Planning Applications Committee - Tuesday 7 May 2024 7.00 pm

May 7, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Lambeth Council meeting focused on two main topics: the permanent retention of the London Eye and the reserved matters application for Block B of Lambeth College's Vauxhall campus. Both applications were approved after thorough discussions and considerations.

The most significant topic was the permanent retention of the London Eye. The council discussed the environmental, economic, and social impacts of the London Eye, which has been a landmark on the South Bank for nearly 25 years. The Environment Agency raised concerns about future works to the river wall due to rising sea levels, but the council was assured that the structure could be adapted if necessary. The London Eye's contributions to the local economy and community, including a 1% annual turnover contribution to the maintenance of the South Bank area, were highlighted. Councillor Doakos and Chris Bird from Merlin Attractions Operations Limited spoke in support of the application. The council approved the permanent retention of the London Eye, with members acknowledging its iconic status and the benefits it brings to the area.

The second topic was the reserved matters application for Block B of Lambeth College's Vauxhall campus. This application followed a hybrid planning permission granted in 2021, which included an outline for Blocks B, C, and D. The reserved matters application focused on the appearance, layout, and scale of Block B. The proposed building was found to comply with the design code and parameters set in the outline permission. The council discussed the design, height, and layout of the building, including the provision of cycle parking. The application was supported by the council, with members noting that it met the established guidelines and would contribute to the educational facilities in the area.

Overall, the meeting resulted in the approval of both significant applications, ensuring the continued presence of the London Eye and the development of Lambeth College's Vauxhall campus. The Lambeth planning applications committee meeting discussed two main topics: the permanent retention of the London Eye and the reserved matters application for Block B of Lambeth College's Vauxhall campus redevelopment.

The first topic was the permanent retention of the London Eye. The committee reviewed a detailed report assessing the continued acceptability of the London Eye and any further mitigation required. The report included assessments on townscape, heritage, transport, water environment, marine ecology, and socioeconomics. The Environment Agency raised concerns about future works to the river wall, but officers drafted a condition to address these concerns. Chris Byrd from Merlin Attractions Operations Limited and Councillor Evaine Dyer spoke in support of the application, highlighting the economic and social benefits of the London Eye. The committee discussed various aspects, including the potential need for future structural changes and the management of Section 106 contributions. Ultimately, the committee resolved to approve the application for the permanent retention of the London Eye.

The second topic was the reserved matters application for Block B of Lambeth College's Vauxhall campus redevelopment. The application focused on the appearance, layout, and scale of Block B, following the parameters set by a previously approved hybrid planning application. The design was reviewed by the council's design officers and found to comply with the established design code. Nina Wheatley from Lichfield's planning consultancy spoke in support of the application, emphasizing the high-quality design and the alignment with the Department of Education's requirements. The committee discussed the layout of cycle parking and the impact on neighboring properties. The application was approved, subject to conditions, including those related to bird nesting mitigation.

Overall, the committee approved both applications, ensuring the continued operation of the London Eye and the progression of the Lambeth College redevelopment project.