind chair, but happy to, yeah, let the discussion flow
and see where that takes us. And if I need to put any ideas into the path, then happy
to do so. Thank you. Before I say anything, we did have an email from, an email went out
asking people for any views they got on where we would go on this for me to take back. And
the only one to answer to be fair was Councillor Will Thomas. So go on Will, I'll let you go
first and then see where we go from there. Thank you chair, can you hear me okay? Yeah,
fine. Great, thanks. Yeah, just the things I was wondering if we could look at, I know
we did the review of the bay sites around Swansea a while back and a lot of them seem
to have not progressed any further. So looking at those, I think would be beneficial. Obviously
Langland, I understand it's sort of moving ahead, maybe we could get an update, you know,
with regards to the plan now. I understand it's going to tender in the autumn. But one
of the other sites which obviously is key to my neck of the woods would be the multi
storey car park or potential multi storey car park, rather, I should say in the quarry
in mumbles, which I think is really worth looking at. You know, we've lost a lot of
parking spaces with the seawall, the seawalls, obviously a big benefit for us, and it's going
to regenerate the area very well. So no, nothing bad to say about that. But obviously, we have
lost a lot of parking spaces. And I think that that if we could look at it as a potential
development inside the quarry, that would be, that would be great to know. Thank you.
Yeah, thank you, Will. I think one of the problems with this committee is that we looked
at, for argument's sake, let's say Langland tennis courts, we looked at that, we came
up with recommendations for the cabinet member, and it's moved forward. The problem is, if
we go back and look at that, we are then scrutinising. So then we got the argument is should we scrutinise
or should that be left, um, for scrutiny to then take up the credentials of that and see
where they go. On the other one, Will, one of my suggestions is the Swansea Bay strategy,
we did say it would come back and we'd, we'd look to see where we go, where we move forward
and obviously the quarry car park and the other sites would come into that. So that's
one that I'm suggesting I take back to the cabinet members, um, for the, uh, the input
and to see whether we carry on with that. Um, okay. Well, are you happy with that? Check.
Yeah. Uh, yes, very happy. Just to say, uh, I don't think the quarry car park was part
of the original, um, Bay site strategy. Um, so if it could be added, uh, as a separate
item, it'd be much appreciated. Thank you. I suppose when we discuss, uh, the Bay strategy,
you won't be back when in coming forward to add that to the, to the, to the conversation.
Um, anybody has Nicola? No, nobody has got anything. We haven't had any more emails.
I'll just go through a few of the things that I've written down. Um, and obviously, you
know what our Riverside corridor is something that's ongoing, and then we will be looking
at next steps, um, to see where we go. We take that forward then Swansea Bay strategy,
which, um, one of the things I've looked at is, um, the commitment we've got to invest
in our towns and villages. So whether that is something we would be able to look into
to see where we move forward. I know that there's something going on at this moment
in time and whether we could either help that, help that along in other ways. Um, we could
look at, uh, place making strategy. Um, then the shared prosperity fund, whether we could
look at that and see where we move forward with, with, with, with that fund, um, and
what we can do with that. Also, where we mentioned before, just in talking, uh, about a review
of the disabled be parking policy. So where, where do we look at that? Um, I know it's
been a bit of a hot potato in Swansea, but somebody has got to take it by their scruff
of the neck and, and take it forward in Swansea. So whether we look at that, um, we did speak
as the new hotel is going up in Swansea, but, um, there's more hotels needed in Swansea
and that's been identified whether we look at the progress, um, on this hotel discussions.
That's something else that, uh, that I'm quite happy for us to look at, uh, whether the cabinet
members w w would agree with that because there's only certain things we can do. There's
a, um, we, we have as well looked at committing to improve public toilets, whether we would,
whether we would discuss that in, in this term is another thing I wouldn't mind looking
at that to see where we can move forward. Um, I think the last time this committee was,
um, CDC, we looked at the market and we identified that it does need toilets and today they've
got toilets there. And, um, and, and that's a very good outcome. So we can, we can look
at that again. Um, one thing, I don't know whether we'd be able to look at this, but
one thing that I was looking at is to, um, progress discussions regarding a new Sperry
service link, linking Wales with the Southwest of England. We've talked about it for a while.
