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Planning Committee - Thursday, 13th June, 2024 1.00 pm
June 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meetingTranscript
and welcome to members of the public, officers and members of the committee to the South Coast Stephen District Planning Committee on the 13th of June 2024. I'm Councillor Penny Mills, the Vice Chairman of Planning and I will be chairing this meeting today. On the housekeeping front I am not aware of any fire drill taking place today so if the alarm does sound then please vacate the building via the stairs. The meeting place is outside at the front. Please can everybody ensure that they have turned their phones off or to silent? Thank you. Please be aware that this meeting is being recorded and also being live streamed by a public eye on the South Coast Stephen website. Could you ensure that your microphones are turned off when not speaking? We have with us today Assistant Director of Planning Emma Whittaker, Development Management and Enforcement Manager Phil Jordan, Principal Planning Officer Adam Murray, Planning Officer Sarah Hullett, we will have Planning Conservation Officer Arianna Bushman, Legal Services Martha Rees who is joining us online today, Democratic Services Amy Pride and the Cabinet Member for Planning Councillor Phil Dilks. Message to the public speakers and ward councillors. Please be aware that you have three minutes to speak and you will be advised when you have 30 seconds left. You may finish your sentence but not another paragraph. Emma could you please read out the list of speakers on each item please. Thank you very much. So in relation to Agenda Item 4 which is the planning application for 175 dwellings, an associated access infrastructure, open space landscaping community facility at Low Road in Barabie, we have the applicant represented by George Wilkinson and Georgina McRae will be here to answer some technical questions if there are any. In relation to Agenda Item 5 which is the application S230299 for the erection of 67 dwellings at Readings Road and Owen Way in Barabie, we've got Anju for the applicant with Ben Purdie also available for technical questions should there be any. In relation to Item number 6 on the agenda S240413 which is the conversion and extension of barns to form two dwellings at Chestnuts Farm in Sapperton, we've got Mike Sibthorpe who's the agent for that application and then we've got no speakers for the last item Chairman. Thank you. Thank you. Then we'll move on to Agenda Item 1. Apologies for absence please Amy. Thank you. We've just received apologies from Councillor Charmaine Morgan. Thank you. Item 2. Does anybody have any disclosures of interest for consideration? If you believe you have at any point in the meeting then please let us know. No? That's fine. Item 3. Minutes of the meeting held on the 16th of May 2024. Has everybody been able to read those minutes? Are they happy with those minutes and the accuracy of them? Yes. Would somebody like to propose the minutes please? Councillor Harrison and a seconder please. Councillor Fellows. Can we vote then please all those for? Those against. Abstentions please. So we will move now onto the main agenda items. So agenda item number 4, application number S23-2175 which is the hybrid planning application for the erection of 175 dwellings with associated access, infrastructure, open space and landscaping as part of the full application and community facility as an outline element of this application. Land at low road Baraby. Sorry if I go over to the principal planning officer Adam Murray to give our presentation. Thank you Adam. Thank you chair. So as you mentioned this first application is a hybrid planning application for the erection of 175 dwellings with associated access, infrastructure, open space and landscaping which has been submitted in full and for the use of land as a community facility which has been submitted in outline and the site addresses low road Baraby and the application has been referred to committee as it's a major residential development that requires a section 106 agreement to secure financial contributions. So the site itself is 7.9 hectares of land positioned between low road and readings road located to the southeast of the main built area of Baraby. The site itself forms a single field of arable land that rises gently from south to north and the site forms part of the low road Baraby allocation site that is allocated within the adopted local plan. So as you can see members the image on screen shows you the local plan allocation and it's the southern field of that site that is currently part of the current application that is being brought forward by Alison Holmes. Current application scheme seeks full planning permission for 175 dwellings not 250 that's inaccurately referenced within paragraph 2.4 of the committee report and also includes an outline element for a new community facility. Vehicle access to the site is to be taken from low road and four points of pedestrian and cycle access would be provided along the northern boundary to connect into the adjacent site which is being brought forward by Persimmon. The scheme itself would have two-story dwellings throughout and includes a mix of different dwelling types which have been included within your officer report. In terms of the assessment of the scheme as a whole it's set out within full within your officer report as mentioned the site is allocated within the adopted local plan. There are some minor conflicts with the allocation policy which includes the conflict brought about by the inclusion of the community hall within the site which hasn't been identified as part of the allocation and a minor conflict with the master plan with the relocation of the open space. In both situations though it's the officer assessment that these are benefits and betterments compared to the policy allocation and the master plan and therefore the scheme accords with the allocation policy and is acceptable in principle. In terms of the design quality and the impact and the character of the area it's been subject to extensive engagement through design pad from the formulation of the master plan which dictates the development of the site and as part of the current detailed application that we have in front of us. The urban design officer is supportive of the scheme and it's the officer assessment that is a high quality design scheme that would integrate within the surrounding area and then also important to note that there are quite a significant amount of section 106 contributions coming forward as part of this development which has been updated as part of your late items paper so important to note particularly from your late items paper that the low road footway cycleway contribution requested by Lincolnshire County Council that now is included within the section 106 heads of terms because we now are satisfied we have sufficient information to support that and also in terms of bus services there is a financial contribution towards providing a year-long bus pass to each dwelling within development. One thing to particularly draw members attention to is the community facility element of the application as you say that's submitted in outline and the heads of terms for the section 106 have been drafted on the basis of the applicant providing a financial contribution proportionate to the amount of development on the site in the event that the parish council do elect to bring forward a community facility on the land set aside as part of the current application then the financial sum calculated would be reduced by the value of providing that land as a service site however if the parish council do elect to go with the alternative sites that they are considering then that full cash contribution would be payable by the applicant towards delivering a facility on the alternative sites that the parish council are considering. In terms of that overall plan imbalance then scheme would provide 175 dwellings and that's significant public benefit 30% affordable housing on site again that's a significant public benefit and there are a number of economic benefits associated with the scheme invariably there would be an impact in terms of the character from the change from an undeveloped agricultural site to a residential housing estate but on the whole oster assessment is that the public benefits outweigh the harm it caused with the development plan on the whole and there are no material considerations to indicate that permission should be withheld so therefore the recommendation to committee is to authorize the assistant director to grant planning permission subject to conditions and subject to the heads of terms within your late items paper. Thank you chair. Thank you Adam. If we could call forward for the applicant George Wilkinson and Georgina McCrae. You here? Is Georgina here? Oh yes, thank you. Thank you. You have three minutes to speak and you will be given a 30-second warning. Thank you. Good afternoon members. I'm George Wilkinson, a planner from Alison Homes and I'm here as applicant and developer to support this application for 175 houses at Low Road Burberry. The site is part of a wider allocation in the South Christine and local plan for 270 houses and has had extensive master planning work done with the other landowners, platform and persimmon. The master plan was approved in September and has formed the design principles of the scheme including cycle and pedestrian links, connected areas of open spaces and access points. The site will deliver 175 houses