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General Purposes Committee - Thursday, 13th June, 2024 5.00 pm

June 13, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The General Purposes Committee of Essex Council met on Thursday, 13 June 2024, to discuss proposed changes to the Southend-on-Sea City Council Constitution and to consider a comprehensive review of the constitution. The committee agreed to amend the constitution to align with common practices regarding the chairs and vice chairs of overview and scrutiny committees and approved a full review of the constitution to ensure it is fit for purpose.

Changes to Southend-on-Sea City Council Constitution

Councillor Cowan introduced a report recommending amendments to the Southend-on-Sea City Council Constitution. The proposed changes include modifying the second sentence in Part 3, Schedule 2, Paragraph 5.18 to state that the chairs and vice chairs shall be drawn from the members of the committee. Additionally, amendments to Part 4, the overview and scrutiny procedure rules, were proposed to specify who chairs the scrutiny committee.

Councillor Cowan explained that these changes aim to align the council with common practices among other local authorities and address feedback from members regarding the operation of scrutiny. Councillor McMullan raised questions about the wording and its commonality in other councils, to which Councillor Cowan responded that the proposed wording would bring Southend in line with the majority of other councils. The committee agreed to the proposed amendments.

Comprehensive Review of the Constitution

Councillor Gilbert presented a report requesting a full review of the Southend-on-Sea City Council Constitution. He noted that while significant work had been done on certain sections over the past few years, a comprehensive review was necessary to address ongoing issues and disputes. Councillor McMullan inquired about the last full review, which was confirmed to have occurred in 2021 but was not completed.

Councillor Gilbert emphasized the importance of a thorough review, even if it takes longer than planned, to ensure the constitution is fit for the next decade. Councillor McMullan expressed support for the review, highlighting the need for clear and plain English in council documents. The committee agreed to proceed with the review and to involve the Standards Committee in the process.

For further details, the public reports pack and minutes of the previous meeting are available online.


Colin Ansell
Susan Zeiss
Alan Richards
Profile image for Councillor Mandy O'Connor
Councillor Mandy O'Connor  Labour Party •  Victoria Ward
Profile image for Councillor Kevin Robinson
Councillor Kevin Robinson  Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Major Projects, and Regulatory Services •  Labour Party •  Westborough Ward
Profile image for Councillor Madison Faulkner-Hatt
Councillor Madison Faulkner-Hatt  Labour Party •  St Laurence Ward
Profile image for Councillor Pamela Kinsella
Councillor Pamela Kinsella  Labour Party •  Westborough Ward
Profile image for Councillor Robert McMullan
Councillor Robert McMullan  Liberal Democrats •  Eastwood Park Ward
Profile image for Councillor James Moyies
Councillor James Moyies  Conservative Party •  West Shoebury Ward
Profile image for Councillor Kathy Murphy
Councillor Kathy Murphy  Non-Aligned •  St Lukes Ward
Profile image for Councillor Daniel Nelson
Councillor Daniel Nelson  Conservative Party •  Southchurch Ward
Profile image for Councillor Nick Ward
Councillor Nick Ward  Independent •  Shoeburyness Ward
Claire Shuter
Robert Harris
Tim Row
Colin Gamble
Profile image for Councillor Tony Cox
Councillor Tony Cox  Leader of the Southend Reform UK Group •  Reform UK •  West Shoebury Ward
Profile image for Councillor Daniel Cowan
Councillor Daniel Cowan  Leader of the Council •  Labour & Co-operative Party •  St Laurence Ward
Profile image for Councillor Ian Gilbert
Councillor Ian Gilbert  Labour Party •  Victoria Ward
Joe Chesterton