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Governance and Audit Committee - Wednesday, 19th June, 2024 10.00 am

June 19, 2024 View on council website Watch video of meeting
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The Governance and Audit Committee of North Kesteven Council convened on Wednesday 19 June 2024 to discuss several key topics, including the internal audit annual opinion, the draft internal audit plan, and updates on various audits and policies.

Internal Audit Annual Opinion

The committee reviewed the internal audit annual opinion provided by RSM, the previous internal audit team. RSM's report, which covered 13 audits conducted since October 2023, gave an overall adequate opinion. Specific audits included responsive repairs, payroll, purchasing and creditors, follow-up work on previous audits, and the Section 106 agreement report. The committee noted that RSM had met all their performance indicators and expressed satisfaction with the progress made.

Draft Internal Audit Plan

Gurpreet Dule from BDO, the new internal audit team, presented the draft internal audit plan for 2024-2025. The plan includes 200 days of audit work, with 15 flexible days for unassigned tasks. Key areas of focus will be council tax, NNDR, main financial systems, business continuity planning, disaster recovery, data protection, staffing capacity, and homelessness. The committee approved the plan and the accompanying charter, which outlines BDO's ethical principles and objectives.

Treasury Management Annual Report

Richard Wyles, Deputy Chief Executive and Section 151 Officer, presented the Treasury Management Annual Report for 2023-2024. The report highlighted significant improvements in investment income due to higher base rates, resulting in an additional £800,000 in income. The committee noted the council's prudent investment strategy and the positive benchmarking results compared to district peers.

Whistleblowing Policy

The committee reviewed and approved the updated Whistleblowing Policy for 2024-2026. The policy includes a web form for anonymous reporting and outlines the process for handling whistleblowing concerns. The committee discussed the importance of maintaining anonymity and ensuring that all complaints are taken seriously, regardless of their perceived vexatious nature.

Anti-Money Laundering Policy

The committee approved the updated Anti-Money Laundering Policy for 2024-2026. The policy, which aligns with current legislation, aims to prevent the council from being used for money laundering activities.

Key Performance Indicators

Councillor Philip Knowles presented the proposed Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for 2024-2027. The committee discussed the importance of mandatory training for councillors and the need for personal development plans. The KPIs will be reviewed annually to ensure they remain relevant and challenging.

Work Programme

The committee reviewed and noted the work programme for 2024-2025, which includes regular updates on internal audits, treasury management, and policy reviews.

The meeting concluded with no additional business, and the next meeting was scheduled for 17 July 2024.