including 30% affordable housing making a notable contribution to the housing land supply and affordable provision in South Christine. The site will also deliver a biodiversity net gain and the provision of bird and bat boxes around the site with condition 8 securing this detail. Prior to and during the application Alison Homes has undergone consultation with the local community with the parish council identifying a need for the community facility in 2022 and public consultation in December 2022 also supporting its inclusion into the scheme. We have met several times with the parish council to update and involve them in the design of the scheme and this is reflected in their support throughout the application. The site has undergone extensive design consultation with the local authorities urban designer during planning and design meeting in January 2024 with the scheme in front of you today building on the design principles set in the master plan including additional tree planting in the eastern open space outwards facing properties on open spaces and the increased accessibility around the site. As outlined in the committee report the development will secure policy compliant affordable housing provision at 30% along with the requested financial contributions for highways, health care, sports facilities improvement and a contribution towards a new village hall in Barabie with the site also providing 0.28 hectares of land to the parish council for the potential development of a village hall. The scheme will provide energy efficient homes with all homes achieving an EPC rating of a B or higher and every house will also have an electric charging point and solar panels to provide sustainable homes. The detail of this has been secured by condition 11. Alison Homes has worked with all consultees in addressing all concerns and the proposal in front of you today has no objections raised by statutory consultees and has local support from the parish council. The proposals represent a high quality development and we hope that the members are able to support the officer's recommendations. 30 seconds. Finally I would like to thank Adam for his comprehensive report and his commitment to this application. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Do we have any questions to the applicant please? No? I think you've probably aren't. Oh no just a moment. Councillor Crawford please. It might be a bit of a technical one. On the pollution control it says that a desk study identified no potential contamination however it was noted that basic radon protection measures would be required in future developments. What kind of protection would you be putting in to protect from radon? Sorry thank you. Yeah I think the detail is secured by condition for the further ground investigation works. The radon protection will come through by the foundation designs so they'll be built into the properties. Thank you. Any other questions please? No? Well thank you very much indeed. Thank you. If we move on do we have any questions to our presenting officer, Adam Murray? Councillor Paul Wood. Thank you Madam Chairman. Adam it's just a notice it's an hybrid planning application. Did you advise the applicant to put in an hybrid because it's obviously split? Does that mean obviously it's up for consideration? Just hypothetically does that mean we could approve one and not the other? Can we split it or not? No so it's been put in as a singular planning application so yeah as you say it's a hybrid planning application. Now to give the context for it it's been put in in that way because the full detailed element of the application relates to the actual residential built form which is what Alison Holmes as the developer will build out. The outline application secures the land for a community facility on the basis they'll ultimately be the parish council that will bring that forward so details relating to the actual design size of that building etc that will be down to the parish council and what they want. So although you actually grant two separate elements of a permission an outline element and a full detailed element it is still one singular planning application. Thank you. Councillor Tim Harrison. Thank you chair. Just a query that I've got really. The Highways Bus Services we've got the the money for £175,000 and it says on there a free year-long pass to each dwelling. 175 dwellings that's put in the passage at a thousand pound apiece £365. Apologies Councillor Harris I'm not quite sure what so in terms of. And the and the cost of the passage £365 what's happening with the rest of that money? So the information we've been given by the county council is that the cost of providing a bus pass per dwelling is a thousand pounds per dwelling which is where that figure's come from. That covers not only actually LCC providing the past but it's recovering the cost then from the bus operators and how they would have to fund it as well. So whether they potentially subsidising it something or anything like that as well so it's a thousand pounds cost per dwelling which is why is ultimately what would be payable by LCC. Thanks that figure's come from LCC. Any more questions from anybody to Adam? No. Councillor David Bellamy. Just something I know if the if the parish council don't take up the offer of the land and then I think we said at the site visit the possibly more houses being built on that particular part of the west end of the plot. Does that mean that the S106 would be adjusted as well for the extra houses? So as you can appreciate Councillor Bellamy ultimately we can't predict what would happen to that land if it if it wasn't brought forward as a community facility you would anticipate the likelihood is it would probably form a smaller parcel and we'd have to take into account at that point in time but yeah the likelihood is that if we had an application for additional housing similar to the same way that we've looked at the Uppington Road in Stamford allocation at that with that one where there has been subsequent smaller development we've looked at the implication of it as an allocation as a whole and where necessary we've secured additional contributions but again that would be a matter to determine at a future application if that ever came forward. Thank you. Councillor Gloria Johnson. Thank you Adam it's got lots of soft landscaping within this who will be maintaining that and looking after that please and the trees that's being planted whereas I'm all for trees being planted all over the place but they do need maintenance and I'd like to think that the trees that's being planted within the area are the ones that don't have the roots spreading to disrupt the foundations of the properties in later life. Thank you. Yeah so we have conditions in place in terms of landscape management plans the expectation is it would be managed by a private management company that would fall under the control of the residents as opposed to being the parish council that would manage it but the actual details in terms of excuse me how the planting would be undertaken the management for the different areas because you'll appreciate the different type of species planted etc that needs different management regimes that's all covered under that landscape management plan condition that we've got included. Thank you have I any more questions to Adam please. Councilor. Thank you I'm a bit of course my concern is with regard to the on the SB1 it says paragraph 7.12 the local map doesn't set out the policy requirement for all dwellings to be fitted with electric vehicle charging points and solar panels instead the requirement for development to manufacture manufactured maximum the use of renewable energy so I just wondered how is the if only is it all houses are going to have have the ev charging points and also the solar panels or is that most of them will have it but how are we mitigating the climate change I think so that's covered by your conditions council business and so it's conditional 11 which requires the details of that to be submitted so that'll include details of which properties have ev charging points etc the point made within the officer report about that you just referenced there is obviously we encourage properties to have solar panels we encourage them to have ev charging points etc but there's an appreciation that they are not necessarily the pure only ways of mitigating your climate change impact there could be alternative ways to do that so we don't specify that properties have to have solar panels etc it is all about guiding developers towards ensuring that they're mitigating their impact through construction through minimizing the the opportunities for local for encouraging low carbon travel etc but we don't say that it has to be done through specific measures because there are multiple different ways dependent on each individual site some measures may be more appropriate than others but the actual the overall obligation that's covered by the planning condition councillor thank you very much for that but i think if we can have a mutually agreed between the developer and yourself to have that it will obviate all these other further conditioning if the developer willingly you know enter into to do that and cost it up probably might be far better than us to be raising it all the time we certainly encourage it through pre-application pros like that pre-application process council we do raise things such as drawing attention to that policy but as i say the condition that we have in place is more than sufficient to secure that detail as