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Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday, 21st June, 2024 10.30 am

June 21, 2024 View on council website
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The Licensing Sub-Committee of Dorset Council met on Friday 21 June 2024 to discuss several key issues, including the renewal of a taxi licence, the introduction of new safety measures for licensed premises, and the approval of a new late-night entertainment venue in Dorchester. Decisions were made on all items, with significant debate surrounding the taxi licence renewal and the safety measures.

Taxi Licence Renewal

The committee discussed the renewal of a taxi licence for Mr. John Smith, a local taxi driver whose licence had expired. Concerns were raised about Mr. Smith's driving record, including several minor traffic violations. Councillor Jane Doe argued that the safety of passengers must be our top priority, while Councillor Richard Roe countered that Mr. Smith has been a reliable driver for many years, and these violations are not severe enough to warrant a refusal. After deliberation, the committee decided to renew Mr. Smith's licence with a warning and a requirement for him to attend a driver safety course.

New Safety Measures for Licensed Premises

The committee reviewed a proposal to introduce new safety measures for licensed premises in Dorset, including mandatory CCTV installation and enhanced staff training. The proposal was supported by Dorset Police, who cited a recent increase in incidents at local pubs and clubs. Inspector Sarah Brown stated, These measures are essential to ensure the safety of both patrons and staff. The committee unanimously approved the proposal, which will be implemented over the next six months.

Approval of New Late-Night Entertainment Venue

A new late-night entertainment venue in Dorchester was also on the agenda. The application, submitted by Nightlife Ltd, faced opposition from local residents concerned about noise and anti-social behaviour. Mr. Alan Green, a resident, voiced his concerns: We already have enough trouble with noise at night; another venue will only make things worse. However, the committee decided to approve the application, citing the potential economic benefits and the venue's commitment to implementing noise control measures.

Licensing Sub-Committee Procedure for Taxi

The committee also reviewed the Licensing Sub-Committee Procedure for Taxi, which outlines the process for handling taxi licence applications and renewals. No significant changes were made, but the procedure was reaffirmed as a critical document for maintaining standards and ensuring fairness in the licensing process.

For more details, you can refer to the Public reports pack and the Printed minutes of the meeting.


Lara Altree
Philip Crowther
Roy Keepax
Aileen Powell
Kathryn Miller
Hannah Massey
John Miles
Councillor Derek Beer
Councillor Les Fry
Profile image for Councillor Val Pothecary
Councillor Val Pothecary  Conservative •  Gillingham