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Cabinet - Thursday 20th June 2024 6.00 pm

June 20, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting Watch video of meeting
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The Solihull Council Cabinet meeting on 20 June 2024 covered several significant topics, including the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) update, the proposed disposal of small areas of council land, the re-ballot for the Solihull Business Improvement District (BID), and the refresh of the Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy.

Medium-Term Financial Strategy Update

The Cabinet reviewed the Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) Update Report and the final out-turn for 2023-24. The council finished the year with an overall overspend of £8.149 million, primarily driven by a £7 million overspend in children's services. The finance team was commended for delivering the statement of accounts before the statutory deadline. The report highlighted pressures from business rates and the need for further financial sustainability measures. Councillor McLachlan raised concerns about the use of reserves and the impact of business rates on the council's finances. The Cabinet approved the recommendations in the report, including the continuation of the Budget Strategy Group.

Proposed Disposal of Small Areas of Council Land

The Cabinet discussed the proposed disposal of two parcels of council land used for community functions. The first site is a playground at Fen End, and the second is an adventure playground at Chelmsley Wood. Both sites are to be leased to local organisations to secure investment for their maintenance. The Cabinet approved the public consultations required for these disposals.

Solihull Business Improvement District (BID) Re-Ballot

The Cabinet considered the re-ballot for the Solihull Business Improvement District (BID) for a fourth term. The BID has been supporting economic growth in the town centre since 2010. Extensive consultation showed strong support from local businesses, with 99% of surveyed businesses in favour of continuing the BID. The Cabinet approved the council's vote in favour of the BID re-ballot.

Refresh of Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy

The Cabinet reviewed the Playing Pitch and Outdoor Sports Strategy, which aims to protect, enhance, and provide new sports facilities in the borough. The strategy identified significant shortfalls in rugby and cricket pitches and highlighted the need for better community access to school sports facilities. The Cabinet approved the strategy, noting the importance of maintaining and improving sports facilities to meet growing demand.

Risk Management Information Report

The Cabinet also reviewed the Risk Management Information Report for 2023-2024. The report introduced a new five-by-five risk matrix for better granularity in risk scoring. The Cabinet noted the reduction in the number of corporate risks from 17 to 11 and discussed the management of high-level risks, including those related to the MTFS and children's services.

The meeting concluded with the approval of all discussed items and a move to a private session to discuss confidential matters.


Jackie Hill
Bridgett Scanlon
Rachael Ward
Rebecca Boswell
Dean Ward
Louise Lynch
Neeraj Malhotra
Shahida Malik
Councillor Karen Grinsell
Councillor Bob Sleigh OBE
Profile image for Councillor Ken Hawkins  Cabinet Portfolio Holder
Councillor Ken Hawkins Cabinet Portfolio Holder  Cabinet Portfolio Holder - Environment & Infrastructure •  Conservative •  Blythe
Councillor Ian Courts
Councillor Max McLoughlin
Councillor Mark Parker