well so it is still through engagement with ourselves thank you do we have any more questions for adam please councillor patsy ellis thank you chair and it's with reference to the active travel plan and the cycle walkway that's going to be drawing up baraby to rantham well that's only on one side of the carriageway is that correct so the detail of that scheme ultimately will be controlled by the linkashire county council the financial contributions that we have requested are on the basis of a dedicated footway cycleway link on a single side of the carriageway yes councilor ellis but ultimately the actual technical detail is something for the county council as the highways authority they'll be responsible for those works thank you anybody else yeah thank you adam thank you madam chairman i know we discussed about speeding along the highway is is there any part that skdc to recommend to lcc about speed limits etc because i know that will put extra business and speed on that road properly ultimately that's something that sits slightly outside of the actual planning application process so issues of speeding or existing issues of speeding has has been mentioned by residents within the village ultimately that's a matter of law enforcement that sort of thing the actual process though for extending a speed limit so further out from the village etc that's something that would follow as part of the technical approval process with the county council after we consider the planning application so what you may find quite often is that in terms of making the actual legal order to move the the speed limit having a plan and permission in place and having a new access being created such as this that gives the county council the sufficient legislation and almost pushes them to then look at the speed limit after that thank you anybody else no thank you adam for that um now i'm going to suggest that um we've had some excellent answers and a report from adam we've all asked lots of questions when we move into debate i'm going to suggest that we take three major topics one at a time just to speed things along a bit i'm going to suggest that we start with the issue of the outline element the community land this is a conflict with the master plan and the allocation however it does have positive impacts the parish council are very positive about it gives them a second option for a village hall and the other one is the open space and connectivity which again doesn't quite concur but the positive outcome is that it joins up with the adjoining site which we will consider after this application and so there's really positive reasons for those changes and the third one i'm going to suggest is the active travel the route into grantham that we have now agreed the section 106 terms for um so i thought if we could start with those doing one at a time in debate try not to get too confused and then maybe that'll speed things along if that's okay so if we can start please then with the community use land council helen crawford if this is something that the parish council would like and the residents would like because obviously they probably have suggested it to the parish council i would probably sooner see a community center built there than additional housing because the community center would benefit the whole of the village it's in more of a central location for me i wouldn't have a an issue with granting outline planning permission yes the idea is that the parish council have two sites they've got one in the village which is proving slightly difficult and they would have an option of this one so yes there is a positive benefit to that okay well that was easy wasn't it so if we move on to the second one oh i suppose the other point is that the uh backing up what councillor crawford said there's probably more scope for parking uh on that particular site than than there is on the other one i know the the other end of the village is quite narrow and congested and this uh parked cars on the side of the road and like i say so i agree totally agree with what she said that that they really realistically that you'd have thought that would be the preferential site so no i think it's it's good that it's in there so it's a positive yes it is a positive and it's a pity the parish council aren't here to give that positive uh vibe to us uh but um they are most welcoming of it and it gives them the choice of the two sides so it is up to them at the end of the day which one they choose if they don't choose this site then as adam has explained there are different ways that the contribution will be made thank you so if we move on to the open space changes and connectivity please councilor david bell me well actually i think it's better than the original master plan i think it's great that it's uh that you know that there's a bigger picture sort of come out of this and again i think that that's a definite a definite positive and i wish that a lot of when these smaller parts come when they're the applications go come to offices or whether they come to committee or what have you like so i wish that this sort of thing would be taken into consideration more on the sort of district-wide you know so that we consider the next parcel of land that might come forward when we're considering that this particular one when it's probably obvious that it will happen in time like say so the fact that this has been joined up together i think it's a definite positive so and it's made it's sort of bought the two two applications and the two plots in together yes absolutely and i know you have concerns about other sites and it's something the officers i'm sure will bear in mind for future master plans or future even if it's a single site absolutely anybody else like to sarah trotter counsel yeah probably echo what council bellamy said i always feel quite sad when i see lots of agricultural land but i went on the site visit and quite clearly lots of things have been taken in consideration particularly maintaining the lovely hedgerows and and breaking it up with green space um just the very fact i think that the parish council seemed to be very supportive then yeah it was a breath of fresh air for me so thank you thank you yes thank you refreshing is another word for it but yes very good anybody else no so the third issue which i've suggested we talk about is the active travel footpath cycle route down into grantham which is no longer a problem we have managed to get the section 106 agreement on that it's a very good option and if we could just debate that slightly if you feel you've got comments to make councilor david bellum i think well it's obviously a good thing but also i think that uh one of the uh previous meetings we had regards the uh one of the bigger parcels of land on the outskirts of grand thermont baraby road one of the things that the parish council did bring up was connectivity so yeah and uh in particular on the a52 and on the crossing of the a1 bridge and stuff like that like i say where it's more difficult but this actually does do the same thing via a different route and takes you straight pretty much into the heart of town so no i think i think it's good and like i say it probably helps to solve the problem at the other end of the village as well so because people are able to use this route you know no matter which side of the village they live in yes thank you for that um anybody else like to debate this councilor patsy ellis hi thanks um obviously i welcome this um because also within the site itself you have separate from the carriageways you have uh pedestrian and cycle path so it it all kind of joins up nicely together however the only uh because i've not been privy to previous planning um meetings um where we do cross over the a1 there's a bridge there what happens is everything to stop and i don't know i don't know how it works so i think as council by the means alluded to a lot of the debate previously with the parish council for the rectory farm allocations has been about the parish council's concern about people traveling along the a52 and then having to cross the a52 to get to the facilities within poplar farm and rectory farm the developments there what this option ultimately will do will provide a link from rather than residents having to travel north out of the village along the a52 it will bring them a long low road and connecting into dice art road and provides them with a more direct route into grantham where there are the facilities there for them without then having to cross over the a52 in any way probably worth always for members to bear in mind as well that in terms of that link then to rectory farm and the facilities nearby up there we've obviously got proposals with development say we've got the countryside properties development to the south of the a52 on that part of barabee you've got development schemes taking place to the north of dice art road as well so what you will likely have ultimately in the future with those developments coming forward is an element of connectivity through those estates as well so as officers it's certainly something that we're bearing in mind when we're talking to these developers for the different parcels is looking at that interconnectivity between barabee and things within rectory farm things within grantham town centre and try and facilitate connectivity throughout the different development parcels thank you emma if you like to speak thank you um i just wanted to make counselors aware that there's also the grantham transport strategy which was adopted it's an lcc document linkage account