Audit Committee - Wednesday 19th June 2024 7.00 p.m.

June 19, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Audit Committee of Newham Council met on Wednesday 19 June 2024 to discuss various topics, including the Affordable Homes for Newham contract variation, cyber security, and the Year Ahead Forward Plan. Key decisions were made regarding the addition of quarterly reports on the Savings Delivery Programme to the Forward Plan and actions related to cyber security and the Affordable Homes for Newham contract.

Affordable Homes for Newham Contract Variation

The committee discussed the Affordable Homes for Newham contract variation, noting that actions and comments that did not compromise exempt data could be recorded in the public domain. Members agreed that appropriately worded concerns could be reported back to the full Council. There were no questions on the public part of the report.

Cyber Security

The committee reviewed a report on cyber security, with no questions raised on the public part of the report. During the exempt discussion, several actions were recorded, including:

  • Officers were to send an updated version of Appendix B to the committee.
  • The committee was to receive a report on how the Council is strengthening cyber governance.
  • Details of opportunity costs in respect of bringing back incomplete reports were to be provided.
  • The Chief Executive was to be advised that the committee required a compliance discussion when considering the quarterly internal reports at the July meeting.

Year Ahead Forward Plan

A member requested that the quarterly reports on the Savings Delivery Programme be added to the Forward Plan, as recorded in Action AC220. The committee resolved to note the report.

Exempt Appendices Affordable Homes for Newham Contract Variation

During the exempt discussion on the Affordable Homes for Newham contract variation, the following actions were recorded:

  • The committee was to receive further details of programme costs and the contingency budget.
  • The committee was to receive the timeline to negotiate an agreement to end the contract with Higgins for new homes at Hathaway Crescent.

The committee resolved to suspend Rule 11 of the standing orders under 4.1. Council Procedure Rules, extending the duration of the meeting to 9.30 pm or until the conclusion of business, whichever was the soonest.

Actions Log

The committee noted that Action AC200 was outstanding and requested that the information be forthcoming. The report was noted.

For more details, you can refer to the Draft Public Minutes 21052024 v1 and the Forward Plan Draft 24-25.