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Business, Infrastructure and Growth Committee - Thursday, 6 June 2024 7.00 pm

June 6, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The inaugural meeting of the Business Infrastructure and Growth Committee in Spelthorne covered several key topics, including the committee's terms of reference, strategic priorities for 2024-2025, and the forward plan. The meeting also addressed the need for updates on the Heathrow rail link and discussed the importance of supporting small businesses and startups.

Terms of Reference

The committee reviewed its terms of reference, which can be found on pages three to four of the agenda. Councillor Gibson raised questions about the statutory and non-statutory functions, seeking clarity on where to find detailed information. The Monitoring Officer will provide further details. The committee also discussed the role of the Heathrow Liaison officer and the interaction with the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (CP&R).

Strategic Priorities for 2024-2025

The committee discussed strategic priorities for the upcoming year, focusing on actionable items that align with the corporate priorities. Key priorities identified include:

  • Development and Regeneration Properties: Prioritizing properties for development to manage interest charges effectively.
  • Heathrow Rail Link: Taking ownership of the Heathrow rail link project and awaiting detailed information to make an informed decision.
  • Improving Safety and Reducing Antisocial Behaviour: Implementing measures such as number plate recognition cameras to enhance safety in town centres.
  • Infrastructure for New Homes: Collaborating with Surrey County Council and other partners to ensure adequate infrastructure for new housing developments.
  • Enhancing the Riverfront: Making the riverfront more attractive and accessible to residents, similar to Richmond.
  • Supporting Small Businesses and Startups: Continuing to develop the Spelthorne Business Hub and providing tailored support to new and established businesses.

Forward Plan

The committee reviewed the forward plan, which can be found on pages seven to ten of the agenda. They agreed to incorporate the newly identified strategic priorities into the forward plan. Councillor Gibson sought clarification on the International Business Engagement item scheduled for September 12, 2024. Heather Morgan explained that this item, carried forward from the Economic Development Committee, focuses on international business engagement and inward investment.

Exempt Business

The committee moved into part two to discuss exempt business, excluding the public due to the likely disclosure of sensitive financial or business information. The public interest in maintaining the exemption was deemed to outweigh the interest in disclosing the information.

The meeting concluded with the agreement to note the forward plan with the additional agreed items. The inaugural meeting of the Business Infrastructure and Growth Committee in Spelthorne covered several key topics, including the committee's terms of reference, strategic priorities for 2024-2025, and the forward plan. The meeting also addressed questions from committee members about various procedural and strategic issues.

Terms of Reference

The committee reviewed its terms of reference, which outline its functions and responsibilities. Councillor Gibson asked for clarification on statutory and non-statutory functions, and it was suggested that any doubts should be referred to the Monitoring Officer. The committee also discussed the role of the Heathrow Liaison officer and the interaction with the Corporate Policy and Resources Committee (CP&R).

Strategic Priorities for 2024-2025

The committee discussed potential strategic priorities for the upcoming year. Key areas of focus included:

  • Development and Regeneration Properties: Prioritizing which properties to tackle first due to high interest charges.
  • Heathrow Rail Link: Taking ownership of the project to improve connectivity.
  • Safety and Antisocial Behaviour: Implementing measures like number plate recognition cameras to improve safety in town centres.
  • Infrastructure for New Homes: Collaborating with Surrey County Council and other partners to ensure adequate infrastructure for new housing developments.
  • Riverfront Development: Making the riverfront more attractive and accessible to residents, similar to Richmond.
  • Flooding and Environmental Concerns: Addressing flooding issues and ensuring environmental sustainability in new developments.
  • Supporting Small Businesses: Continuing to develop the Spelthorne Business Hub and providing support for small businesses and startups.

Forward Plan

The committee reviewed the forward plan, which outlines key decisions and actions for the upcoming months. Items discussed included:

  • International Business Engagement: Scheduled for discussion in September, this item will focus on inward investment and international business relations.
  • Strategic Priorities: Incorporating the newly discussed strategic priorities into the forward plan.

Exempt Business

The committee moved into a private session to discuss exempt business, which involved sensitive financial or business information. The public was excluded from this part of the meeting to maintain confidentiality.

The meeting was live broadcast on YouTube, and members were reminded to turn off mobile phones and follow fire safety procedures. The meeting concluded with an agreement to note the forward plan with the additional items discussed.