council document that we've endorsed dating back to december 2022 and that provides the higher framework for a lot of the um that sort of wider transport strategy issue of cycleway footway bus routes you know all of those other bits that allow um the council both councils so through us through planning but also the county's highways authority to um i suppose to to come up with further projects that really provide that detail so we do have that overarching strategy document um available and um and this is one of those things that that builds on that thank you counselor patsy ellis sorry um but if you do go down the low road you do have to cross a bridge over the a1 so you obviously it's quite narrow there's just two carriageways north south east west whatever so do you does your cycle pathway have to stop there how's it going to work as i think i mentioned earlier council s that's ultimately where lcc when they're doing the detail technical design they will factor in how they want that connection to be made ultimately at this point in time for the consideration of the applications we've looked at high level what a scheme for a dedicated footway cycleway to connect the site into diocidal road what the cost of that would look like but as i say ultimately the actual detailed technical design that's something that the county council will do at a later stage when they're looking to implement the works thank you anybody else wishing to speak in debate counselor helen crawford uh thank you going to onto a slightly different subject i do get tired of the ecological impact assessments being taken place in winter when we don't have the migratory birds and all the rest of it here but having said that the applicants agent stated there's going to be evie chargers solar panels there's going to be a biodiversity net gain there's going to be bird and bat boxes hedge hog highways widening of the footpath additional landscaping and planting they're keeping the original hedging most of it anyway the parish council is happy for this there's going to be good connectivity it's nice to see an application that has got is so positive for a change we've got more pros than cons i believe on this one which is very refreshing um for me i would be happy to propose this um with the applicant the outlining for the um community center as well thank you right thank you and councilor davey bellum is willing to second that do we have any more speakers in debate counselor tim harrison thank you i'd just like to pick up on what councilor ellis has said that i have got concerns with that we're passing this with this um cycleway and as i agree with councilor ellis what happens then in in a in a year's time when lcc say well we can't do that we can't deliver that what happens then because we've we've then passed this with that cycleway and then if lcc say they can't deliver it we're left without the cycleway so can somebody tell me you know what what's the issues on that because look looking at this i really struggle to see how they're going to do it ultimately it goes down as part of a legal obligation and the applicants will be paying their financial contribution to making sure that scheme comes forward now we have pressed very hard with the county council in terms of these contributions not only in terms of whether the amounts are proportionate to the scheme but ultimately what project it's looking to deliver and whether that's actually a feasible deliverable project now as i say the reason we have included them within the late items paper and those contributions is because the county council have assured to us that there is a project that they have in mind that they can deliver and that the the high level cost they've got for that project is what has led to to these contributions so i can assure you council we have as officers have really pushed the county council to make sure that we have the confidence that those schemes can come forward yeah thanks thanks i do agree you've done all your work i've got an issue with that but um um my query is what happens when they turn around and say which they've done before sorry we can't do it you know what happens then with with i think emma would like to answer thank you um ultimately it will be a matter for the the county is the highways authority to deliver the works they've asked for the contribution um we have to put some faith that they will they will do that they want the works they're recognized they've got a transport strategy in place um when they ask for these contributions and say we have pushed on this because initially we didn't get enough detail to satisfy ourselves that this was compliant with the sill regulations um they have provided that detail and that detail about what that project would look like they will do some initial investigation they won't just say i want some money towards its finger in the air and see what it's like you know they they will be satisfied that there will be a solution there it's just down to the technical designs as to what that solution will be so um i do you know i do think we need to trust that this will will happen and um you know and and and secure it through the legal agreement as we do normally and of course we can raise it separately if if there's delays and and deal with that through the transport board that we we go to and and speak to kathy on a separate matter um chairman if i can just clarify there were some updates of the heads of terms in the legal agreement in the late items paper so can i just clarify that the recommendation to uh sort of the recommendation that the motion to approve that was um proposed and seconded that that was in accordance with the updated recommendation in the late items paper yes it was madam chairman all right thank you for that um if anybody's any other issues to raise or debate i believe councillor pam bird thank thank you very much chairman um clearly lots lots of good things and much to recommend um there's just a couple of very small issues i'd just like to to raise um one is that there's obviously quite a high reliance on tandem parking for across the site and with these lovely um verges with the trees i i just wonder is there any way to to create some kind of safeguarding for additional cars visitor cars that might end up using the grass verges for parking because there's there's very little spare parking capacity within the site so that's that's one of my just a query really yeah so parking is something that we go into quite extensively when we look at things through the design pad process so that design pad process includes our urban design officer it also includes the county council as the highest authority and flood authority and i can definitely say over that as well council but there has been a lot of conversation about whether the amount of parking is appropriate whether they're satisfied as the highest authority that that parking arrangement is sufficient because ultimately as you say we have a very well designed scheme here that includes street tree line streets includes swales etc the last thing that we want as officers is to not provide sufficient parking so that ultimately you have people trying to park where the swales are that's not good design that's not what we're looking to achieve we've consulted with the highways authority they are satisfied that the parking of that split of tandem parking side by side parking they're comfortable with the parking that has been provided thank you obviously only time will tell but the other is a very small issue and i don't know if it's my eyesight the on the children's play area it's difficult to read if that's a bus station or a substation but i presume it's a substation and there seems to be the the kind of inclination to put a fairly ugly sort of utility building in a children's you know close to a children's play area is would there be any way obviously it can't be moved at this stage but is there any way that that could be a condition to kind of i don't know disguise it or pretty it up or i i don't know it it just feels like an inappropriate feature in a children's play area thank you i mean ultimately with conditions such as i think we've mentioned before before to members if you feel that there needs to be further detail in terms of the boundary treatments for that then we can do that via condition that is within the gift of the committee ultimately though as officers we're comfortable with the way that the site has been laid out and the position of that substation but it is ultimately at the gift of the committee if they do think further consideration is needed with that Councillor Byrd would you like to take that further have it conditioned yes i'm not not entirely sure what we would condition but to condition in some way that it is either relocated or or disguised in a way that makes it more it's it just feels like it would spoil what is otherwise a very nice design for the children's area i mean it could no sorry i was going to say could that be included within the landscape condition itself yeah so we can look at details in terms of the screen or boundary treatments of that i think relocating is probably a more challenging option because ultimately these will have technical requirements there'll be a reason why it's located where it's located but certainly details in terms of further screen or a boundary treatment we can look at that so that could be included in the condition we already have under landscaping it would probably need to be a separate condition to that chair because the condition that we have in place at the moment is for