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Culture and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 18th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 18, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Culture and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee of South Kesteven Council met on Tuesday, 18 June 2024, to discuss several key issues, including the performance of LeisureSK Ltd, the Grantham High Street Heritage Action Zone, and the draft Play Area Strategy. The committee also reviewed the corporate plan's key performance indicators and considered the establishment of a working group for LeisureSK Ltd.

Grantham High Street Heritage Action Zone Completion Report

Clare Saunders presented the Grantham High Street Heritage Action Zone (HSHAZ) completion report. The programme, funded by Historic England and South Kesteven District Council, ran from May 2020 to March 2024. It successfully delivered shopfront and building regeneration projects, including significant restoration works to Westgate Hall. The programme secured £672,000 from Historic England, matched by £284,000 from SKDC, and leveraged over £300,000 of private sector match funding. Challenges included inflation and the inflexibility of grant funding across financial years. The committee noted the report and its detailed successes and lessons learned.

Play Area Strategy

Paul Stokes and Michael Chester presented the draft Play Area Strategy, which outlines the council's priorities for managing its 38 play areas. The strategy aims to ensure high play value and opportunities for improved health and well-being. The committee discussed the importance of accessibility for people with additional needs and the potential for transferring play areas to third parties who can access external funding. The committee agreed to recommend the draft strategy to the cabinet for approval and requested an action plan to be developed and presented at a future meeting. The draft strategy can be found in Appendix 1.

Corporate Plan 2020-23 Key Performance Indicators

Councillor Noles presented the Corporate Plan 2020-23 Key Performance Indicators End-of-Plan and 2023-24 End-Year Q4 Report. The council fully achieved five of the seven stated actions, with one action rated amber and none rated red. The committee noted the report and celebrated the achievements over the past three years, including the review of the arts service and the development of a new physical and sports activity strategy.

LeisureSK Ltd - Progress on Actions Requested by Cabinet

Councillor Stokes presented the report on the progress of actions requested by the cabinet for LeisureSK Ltd. The committee discussed the financial challenges faced by LeisureSK Ltd, including a £153,000 overspend for 2023-24. The new board of directors expressed confidence in turning the situation around. The committee agreed to receive a further report providing detailed information on the results of the Leisure Management options appraisal at a future meeting. The detailed progress report can be found in Appendix 2.

Overview and Scrutiny Leisure Working Group

The committee considered the establishment of a working group to monitor the performance of LeisureSK Ltd. The draft terms of reference for the working group were discussed, but the committee decided that all matters relating to LeisureSK Ltd should remain part of the main committee meeting agenda. The committee agreed to schedule additional meetings or vary the timings of scheduled meetings as needed to ensure thorough discussion.

Performance of LeisureSK Ltd

Debbie Monkhouse presented the Performance of LeisureSK Ltd Report, highlighting the financial performance and challenges faced by the company. The committee discussed the importance of effective marketing and the need for a mitigation plan to address the financial overspend. The committee agreed to hold an additional meeting in early August to discuss the first quarter performance and mitigation plan in detail.

Work Programme 2024-25

The committee reviewed the work programme for 2024-25 and agreed to add an item to explore a more united strategy for leisure and sport across South Kesteven, involving other leisure providers and sports facility operators. The committee also agreed to schedule an additional meeting in early August to discuss the performance of LeisureSK Ltd.