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Planning Committee - Thursday, 20th June, 2024 2.00 pm

June 20, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Planning Committee of Coventry Council convened on Thursday, 20 June 2024, to discuss several significant planning applications. Key decisions included the approval of a housing development on Dillotford Avenue and a loft conversion on Rochester Road, while a rear extension on Macaulay Road was also granted permission.

Garage Block, Rear of 152-174 Dillotford Avenue

The committee reviewed a planning application (PL/2023/0000197) to replace a garage block at the rear of 152-174 Dillotford Avenue with two affordable dwellings. The proposal included one three-bedroom and one four-bedroom house. A petition against the development, organised by Councillor Brown and signed by 39 residents, cited concerns such as increased traffic, safety issues, antisocial behaviour, loss of privacy, and potential harm to trees.

Grace, the planning officer, presented the application, highlighting that the site is currently underutilised and the new development would provide much-needed affordable housing. Despite objections, the committee approved the application, noting that the design met the council's standards and would enhance the area by replacing derelict garages with new homes.

For more details, refer to the final report and final plans.

Loft Conversion, 6 Rochester Road

The committee also considered a retrospective application (PL/2023/0001594) for a loft conversion at 6 Rochester Road. The existing structure, built without planning permission, was deemed too bulky and out of character for the conservation area. The revised proposal reduced the size and altered the design to better fit the neighbourhood.

Despite objections from neighbours about privacy and the structure's impact on the conservation area, the committee approved the revised plans. The planning officer noted that the new design was more in keeping with the area's character and met the council's guidelines.

Further information can be found in the final report and final plans.

Rear Extension, 32 Macaulay Road

Lastly, the committee reviewed an application (PL/2024/0000669) for a single-storey rear extension at 32 Macaulay Road. The extension aimed to infill an area between the existing rear extension and the boundary with a neighbouring property. The planning officer confirmed that the design was subservient to the host dwelling and would not negatively impact neighbouring properties.

The committee approved the application, noting that it complied with the council's design guidelines and policies.

Details of this application are available in the final report and final plans.

For a comprehensive overview of the meeting, you can refer to the public reports pack and the late representations.