compliance with the details provided so if we want further information that would have to be a separate condition okay well if we could decide but i have a little vote on that it's not part of uh councilor crawford's original proposal if we would like to vote whether we need to add this extra condition about landscaping the substation um could we have a show of hands on that please oh councilor bird would you like to propose it and who would like to second that please councilor bissen housing so if we put that to the vote please um those against and abstentions hmm two abstentions so um council crawford it's your proposal um you've just abstained would you be willing to include that condition in your proposal yeah if they could put a bit of planting around it it might enhance it thank you so if i can just clarify it would need seconding so given council bellamy seconded it last time so if i can just clarify then that councilor crawford has agreed to revise her proposal to um that the application be be approved well delegated to myself to um deal with section 106 into the conditions as set out in the amended papers and subject to an additional condition we're seeking details of a landscaping scheme around the substation itself and that's been seconded by councilor david bellamy just for clarification is it the substation or the pumping station i can't see that all there it is just all right yeah yeah yeah that's fine then yeah okay thank you would anybody else like to raise any more points councilor this now thing okay um well then i think we could move to a vote um council crawford has proposed we accept this to grant permission councilor david bellamy's seconded it so if we could go to the vote please all those in favor oh me sorry i think that's unanimous so thank you very much on that one thank you um agenda item five is application number s 230299 this is for the erection of 67 dwellings on the um neighboring piece of land here at readings road um so if we could go to adam again please for his presentation thank you thank you chess yes this next application is s 230299 and it's for the erection of 67 dwellings with associated vehicle access from readings road and owen way with associated public open space and infrastructure and its land at readings road baraby and again the application has been referred to committee as it is a major residential development that requires a section 106 contribution for financial contributions so again in this case the site is three hectares of land between readings road and owen way to the southeast of baraby and again it is a single field of arable land that rises from south to north and it forms the northeastern parcel of the allocation site so again for members context we've just considered the southern parcel which is this field here now we're considering the northeastern parcel which is this field in the top corner here which butts abuts onto readings road here and the developed platformer housing site in this northwestern side in terms of the scheme itself then the application is for 67 dwellings with access to be taken via an extension of readings road to the north and via extension of owen way to the west and again as mentioned you've got this centralized area of open space here within the site that would link into the adjacent allison home scheme so the plans in front of you if they hopefully come back up will show as i say so what we've just considered is the allison homes parcel to the south the persimmon homes parcel to north here so you can see how that centralized area of open space there would work between the two allocation sites and then again along this eastern boundary you've got an area here where you've got a surface path that would connect and run around the entirety of the site in terms of the properties themselves it would be a mix of two story and 2.5 stories throughout so just an indication here on the screen in front of you of the very various different house types materials that would be used different treatments those front elevations to produce a high quality scheme throughout the development site and again a mix of different house types and different arrangements in terms of the key issues then on the evaluation again principle of development the officer assessment is set out within full within the report in this case the assessment is that it complies with the entirety of those allocation principles and therefore is acceptable in principle again it's been through design pad and through extensive engagement with the urban design officer and the technical consultees and again the officer assessment is there's a high quality design scheme and then finally again in terms of the section 106 contributions the late items paper has secured that financial contribution to the cycleway footway along low road to link the site into dysart road and again has provided the year-long bus pass and then also important to note condition 19 within the main officer report included a scheme of tactile dropped curbs between the site and the village centre following engagement with the county council highways authority it's now been agreed that that would be secured as a financial contribution as opposed to via planning condition so again as i say in terms of those public benefits 67 dwellings significant public benefit that helps the five-year housing land supply 30 affordable housing again a significant public benefit that's counterbalanced against that change in the character of the land but as a that's mitigated by the fact that it's a high quality design scheme so the officer assessment is that it calls for the development plan as a whole no material indications to indicate that permission should be withheld and therefore the recommendation to committee is to authorize the assistant director to ground planning permission subject to conditions and the heads of terms within your late items paper thank you chair thank you adam if we could call forward please then andrew and ben perdy on behalf of the applicant thank you thank you you have three minutes to speak and you will be given a 30-second warning thank you thank you chair for the opportunity to speak today in support of the scheme my name is angie and i'm the head of planning for persimmon homes east midlands and i also have ben perdy who's the technical director of persimmon homes next to me who will assist in answering any questions you may have on technical matters the site forms part of an allocated site for residential development within the south castilian local plan for which there's the requirement for the comprehensive master plan which has been approved during the process of getting the comprehensive master plan approved we have worked extensively with the council the parish council and allison homes in producing the plan this planning application fully accords with the requirements of the comprehensive master plan with particular attention to the design of the scheme to ensure a comprehensive development which benefits from connectivity whilst also respecting the character of baraby in line with the master plan the scheme provides for extensive areas of open space with areas of trees planting and landscaping alongside a centrally located play area these features will meet amenity needs of residents aid the assimilation of development into its setting and achieve a biodiversity net gain greater than 10 careful consideration has been given to the layout to ensure no overlooking results to existing dwellings to the north rear to rear separation distances exceed the 21 meters required by the design guide with rear gardens within the development typically varying between 13 and 15 meters the development will also be subject to section 106 contributions towards formal outdoor space a community hall health care highway improvements and the travel plan bus pass as well as providing the policy compliant 30 affordable housing all technical consultees have confirmed subject to conditions their support for the application with the council's urban design officer confirming the scheme performs positively against building for a healthy life the scheme also accords with national local policy for this reason we believe the application should be approved in line with the officer's report to committee and subsequent update report but i myself would more than happy to answer any questions you may have on the scheme thank you thank you very much do we have any questions to the agent no well thank you very much indeed thank you so do we have any questions to the presenting officer adam counselor paul wood it's a follow-up question adam about soft landscaping and i know counselor johnson asked a question on the last game about landscaping and i do i have read what you've said ongoing conditions about soft landscaping before the end of the first planting season following the first occupation they've got development plans for soft landscaping and also on the protection of it within the period of five years i agree with all of that i don't have a problem with the scheme but i'm always a little bit worried about soft landscaping that out how do we insist enforcement more of an enforcement thing really to follow it up because i've been aware in the past with the big conditions about landscaping that haven't actually been followed through and so you know we get all these plans showing all the trees and all the landscaping and the conditions you're putting seem pretty good to me i don't have a problem with them but are we in a position where we we can follow it up and enforce that that landscaping happens as you