Good afternoon, welcome to the June meeting of the South Caesarea District Council cabinet.
I'm Councillor Ashley Baxter, I chair this committee. To my right is Chief Executive
Karen Bradford and to her right is our Monitoring Officer Graham Watts. Please ensure your mobile
phones are set to stun. Please be aware that there is no fire alarm planned for this afternoon,
if there is a fire alarm or a fire, please leave by the fire exit at the back of the
room. If you wish to raise a question or make a comment, can I please ask you to indicate
by raising your hand. This meeting is being broadcast via the SKDC public eye website
and can be watched later as a live stream. Please note that there will be an opportunity
for those visiting members, non-cabinet members who are in the chamber to ask questions of
cabinet members at item 7 on this agenda. I want to say thank you for all those people
who have been involved during the week in two sets of events. First of all, all the
events around D-Day, the 80th anniversary of D-Day, especially those who have been putting
things on. I know that Councillor Dilks has been working hard as the chair of the Born
and Deepings British Legion with these events and I know people across the district have
been participating and remembering the sacrifices that were made by people who took part in
that historic event. Secondly, I'd like to say thank you to Inspire Plus who invited
myself and the Chief Executive and some other members to the Mini Olympics this morning
which was a fantastic event. Over 700 children, young children, taking part in a truly inspirational
event at the Meares Stadium with flags of different countries, a really good celebration
of youth. So having said that, we will now begin to make our way through the agenda for
today, beginning with apologies for absence. Thank you, leader. We've had apologies from
the Deputy Leader, Councillor Paul Stokes, for today. Thank you, Chairman. Thank you.
May I also take this opportunity to welcome Councillor Virginia Moran to her first cabinet
meeting. Please behave yourself. And that goes for everybody. Everybody, including you.
Stay on the script. Minutes of the previous meetings. You'll notice that we've got the
minutes of the November meeting. These are here for a clerical reason. They have been
slightly amended since the first time that we approved them. Does anybody have any comments
on the content of the minutes of November? If not, would anyone like to propose that
they are accepted? Thank you, Councillor Baker and Councillor Cleaver. All those in favour
of accepting those minutes? All those against? All those abstentions? We have one abstention.
Thank you. Those are passed. We now go to the minutes of the last cabinet meeting, which
was in May, the 14th of May. Does anybody have any comments on the content? If not,
would anyone like to propose that they're accepted as a record? Councillor Rayside,
Councillor Knowles this time. Thank you. All those in favour of accepting these minutes?
All those against? Any abstentions? We have one abstention. Thank you. Those are approved.
Moving on to disclosures of interest. Does anybody have any interest in this meeting?
We have no declarations of interest in this meeting. The Chief Executive is kicking me
under the table. Moving on to item four on the agenda, which would be the new build housing
scheme for 21 units at Larch Close. In consultation with all the relevant parties, I have decided
to defer this item to a future meeting of cabinet in order to allow officers to review
the value for money assessment for the proposed development and to ensure the proposed development
meets for latest social housing needs. It is important that we ensure a scheme of this
scale and cost provides value for money to the HRA, the housing revenue account, and
also that the scheme provides the offer that those in housing need actually require. I
understand that Councillor Moran wants to add a comment. Or maybe not. No? Okay. So
having deferred this item, we are able to move on to item five, the local development
scheme 2024 to 2027. May I invite Councillor Dilks, the cabinet member for planning to
introduce this item. Thank you. Thank you, leader. Following the adoption of the current
South Kestevan local plan in January 2020, as you will know, the council embarked on
a local plan review to address South Kestevan's need and sustainability guide development
up to the year 2041. In line with the local development scheme, the regulation 18 draft
local plan was published for an eight week consultation in February this year. And we
encouraged members, residents, landowners and other stakeholders to respond. I'm delighted
to say that the consultation attracted a positive response rate with over 1,500 responses received
by the closing date, including responses we asked for from the public and stakeholders.
To ensure that each comment is now carefully considered, the schemes timetable has been
revised to allow the council to properly process these representations and comments and then
incorporate any prudent changes into the pre-submission local plan as a consequence. The council is
required to keep the local development scheme up to date to reflect any changes in the timetable
for the new local plan. As such, the council has reviewed the scheme to ensure that the
new timetable for plan is both realistic and achievable. Whilst there are some risks associated
with the delay, the council considers them to be minor as we do have an up to date local
plan and can demonstrate a five year housing land supply. The revised scheme in the appendix
indicates that the next regulatory public consultation stage, which is pre-submission
of our plan, will be in the coming winter, 24/25, with submission to the Secretary of
State by 30 June 2025. This will ensure that the local plan is considered under the existing
legal framework and was always the plan that we had. I would invite cabinet to endorse
the revised local development scheme and agree to it being published on the council's website.
