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Extraordinary, Council - Monday, 10 June 2024 7.00 pm

June 10, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The Spelthorne Borough Council held an extraordinary meeting on 10 June 2024 to address changes in the allocation of seats for committees and the appointment of an interim monitoring officer. The council approved the revised allocations of seats, committee members, chairs, vice-chairs, and named substitutes. Additionally, Karen Limmer was designated as the interim monitoring officer starting 1 July 2024.

Changes to the Allocation of Seats for Committees

The council discussed the revised allocation of seats on committees following a change in the chamber's make-up. Councillor Sexton proposed the motion to approve the revised allocations, which was seconded by Councillor Beeson. A named vote was requested by Councillor Bateson. The results were 23 votes in favour, 0 against, and 8 abstentions. The council resolved to agree on the representation of different political groups on committees as required by Section 15 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.

Appointment of Members to Committees

The council resolved to agree on the appointments of members to the committees as outlined in the Supplementary Agenda.

Appointment of Chairs and Vice-Chairs

The council also resolved to agree on the appointments of chairs and vice-chairs for the committees as detailed in the Supplementary Agenda.

Appointment of Named Substitutes to Committees

The council agreed on the named substitute members to the committees, again as outlined in the Supplementary Agenda.

Appointment of Interim Monitoring Officer

Councillor Sexton proposed the motion to designate Karen Limmer as the interim monitoring officer starting 1 July 2024. The motion was seconded and supported by the council. The council also delegated authority to the Chief Executive to make an interim appointment as Group Head of Corporate Governance and to the Appointments and Appeals Committee to designate the next Group Head of Corporate Governance as monitoring officer. The details of this appointment can be found in the Interim MO 100624 document.


Councillor Chris Bateson
Councillor Sean Beatty
Councillor Simon Bhadye
Councillor Mary Bing Dong
Councillor Harry Boparai
Councillor Lisa Brennan
Councillor Med Buck
Profile image for Councillor Tony Burrell
Councillor Tony Burrell  Labour •  Staines South
Councillor Jon Button
Councillor Jolyon Caplin
Councillor Rose Chandler
Councillor Darren Clarke
Councillor John Doran
Councillor Sue Doran
Councillor Sandra Dunn
Councillor Rebecca Geach
Councillor Daniel Geraci
Councillor Adam Gale
Councillor Michele Gibson
Councillor Kathy Grant
Councillor Suraj Gyawali
Profile image for Councillor Karen Howkins
Councillor Karen Howkins  Conservative •  Laleham and Shepperton Green
Councillor Naz Islam
Councillor Matthew Lee
Profile image for Councillor Anant Mathur
Councillor Anant Mathur  Conservative •  Laleham and Shepperton Green
Councillor Joanne Sexton
Councillor John Turner
Profile image for Councillor Paul Woodward
Councillor Paul Woodward  Conservative •  Ashford Town
Karen Wyeth
Daniel Mouawad
Terry Collier
Lee O'Neil