say counselor wood that is ultimately a matter for enforcement there are situations though as i say where it is reported to us that a landscaping scheme such as this for whatever reason has failed the enforcement team have engaged with developers etc and tried to get it rectified so it is ultimately as you say a matter of enforcement we put the conditions on there on the basis of we're trying to do everything that we can within our power as the local planning authority to try and make sure that those planting schemes do to come to fruition are successful as as we all want them to be is ultimately though then if there is a situation where that hasn't taken there has been failures if that's reported to us as a council we can then look to enforce on that thank you have we any more questions to adam counselor bellamy well it's just a follow-up question uh similar to council wood there's some money set aside in there as well for monitoring it within the legal agreement yes the legal agreement includes a monitoring fee which looks at the council's time and expense involved in actually monitoring enforcing that 106 agreement and anything in terms of those conditions so yeah we do we do look to secure fees to to cover off those sort of situations thank you has anybody else like to ask a question no thank you adam if we move into debate who would like to make any comments in debate councilor bellamy well the way it's been put bought together it is quite good i think we've already agreed that and you know this is almost like a an extension of what we've what we've already been talking about it so and like i say the i think it's really good you know the way the two sites have been bought in together uh to be fair i think we covered most of sort of the topics in in the first one and and this you know like it's it is just an extension of the uh the one we've just debated so i'm quite happy to propose it to be honest so thank you and councilor forward i i agree with what council bellamy says it just seemed like we've discussed most of it on the first one and i'm quite happy with it i'm quite happy to second uh proposal thank you so we have a proposer and a seconder are we any more comments in debate councilor pamberg hello thank you yes yes all uh all good stuff again um i just wanted to bring up the same issue is is there a is there a substation on the plan because it's hard to see on this particular one i'm just thinking if we condition it in the if there's a separate one then we ought to have comparable condition to ensure that uh any additional substation is uh receives appropriate treatment as well thank you is there an indication of where that might be so in this case it's within the eastern part of the site so if i just bring that plan back up for you councilors to draw your attention to so what we've got is you've got a substation sort of in this northeastern side here and then a foul pumping station down to this eastern side here so both of them in this occasion both of them are separate from your main children's play area which is this centralized area of open space so adam confirm not in a children's play area so confirm not in a children's play area yes yeah that's quite helpful so council business yes uh one simple thing i i quite like quite a lot of things yeah as we discussed in the previous one as well very good but i would like some clarification on the sb1 will there be a sort of a communal charging points in store somewhere because i can't see it anywhere it's allocated for any visitors or anybody like that as we are promoting carbon free by 2050 thank you again council business nothing that's covered by the condition so it's condition nine in this case which requires the details of the electric vehicle charging points i i read that actually but i thought that was uh applicable to the house individual houses not for a communal one where their visitors can park and also can charge the vehicle possible i think emma would like to come in adam on that one okay thank you you're quite correct um council be announcing the and policy sp1 relates to sustainable buildings so it's about creating a sustainable building now we do need to to think moving forwards about decarbonization of the energy grid as well as energy consumption for dwellings but in terms of the current local plan um whilst we would welcome um sort of communal ev charging points as and when they come um they are they are available to to people um we've not got a policy that would require them so i don't think we can ask in this instance for anything um but there is a condition that will secure details related to um how the scheme will meet the requirements of policy sp1 okay thank you um any other speakers no i think emma again would like to clarify something thank you i just want to clarify that whilst this has been proposed and seconded in terms of the recommendation i just want for clarity of um counselors and anybody watching here or at home um that that is in relation to the updated recommendation that's set out in the um late items paper so if i could just ask for the counselors to confirm that that was their proposal david could you just say so definitely thank you yes yes i'm quite happy with that and counselor wood please okay i'm quite happy with that as well okay thank you very much so um again i'd like to say i think it's refreshing um that we have got um two very good applications here i believe an awful lot of work has gone on in the background with this master planning and design and so if we go to the vote um if all those four thank you that's unanimous and thank you very much seeing as we've got through that fairly quickly i'm going to suggest we do carry on with the agenda and not break at this point so we're now going to move on to agenda item six which is s24-0413 which is the conversion extension of barns to form two dwellings chestnuts from sapperton and um if we could have the case officer sarah hullock to um present please answer sarah trotter yeah thank you madam chairman i just just want to declare that i i actually called in this application but um i remain open-minded and and wish to remain on the planning committee um not prejudge thank you yes i think that's been agreed council trotter that that's perfectly acceptable in this case thank you so we have um the case officer sarah hullock when you're ready please to present thank you thank you chair um so this is an application for the conversion and extension of barns to form two dwellings a chestnuts farm in sapperton the application is being presented at committee as it has been called in by counselor sarah trotter due to concerns raised by neighboring properties regarding immunity the site is located to the south of village street in sapperton and comprises of two barn ranges and an open-sided dutch barn all of which have been in disuse for a number of years the site lies to the west of the dwelling chestnuts farm with neighboring properties to the north and open fields to the south so on the uh the site layout plan you can see that the open dutch barn that's there existing would be removed as part of the development the barn ranges would then be converted into two dwellings one known as hazel barn and one as rose barn a detached garage is proposed to the northwest of the barn titled hazel barn and then there's also a small extension proposed to the south of the barn to the northeast of the site which is rose barn and i just popped in some plans there so you can see there's not actually a lot of changes to the external elevations of the of the barns and the proposed garage has no windows to either elevation which would be the window which would be the elevations that would be closest to any neighboring properties so the main concern raised by neighboring properties is that of immunity as set out within the report it is considered that there is sufficient separation distances between the properties and there are no no neighboring windows close to those properties there are also a number of conditions proposed which would limit any potential impact on neighboring properties as such it's the offices assessment that there would be no adverse impact on neighboring properties and there are no other material considerations that indicate that planning permissions should be withheld it is the officer recommendation that the application be approved subject to conditions thank you thank you sarah so if we could call forward mike sib thought please who's the agent for the applicant thank you very much you have three minutes to speak and you'll be given a 30-second warning thank you committee good afternoon my name is mike sipthorpe and i represent the applicant the proposals in this case comprise a measured and proportionate scheme of conversion of these traditional farm buildings in saperton the buildings have been in use for some time and the overall farmyard site detracts from the character and appearance of the site in the village the buildings comprise high quality traditional stone buildings finished in estate style and are considered worthy of conversion and reuse indeed restoration of the buildings and the removal of the unsightly dutch barn will actually enhance this particular part of the village the proposals have been carefully evolved to ensure that the conversions and the new build elements do not impact on neighboring properties by design the buildings will not have any windows facing onto or overlooking neighboring properties and suggested condition 17 will ensure that in future no additional windows may be added that might result in overlooking a