Once published, the council will then notify the Secretary of State, whoever he or she
might be, through the planning inspectorate. All district councillors, town and parish
councillors, will also be notified. May I seek your approval, members of the cabinet,
with one correction on page 7 of the appendix, or page 39 if you've got the full papers,
and there is a literal that has crept in, consultation on the draft local plan on table
2 on page 39 should read that it was completed on the 25th of April 2024, not 25. Apologies
for that. Thank you, Chairman. Thank you, Councillor Dilks. Do we have any comment or
feedback? Councillor Cleaver? Thank you. I note the comments made about neighbourhood
planning in this document. May I reiterate once again the need for local town and parish
councils to be made aware of the importance of making sure their neighbourhood plans are
in sync with the revisions to our SKDC local plan. Thank you. Would you like to respond
to that, Councillor Dilks? I'd like to welcome the comment, thank you. Do we have any other
comments about the planning process? I would say thank you to the 1500 people who participated
in the consultation and also the people who signed petitions on any particular site. Can
I just confirm, Councillor Dilks, that the petitions that we've received about particular
sites will be gathered and appreciated as part of the review and analysis process? Absolutely,
that is the point of the process that we are carefully going through now. We didn't want
to just sort of not take notice of those 1500, that's the whole reason we've asked for people's
opinions. They are now being carefully processed by the planning team and in the autumn we
will come up with a new document that will show all of those comments and any prudent
and necessary changes to the original draft plan. With that, if I have no more comments,
can I ask for someone to propose? Thank you, I've got a proposal and a secondary in Councillors
Dilks and Knowles. All those in favour? All those against? I think that's unanimous. Any
abstentions? No. So that's approved. So thank you Cabinet for doing that. The next item
on the agenda is items for information, for which I have three. Firstly, I'm pleased to
say that tomorrow the Council will release a, I don't know if we'd call it a promotional
video, but a video of Grantham is Open for Business, which has been produced, especially
at this time that the marketplace is undergoing refurbishment. We plan as part of our general
activities to promote Grantham Town Centre to release this video tomorrow to encourage
people to come and to know that the businesses in the town centre are accessible certainly
to pedestrians and we want those businesses to succeed. My second issue is Mallard Pass
Solar Farm, which is not a decision for this Council to make, but is I know very interesting
to some members of the Council. The decision was deferred from the original date and should
have been expected mid-June instead. Because of some national issue, let's call it a general
election, that announcement is not going to take place before the 4th of July and we will
need to appoint a new Secretary of State before we can have a Secretary of State's decision
on that particular issue. Who knows, we might have the same Secretary of State, but whoever
takes the post of Secretary of State will make a decision on that after the 4th of July
and that's the reason that that particular issue is delayed. Mr Chairman, actually I
don't think the Secretary of State is standing in elections, so it will be a new one. Thank
you. Let's hope they don't get moved to the House of Lords and continue as Secretary of
State. There's always a way, but it's not for this meeting to speculate on the outcome
of the election or the appointment of the Secretary of State, sadly. So the third thing
is about the date of the next Cabinet. I'll pass you to the Chief Executive to make a comment
about the timing of the Cabinet meeting. Thank you, Leader. So the timing of the next Cabinet
meeting, of course, is the 9th of July, so therefore the meeting will be called and reports
will be available then in the Purda period. So just looking at the agenda, which is the
next item on your agenda today, there will be a number of those reports will be therefore
to follow. We'll call the meeting as appropriately, but the reports will be to follow to ensure
that as we're in a Purda period, that none of those could be significantly used to influence
anything of the election. So just to make you aware. Thank you for that clarification.
So we look forward to that meeting and in anticipation of that, I invite you to look
at item 6 on the agenda, which is the Cabinet forward plan. As ever, this is a live document
that could change at any moment, but we present it to Cabinet so that we are aware of what's
coming forward. Do we have any questions or comments about the forward plan? We have one
from Mr Wellborn. Just very quickly to say that I think I've republished the forward
plan a couple of times since this has gone out. So there's a couple of reports on there
that I've either moved, I'll probably refer all members to the current plan online and
also large close will now obviously have to slot into the 9th of July meeting as well.
Thank you, leader. Thank you for that. Any other thoughts or comments in anticipation
of next month's meeting? No. Well, I believe that is just for noting. So we've nothing
to vote on there, which brings us to the last item on the agenda, which is members open
questions. We have one member in the chamber. Councillor Harrison, thank you for coming.
Do you have any questions? You have no questions. So we're fine for another month. It's worth
repeating that questions are welcome to Cabinet members at any time in virtually any form
format. But in order to we've had a struggle in full Council meetings over many years of
getting to the point of members open questions in the full Council meeting. So this is an
additional opportunity for members of any political background to come along and ask
questions in a public forum. So without any of those, that brings us to the end of the
meeting, which is quite short. I think it's a record for this administration to be closing
the meeting before 20 past two. So thank you for coming, and I look forward to seeing you
on the 9th of July.