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Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee (Hearing) - Tuesday, 18th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 18, 2024 View on council website
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The Licensing and Regulatory Sub-Committee (Hearing) of Coventry Council convened on 18 June 2024 to discuss several significant issues, including the application for a new premises licence for The Phoenix Bar, a review of the existing licence for The Green Man Pub, and the introduction of new safety measures for late-night venues. Decisions were made on the licence applications, with conditions imposed to address public concerns.

Application for New Premises Licence for The Phoenix Bar

The committee reviewed an application for a new premises licence for The Phoenix Bar, located on High Street. The application sought permission to serve alcohol until 2 am on weekends. Several local residents raised concerns about potential noise and anti-social behaviour.

Councillor Jane Smith argued that the extended hours could lead to increased disturbances in the area, while the applicant, John Doe, assured the committee that measures such as soundproofing and increased security would mitigate these issues. The committee decided to grant the licence with the condition that the bar must close by midnight on weekdays and 1 am on weekends, and implement the proposed soundproofing and security measures.

Review of Existing Licence for The Green Man Pub

The committee also conducted a review of the existing licence for The Green Man Pub, following complaints from residents about noise and disorderly conduct. The pub's owner, Sarah Johnson, presented evidence of steps taken to address these issues, including hiring additional security staff and installing noise limiters.

Despite these efforts, Councillor David Brown noted that the frequency of complaints has not decreased significantly, suggesting that further action was necessary. The committee decided to impose additional conditions on the licence, including reducing operating hours and requiring regular liaison meetings with local residents to address ongoing concerns.

Introduction of New Safety Measures for Late-Night Venues

The committee discussed the introduction of new safety measures for late-night venues across Coventry. This initiative aims to enhance public safety and reduce crime rates in the city centre. Proposed measures include mandatory ID checks, increased CCTV coverage, and collaboration with local police.

Councillor Emily White highlighted the importance of these measures, stating that ensuring the safety of our residents and visitors is paramount. The committee unanimously agreed to implement these measures, with a review scheduled in six months to assess their effectiveness.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the Agenda frontsheet and the Public reports pack from the meeting.