construction management plan condition 6 will ensure no undue disturbance to neighbors during the construction phase and the officer report at paragraph 7 15 acknowledges that the residential use of the site will be more compatible than the previous unrestricted agricultural use of the site there will be no encroachment onto the green at the western end of the site there is already a drive and access gate that run across the northern end of the space the line of this track will not change as a result of these proposals there has always been an access across this space serving the farmyard area traffic using this route for one of the dwellings will be no greater than if the site were in use as a farmyard the report acknowledges that the proposals accord with relevant local plan policies in particular policy sp5 relating to the conversion of traditional buildings in the countryside indeed we consider the proposals overall will enhance and uplift the quality of this large centrally located site within the village the applicant is happy with the recommended conditions and we hope that the committee will feel minded to support this application thank you thank you very much do we have any questions to max of thought please counselor portwood thank you hi mike uh impact on neighborhood you've talked about the windows do you think there's any impact on the neighborhood i mean it is at all i know you mentioned the windows do you think what impact do you think it does have on neighbors i don't think there's any impact on neighbors i mean it's mainly the conversion of existing buildings so the building's already there so there's not really overbearing effects the only new build element of any size is the garage and that's you know separated from the the adjoining properties i think i checked the measurements it's 11 meters from one property eight and half from the other and there's quite a significant line of trees between the properties i think and the new building so i think there's a fairly significant amount of screening there already so i i don't think there'll be any negative impact on adjoining properties and in fact if you saw the site today and its disused state i think bringing the site back into reuse and residential use will actually be positive rather than negative in terms of the neighbors thank you council sarah trotter thank you sub thought um i think on the site visit there is a bit of concern where the existing metal barn is where there's going to be a garage isn't there with the office above i think it was discussed that we is a maybe for the planning officer but i think the concern is that it wants to be kept as a garage with um office above airbnb was banded about as i said that's probably one for sarah but you know is there any suggestion that going forward that could be would be changed it's certainly not the intention i mean i think you know with this trend of people a lot of people working from home now home offices are something that people find quite quite desirable when looking at properties i i think the planning commission would would not allow it to be used for an airbnb that would need a separate planning commission i think it could be the use of that home office could be conditioned if you feel it was necessary and we wouldn't object to that but i don't think it's necessary yes thank you sub sub thought it's something that i would be quite keen for a condition to be placed thank you thank you is there any more questions councillor crawford it's not a question but i'd like to second what councillor trotter said there i would be happier if that garage had a condition on it to say that it can only stay as a garage come office that it can't be turned into a separate annex yes well we we can deal with that later i think mr sib thought has said there wouldn't be any objection to that as a condition if i heard you right um can i just say that where the open barn is at the moment is not the sighting of the garage i think the garage is further over into a corner and um where that barn is will be part of the access route to to that bigger barn any other questions please no thank you very much indeed thank you so if we've got questions now for the case officer sarah yeah so just to follow up on the point by councillor trotter that condition in terms of restriction of the use um we're more than happy to include that as a condition um well thank you for that adam i think when we get to if somebody is proposing approval we can include if they would include that into that proposal um any other questions or for sarah um councillor bird thank you chairman um i think just just to clarify i went and had a look at the site and it clearly is not in use at the moment so the the plans do look like they're going to be actually an improvement in the village so that that's really quite encouraging but there's no new build um other than a small extension and the access for both properties already exist and the views are all looking away from any properties so that i i i'm just wanting to clarify that that is the case thank you thank you councillor yep that is the case so all new windows are and proposed to be looking and towards the the open countryside and the accesses are existing and the only elements of new build are the proposed garage and the extension to the barn at the northeast of the site thank you councillor crawford um the red line goes slightly into an agricultural or pasture does that need to change conditions of use for that small area i think we didn't see that didn't we on the site visit so sarah can you answer that um yep thank you so um that would be covered by the current application that we're considering now any other questions for the case officer no thank you so if we could move into debate on this um the one the people who did go to the site visit it's a beautiful site and i think um we did look into the um objections from the surrounding residents very carefully just like to make that point that we looked very carefully at that so if somebody would like to start the debate or there's also council thank you um having gone onto the site and seen that this site is obviously hasn't been used for for years those barns are really quite stunning and beautiful and i would hate to see them dilapidated and just fall down and i think um turning them into some beautiful homes would be a a positive outlook for the village um and bring more people into the village which you have to grow small villages otherwise they tend to die so um that's all i've got to say on that bit thank you can i just make a point this is an application for conversion under policy sp5 not re not new bills no just sorry yeah clarify that yes to well convert them isn't it it's to restore them convert them and bring them back to life um for the benefit of others counselor trotter yeah like you're aware madam chairman it's on my ward and it is a lovely community i don't think it's gonna it's anywhere near dying but i do welcome that the conversion is going to be in keeping and i know you know i represent the residents and and there is there was a concern because in these very small and it's a hamlet and there's always concern about development so i again refresh talking to the uh mr sib thought that he he does not have a problem that there's going to be any more change with what what's in front of us so i do feel fairly satisfied and i hope the neighboring properties do and i think it was right to be heard here and for the site visit which was welcomed and i did feel somewhat happy that that it's like the village that's already there and there's not these huge changes which we don't want in the rural little villages really thank you i do concur with what you say having a rural ward similar to yours as well that it's very sensitive to change but this is very beautiful barns as we've said and a conversion there's no new build except for the garage so um yes thank you for that and i just would like it to be known that we did look very carefully at the site visit with the neighbors um considerations here councillor paul fellows thank you chair i would like to propose that we accept the proposal from the officer with the condition that council trotter put on it thank you um do we have a seconder for that councillor bellamy i'm just going to add something to debate first okay um if you'd like well it's more for information actually uh when when we was on the site visit uh i think from the plans the the biggest concerns i think it's the home called the barns and it's it's sort of the the nearest property to the um to the proposed barn conversions and the garage is going into that corner but just to repeat just sort of emphasize what mr sid thought said that the it is virtually that the garage will be virtually invisible uh from any overlooking windows in the barns purely because the amount of uh sort of well-established trees and hedges that were in in that in that part of the site so i'm quite happy to second the uh if somebody had already done it to the proposer yeah like i say i agree with all the previous speakers it'll be an improvement it's saving the barns from becoming derelict and it will certainly enhance the village and not detract from it yes thank you for that councillor bellamy and you're happy to include that condition as well emma would like to say something thank you if i can just clarify that the condition that was being suggested and then clarify that this is what you're proposing councillor fellows and seconding councillor bellamy is a condition to restrict the use of the garage and the home office so