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Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 5th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 5, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting or read trancript  Watch video of meeting  Watch video of meeting or read trancript
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The meeting focused on decisions regarding live music and alcohol sales at a specific premises. Restrictions were placed on live music and alcohol sales after 8pm, with additional rules for New Year's Eve. Noise concerns were noted but not addressed due to funding limitations.

Restrictions on Live Music and Alcohol Sales

The panel decided that live music at the premises must be restricted to indoors only after 8pm. Additionally, no alcohol is to be sold or consumed in the outside area after 8pm.

New Year's Eve Regulations

For New Year's Eve, the panel agreed that alcohol sales must cease at 12 midnight, music must stop at 12:30am, and the premises must close by 1am. These rules are specific to New Year's Eve only.

Noise Concerns

The panel acknowledged concerns about noise raised by an objector. However, they noted that soundproofing the hall is not within their remit and would require separate funding. This issue may be addressed by the committee in the future.

Follow-Up and Appeals

All conclusions will be sent in writing, including information on how to appeal the decisions. Rachel will handle the follow-up communication.

The meeting was formally closed with thanks to all participants.

The meeting focused on the application to vary the premises license for the Parish Hall at St Mary's Church Hall, Lion Street, Hay-on-Wye. The main points of discussion were the extension of the licensable area to include the forecourt, the sale of alcohol, and the potential for increased noise.

Application for Variation of Premises License

The meeting was chaired by Councillor Beverley-Bainham, who introduced the application to vary the premises license at St Mary's Church Hall. The application was submitted by the Church Council for St Mary's Church, Hay-on-Wye, and included extending the licensable area to the forecourt and extending licensing hours for New Year's Eve.

Presentation by Martin Phillips

Martin Phillips, the Licensing Officer, presented the report. The Parish Hall has held a premises license for entertainment since January 2006. The variation application seeks to include the sale of alcohol and extend the licensable area to the forecourt. The Environmental Protection Office requested that the licensing hours for the outside area end at 2300 hours, which the applicants agreed to. Two public representations were received, expressing concerns about noise.

Applicant's Case

Stuart Pritchard, a church warden, and Josh Boyd-Greene, who manages the Parish Hall, presented the case for the application. They argued that the variation would make the hall more appealing for events and help it generate revenue. They emphasized that the hall has not had any significant issues with noise or complaints in the past. They also mentioned that the hall is not intended to operate like a pub and that the outside area would primarily be used for markets or daytime events.


Rosemary Furman, a local resident, presented objections on behalf of herself and her husband. She expressed concerns about noise, particularly from amplified music, and the potential for public nuisance. She suggested modifications to the application, such as not extending the licensable area to the forecourt during the evening and requiring doors and windows to be kept closed during events to mitigate noise.

Discussion and Questions

Councillors Adrian Jones and Hugh Williams asked questions about the frequency of events, the importance of the outside area, and the potential for noise. The applicants clarified that the outside area would mainly be used for daytime events and that they had no intention of allowing amplified music outside.


The meeting concluded with a summary from the applicants, reiterating their points about making the hall more appealing and ensuring it remains well-managed. The panel then adjourned to deliberate on the application.