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Western and Southern Area Planning Committee - Thursday, 20th June, 2024 10.00 am, NEW

June 20, 2024 View on council website  Watch video of meeting
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The Western and Southern Area Planning Committee of Dorset Council met on Thursday 20 June 2024 to discuss various planning applications. Key decisions included the approval of a temporary car park at Lakeside Superbowl, the deferral of an application to reduce affordable housing at Curtis Fields, and the approval of a café at Weymouth Rugby Club.

Lakeside Superbowl, St Nicholas Street, Weymouth

The committee approved the application for the demolition of the unused Lakeside Superbowl bowling alley on St Nicholas Street, Weymouth and the construction of a temporary 57-space car park. The Lead Project Officer explained that this was an interim stage in the potential future development of the site. Mr Christian, the agent for the application, supported the proposal, stating that the demolition would positively contribute to the area. The committee agreed that removing the vacant building would benefit Weymouth town centre.

The demolition of the unused building would be a positive contribution to the area, said Mr Christian.

The decision was proposed by Councillor Louie O'Leary and seconded by Councillor Nick Ireland.

Curtis Fields, Land South of Chickerell Road, Weymouth

The committee deferred the application to modify the Section 106 agreement for Curtis Fields to reduce the affordable housing requirement from 30% to 26.24%. The Lead Project Officer explained that the independent District Valuer's report determined that the full 30% requirement was no longer viable due to abnormal costs. Councillor Northam from Weymouth Town Council objected, citing the serious need for affordable homes in the area. The committee expressed concerns about setting a precedent for reducing affordable housing and decided to defer the application for further review.

Reducing the requirement could set a precedent for other developers to seek to reduce their contribution, said Councillor Northam.

The decision was proposed by Councillor Kate Wheller and seconded by Councillor Sarah Williams.

Weymouth Rugby Club, Monmouth Avenue, Weymouth

The committee approved the application for the change of use of part of the Weymouth Rugby Club car park to a café. The Senior Planning Officer explained that the new application addressed previous concerns about noise and odour by relocating the kiosk further away from neighbouring residential properties. Mr Williams, the agent for the application, spoke in support. The committee agreed that the relocation addressed the issues, and the decision was proposed by Councillor Paul Kimber and seconded by Councillor Nick Ireland.

Charmouth Road Park and Ride Car Park, Lyme Regis

The committee approved the application for the erection of a café, new vehicular access, and the installation of 10 electric vehicle charging stations at the Charmouth Road Park and Ride car park. The Senior Planning Officer initially recommended refusal, citing the scale of the facilities as disproportionate and the lack of evidence for the building's necessity. However, public support from Mr Cope, Mr Green of Lyme Regis Town Council, and Councillor Bawden led the committee to approve the application, considering the economic benefits and the support from the Town Council and Ward Member.

The Warwick Guest House, The Esplanade, Weymouth

The committee approved the application for listed building consent to relocate the main SSEN electricity service line cut-out board from the ground floor to the first floor of The Warwick Guest House on The Esplanade, Weymouth. The Conservation and Design Officer explained that the new location would allow better access and prevent damage from damp issues. The decision was proposed by Councillor Sarah Williams and seconded by Councillor Louie O'Leary.

For more details, you can refer to the Public minutes 18042024 1000 Western and Southern Area Planning Committee.


Councillor Dave Bolwell
Profile image for Councillor Chris Kippax
Councillor Chris Kippax  Liberal Democrats •  Yetminster
Councillor Belinda Bawden
Councillor Neil Eysenck
Councillor Paul Kimber
Councillor Craig Monks
Councillor David Northam
Councillor Louie O'Leary
Councillor Pete Roper
Profile image for Councillor David Shortell
Councillor David Shortell  Conservative •  West Moors and Three Legged Cross
Councillor Kate Wheller
Lara Altree
Bob Burden
Penny Canning
Ann Collins
Philip Crowther
Susan Hetherington
Joshua Kennedy
Charlotte Loveridge
James Lytton-Trevers
Hannah Massey
John Miles
Robert Parr
Matthew Pochin-Hawkes
James Potten
Megan Rochester
Steve Savage
Elaine Tibble
Katrina Trevett
Thomas Whild
Nicola Yeates
Profile image for Councillor Clare Sutton
Councillor Clare Sutton  Green Party •  Rodwell and Wyke