that it remains in planning speak incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house and is not independently let or um used as a separate dwelling or or airbnb let is that just i'm just confirming looking for confirmation that that's the understanding thank you well it's certainly my understanding and i'm hoping nobody is going to contradict that so um if we can move to the vote um to approve this application if we can have all those in favor please that's unanimous thank you very much so i'm going to suggest we still carry on we've just got one application left um so um if we could move forward with that then please so that's um agenda item 7 s24 six zero six zero six um this is maintenance and repair works to the clock lantern pitched roof stone parapet copings and bracketed stone cornice on the guild hall art center thank you so if we could move to the um case officers presentation i believe that's ariana bushman who's um one of our conservation officers if you'd like to present for us thank you very much thank you chair and um hello counselors um as mentioned this is an application for the repair works to the clock lantern the pitched roof and the stone parapets and um of the guild hall arts center at st peter's grand film uh this application is presented to the committee as it is a skdc application the application site comprises a grade two listed building that currently operates as a guild hall art center and the site is located within the grand film town center at st peters hill and this also falls within the civic center character area of the quantum conservation area it is proposed to undertake a series of repairs and refurbishment of several features including stone repairs timber repairs to the various areas that have been identified to be substantially damaged at the moment and some general roof repairs as well as a repainting of the clock face and the exterior of the parapets and clock tower um the key issues where the potential effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of the conservation area as well as any potential impacts upon the building itself it's setting as any features and special architectural and historical interest that the building has it's believed that the works actually will be a positive impact upon the significance of the building as well as having a positive impact upon the conservation area the assessment is set out in the main committee reports and is considered that the assessment is in accordance with the planning list of building conservation act 1990 and the nppf chapter 16 as well as um the soft gas even local plan en6 um the works would be considered to be an enhancement to the building as well as the current conservation area and is recommended to grant consent for this um application subject to some conditions thank you very much um we have no speakers on this item so if we'd like to move straight away to any questions to the case officer please no no well thank you so if we move straight into any debate so councillor davey bellamy when you're on the outside walking around saint peters hill you don't realize the those pictures were quite graphic actually and like i've said you just take it for granted you look up you look at the clock but i didn't realize actually how much deterioration there was around the clock tower like saying the pictures are very graphic and it's obvious so that this work does need doing councillor trotter just for clarification do we get the planning permission and then look into the cost and obviously because it's specialist work or is that already that um has that already been done prior is that a material consideration i'm not sure that's a material consideration councillor trotter can i show me to do something so um yeah it's not material to the application obviously in this instance we're both um applicant and we're also local planning authority so we have to put different hats on um this is just given that list assuming we we're minded to to grant it would give that list of building consent so it'd give that stage of the permission obviously as um landowner and responsible owner of the building separately the council will need to make those various decisions over costs and everything else it would appear it's absolutely necessary and anything that makes grantham continue to be more vibrant i'm i'm there and i'm happy to propose if i'm in the right position to do so yet thank you councillor crawford thank you uh coming down past the barracks you look across grantham and you see the clock tower it's an iconic view um and it's an iconic building you know it is the center of grantham and it needs to be preserved looked after and loved and i would concur and second with councillor trotter that the works obviously need to be carried out and should be thank you thank you very much um councillor harrison thank you very much chair it's already been said what i was going to say very ably there um totally agree it's one of the jewels in the crown of grantham and it needs to be treated as such and um we've all seen what's happened to buildings that we've let go on too far and then it costs either too much or we end up getting rid of them yes thank you um councillor bison housing just a quick technical question madam chairman from what the assistant director said are we having two applications here one for the consent and one for the works to be carried out no absolutely absolutely not um all the planning of the committee is being asked to do is to grant lists of building consent or not and any decisions that this council may wish to take as low in landowner we dealt with entirely separate using whatever delegations are in place either to officers or to through the appropriate committee and it's in that way it is not any different to some of the other applications that we've had around large close the depot and some of those other schemes where we are just simply looking at the planning questions in this case should list of building grant consent be granted or not thank you anybody else wishing to speak so i'm going to move to the vote we have a proposer and a seconder to grant permission can we go four please that's unanimous um thank you very much um so i i don't think there's any other business that we need to move on to today so i'm going to close this meeting in record time at 2 30 in the afternoon thank you
The South Kesteven Council Planning Committee met on Thursday, 13 June 2024, to discuss several significant planning applications. Key decisions included the approval of two major residential developments in Barrowby and the conversion of barns in Sapperton. Additionally, maintenance works for the Guildhall Arts Centre in Grantham were approved.
175 Dwellings at Low Road, Barrowby
The committee approved a hybrid planning application for the erection of 175 dwellings, along with associated access, infrastructure, open space, and landscaping at Low Road, Barrowby. The application also included an outline element for a new community facility. The site, which spans 7.9 hectares, is part of the Low Road Barrowby allocation site within the adopted local plan. The development will include 30% affordable housing and significant Section 106 contributions, including a financial contribution towards a footway cycleway and bus services. The committee noted the positive impact of the development on the local community and the high-quality design of the scheme.
For more details, refer to the application document.
67 Dwellings at Reedings Road, Barrowby
The committee also approved the erection of 67 dwellings at Reedings Road, Barrowby. This development will include a mix of two-story and 2.5-story dwellings, with access from Reedings Road and Owen Way. The scheme aligns with the comprehensive master plan for the area and includes 30% affordable housing. The committee highlighted the development's compliance with local planning policies and its contribution to the five-year housing land supply.
For more details, refer to the application document.
Conversion of Barns at Chestnut Farm, Sapperton
The committee approved the conversion and extension of barns to form two dwellings at Chestnut Farm, Sapperton. The development includes the removal of an open-sided Dutch barn and the construction of a detached garage. Conditions were imposed to ensure the garage remains incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house and is not used as a separate dwelling or for Airbnb purposes. The committee noted the positive impact of restoring the disused barns and the minimal impact on neighbouring properties.
For more details, refer to the application document.
Maintenance Works at Guildhall Arts Centre, Grantham
The committee granted permission for maintenance and repair works to the clock lantern, pitched roof, stone parapet copings, and bracketed stone cornice at the Guildhall Arts Centre. The works aim to address substantial damage and enhance the building's appearance. The committee emphasized the importance of preserving this iconic building in Grantham.
For more details, refer to the application document.
For the full minutes of the meeting, please refer to the printed minutes.
- Agenda frontsheet 13th-Jun-2024 13.00 Planning Committee agenda
- 1 S23 2175 - Low Road Barrowby
- 2 S23 0299 - Reedings Road Barrowby
- Public reports pack 13th-Jun-2024 13.00 Planning Committee reports pack
- 4 S24 0606 - Guildhall Arts Centre
- 3 S24 0413 - Chestnut Farm Sapperton
- Additional Info Report S23 0299
- Agenda Supplement 13th-Jun-2024 13.00 Planning Committee agenda
- Additional Info Report S23 2175
- Printed minutes minutes