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Cabinet - Thursday, 20th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 20, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Cardiff Council Cabinet meeting on 20 June 2024 covered significant topics, including the Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee Annual Report, provision for children and young people with additional learning needs (ALN), and the budget monitoring out-turn for 2023-24. Key decisions were made on the approval of the ALN proposals and the budget monitoring report.

Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee Annual Report

Councillor Lister introduced the Corporate Parenting Advisory Committee Annual Report 2023-24, highlighting the council's commitment to children in care. He thanked Councillor Mary for chairing the committee and staff members Matt and Lucy for their support. The report detailed various strategies, including the corporate parenting strategy, participation strategy, and accommodation strategy, aimed at supporting children looked after. Councillor Lister noted the success of the virtual school in improving educational outcomes and acknowledged ongoing challenges, particularly in health. He also celebrated achievements such as a young person publishing a book and the annual Bright Sparks Awards.

Councillor Lancaster raised concerns about out-of-county placements and the associated £5 million overspend in the Directorate. He inquired about the results of the recent foster carer recruitment drive. Councillor Lister responded, emphasizing the importance of providing a range of care options and focusing on preventing children from becoming looked after.

Provision for Children and Young People with Additional Learning Needs (ALN)

Councillor Mary presented the report on the provision for children and young people with additional learning needs. The proposals aimed to create an additional 100 formal places across the city, including new specialist resource bases (SRBs) at several schools. Only one objection was received, related to establishing a secure fence line at Fairwater Primary, which was not directly related to the ALN proposals. Councillor Mary recommended approving the proposals, which the Cabinet agreed to.

Councillor Rodney inquired about the overall projected cost savings and the concerns raised by the scrutiny committee and Estyn regarding suitable buildings and funding. Councillor Mary clarified that the majority of the new provisions would be within existing buildings, minimizing risk.

Budget Monitoring Out-turn 2023-24

Councillor Weaver discussed the budget monitoring out-turn for 2023-24, noting a balanced position despite financial pressures in some service areas, particularly children's services. He highlighted the importance of transparent and thorough reporting and thanked the finance officers for their work.

Councillor Rodney raised concerns about future flexibility in the budget due to ongoing capital schemes like the arena project. Councillor Weaver acknowledged the challenges and emphasized the need for continuous monitoring and realignment of budgets. Councillor Rodney also asked about savings from discretionary rate relief, which Councillor Weaver explained as a result of lower-than-expected calls on the budget.

The Cabinet agreed to note the budget monitoring report and its recommendations.