I don't know what's been done with it, but maybe that's something we could take forward
as well. If anybody's got any, anything to say about anything, just jump in and Wendy.
It's funny you should bring that up because I was on a cruise last week. I was talking
to somebody from Devon and she said, get your leader to get something done because our leader
is anxious to speak to everybody in Swansea to get the ferry over. So they are anxious
and, uh, they, they, they want it. So we want it. I think it's just things, isn't it get
in the way. Yeah, thanks. And that's, that's something that certainly we go back to the
cabinet members and, and see how we go from there. And the directors with, with a input,
uh, we don't know how far they've gone with it. They may have gone as far as they could
go. Uh, and they're saying that there's nowhere we can go further, like, you know, um, but
two other items, um, was Swansea bay sports park. Whether we look at that, um, again,
that's a big one with RFD. So I have to have a long chat with him and talking to Andrew
as well about, uh, St. Helens road improvement scheme. Not that I know anything about it,
but obviously if we look at it, we'll, we'll, we'll find out where that's going and what's
needed. Um, as you can see, that's, that's 11, 11 topics, which will no way cover 11
topics. I think we'd be looking at around seven. So, um, that, that's what I intend
to talk to the cabinet members directors about before our next meeting. Hopefully, uh, if
it's sooner than later, then we can get one of these topics on our next, next meeting.
I don't want to go to the next meeting and say, that's all I've got is a work plan in
front of us. So we'll see which one we can push forward and for discussions, you know,
next meeting. So are we happy that this goes forward to discussions with, I'm on, who have
I got? Oh, will. Yeah, sorry, Jay. You just made me, my mind's been working overload and
there was a, there was one other thing that, uh, I've always, um, would like the committee
to look at, but I'm not sure if it's, um, appropriate. So maybe you could advise, um,
just regional work in hub. So like for example of, uh, mumbles or sign and Morrison, I know
Morrison's got one, um, but a shared workspace hubs for not only council employees, but anyone
really, I know the palace theater, obviously in a city centers, um, sort of aiming to do
that as well, which is great. Um, but I think there's a lot of, uh, places, a lot of other,
you know, towns and large villages that make up, uh, uh, Swansea, which would benefit,
I think. So, um, just to share appropriate buildings or sites for a shared workspace,
maybe we could, uh, consider place. Thank you. Yeah. Thanks for that. I know, um, uh,
that, uh, we have been looking at, uh, using libraries as hubs, using them more than just
libraries. And yet it is a way forward and I put that down. We'll get great. Um, I call
you Phil. Otherwise I'll start talking. Yeah. Um, yeah, you're right. It's a long list.
So if you, if you have that last one, you've, you've got a dozen potential, um, reports
there. Um, and that could be useful because it, um, it could provide a program for continuation
into the future as well. But if you look into, um, the timing of some of those, there is
one that is potentially more urgent, I think, um, than the others. And that's the place
making plans. So if you wanted to bring forward an early item, um, that would be an obvious
choice because it's in the sort of, um, the feasibility stages at the moment. And I think
the time would be right to have the committee sort of inform the thinking on that. So, um,
if you wanted an early item, uh, the place making plan would be my recommendation. Uh,
of course, that's for discussion with, uh, with the cabinet member and the director.
Yeah. Thanks for that Phil. Yeah. Excellent. It's a good one. We'll go forward first. And,
um, uh, Mark is nodding here. So yeah, just to confirm share, I think that's a reasonable
suggestion from, uh, from Phil and work on go in. So, um, uh, as a first item for the committee
to look at, I think that would be a good starting point. Yeah, that's good. So we'll put that
forward for this before anybody starts talking about anything else. Okay. Thanks for that.
So I don't know if anybody else. No, no. So we got 12 there. Like I'm not saying we're
going to do 12. Like I said, we'd be lucky to get through seven now because we've lost
today as one. Um, okay. Thank you for that. The next is date and times. You can see the
dates and times. Well, the dates it all at two o'clock. Are we all happy with two o'clock?
This is only chance you've got.
Okay. Everybody agrees with the dates and times.
Okay. That's it. There's nothing else on our agenda. So thank you very much for turning up.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.